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Messages - LevelWing

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Spin Zone / Re: Medicare for all.....
« on: March 11, 2016, 01:51:26 PM »
If I had to make a guess it would be that instead of bureaucrats working for a profit motive you'd have bureaucrats working for the government.  But that is only a guess.  But the mechanism truly isn't that important.  The results have been repeated over and over again in most western democracies.  It is a very difficult thing with which to argue.
Healthcare is a for profit business. You may not like it or agree with it, but it is. Doctors do not work for free. Yes there are doctors who do free work or join organizations that do not pay them much but the majority of doctors in America make money. They have to. They have to pay for the building they work in, the utilities they use, the equipment they need to treat patients and certainly to be able to provide for their families. Healthcare is not a right and it is a business.

I am still waiting for you to explain how we pay for a nationalized healthcare system or why you don't want to move to Europe if you think their societies are so much better than ours.

Spin Zone / Re: March 10 GOP Debate
« on: March 11, 2016, 09:45:52 AM »
It may be, but I made that comparison on my own pretty early on.

Watch some of Hitler's speeches, and tell me if there's not at least some commonality with the brash, sweeping proclamations and the mocking tone.
Hitler was trying to rally the German population after losing and being humiliated after WWI. Hitler wanted to round up anyone who wasn't blonde haired and blue eyed (never mind Hitler was from Austria and was not blonde hair and blue eyed himself). Hitler blamed everything on the Jews and used that to fire up the people. Hitler was an evil, terrible person. There is no comparison between him and Trump. Sure, the optics don't look great when you have a crowd of people raising their right hands swearing allegiance to a candidate but I would not put that anywhere in the same book as Hitler.

Spin Zone / Re: March 10 GOP Debate
« on: March 11, 2016, 09:35:38 AM »
No candidate is perfect and no candidate is without their flaws. I do happen to think that Trump is a megalomaniac. I have genuine concerns about his positions given the fact that he has flopped on them many times, including important ones such as the 2nd Amendment. During a previous debate he was challenged on his position on H-1B visas by Megyn Kelly, changed it on the stage and within hours changed it again. Like Gimp, I believe people can indeed change their viewpoints and be sincere about it but I don't believe that Trump is serious about at least some of his flops. Trump has a very unique way of taking positions, changing them and then saying he was always for or against a particular issue and is the strongest on that issue.

Like I said previously, it's not as though Trump doesn't have his strong points. His ability to work the media and keep them in check is nice to see since none of the other candidates do it. I don't agree with his raising your hand and pledging to support him but I will not compare him to Hitler; I think that's a mainstream media attempt at taking him down. I'm not on board with the "Never Trump" folks but I every day I get a little closer. I'm just not sold on him.

Spin Zone / Re: Yet Another Kick to the Nuts of the Tenth Amendment
« on: March 08, 2016, 07:07:46 PM »
That's patent nonsense.  The Federal government represents the US in its dealings with other nations, including immigration.  Next you're going to say that the Fed has to poll the States in order to make a treaty.
Actually, yes. That's why the Senate is the body that ratifies treaties and not the House. The Senate's role is to represent the States in Washington, D.C., whereas the House represents the people.

Spin Zone / Re: Fox Special Report Town Hall
« on: March 07, 2016, 07:50:20 PM »
Megyn Kelly's show is showing clips from the Democratic Town Hall and I can't believe some of the stuff being said, both by the candidates and by the Frank Luntz focus group after. Lots of talk about feelings and relating to each other. When Brett Baier asked Senator Sanders where the right to healthcare came from, his response was "by being a human being". No, Senator, that's not how this works. In fact, to sum up the Democratic campaigns so far:

Spin Zone / Re: Best reason yet to vote for Trump!
« on: March 05, 2016, 11:32:47 AM »
The celebrities aren't going anywhere. Outside of the U.S., they have no money, fame and certainly no power. Nobody cares about them. Remember that these are the same people who say they are part of the party of tolerance and diversity and that free speech is something that should be championed, at least until you disagree with them.

Spin Zone / Re: So will Cruz disavow Beck now?
« on: March 04, 2016, 05:00:34 PM »
I'm not sure why Cruz needs to disavow this. It was a comment made by a radio host against a candidate (or his radio co-host), Cruz has nothing to do with this.

Let's not forget that a sitting U.S. Senator, Lindsey Graham, jokes about murdering Ted Cruz on the Senate floor and nobody getting convicted for it. People say dumb things. Poor choice of words all the way around.

Spin Zone / Re: I'm going to punt this one for 100, Alex
« on: March 04, 2016, 10:21:11 AM »

I don't think they should be handled at the federal level, but some of the questions are actually good questions and would have allowed me to better understand the core values of the candidates. But OTOH, why does it matter when its outside the scope of the job, kinda like getting a blow job oral sex in the Oval Office, right?
By saying it's a 10th Amendment issue, that does tell you about their core values. It tells you they believe in the enumerated powers and what should and should not be a federal issue.

Spin Zone / Re: Jaybird's reduced participation on PS
« on: February 24, 2016, 09:07:39 PM »
When I saw the title I thought the same thing.
Same here. Glad to see you aren't leaving, Jaybird.

Spin Zone / Re: Black People Don't hate White People...
« on: February 19, 2016, 06:42:50 PM »
I'm not even sure where to begin.

Aside from the fact it was horribly written, the author is also wrong. Where does he get the right to demand that every white person he comes into contact with prove to him that they aren't racist and are doing everything they can to hunt down racists and stop it? How about this instead: When you come into contact with me I'll show you respect and you do the same?

From the article:
You know these racist white people exist in the world. You know they are the ONLY reason we have so much racial animosity these days.
The only reason? Really? We only have racial animosity because of racist white people? Not racist black people?

Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 15, 2016, 03:16:07 PM »
I'm just kinda surprised there's any debate on this at all - the sitting President gets to select Supreme Court Justices. Democracy in action.

If and when there's a Republican president, then he'll get to choose if and when another vacancy opens up.

It just seems so simple.
First, the President doesn't get to select Supreme Court justices, he gets to nominate them and it's up to the Senate to confirm them. There is no obligation that the Senate confirm the nominee. Second, a president doesn't get to choose if there is a vacancy on the court since they are lifetime appointments. Generally speaking, with death being the exception, Supreme Court justices try to retire during a presidency that is closely aligned to their ideology so that their replacement is also of the same ideology.

Spin Zone / Re: Single payer healthcare
« on: January 17, 2016, 07:16:02 PM »
So they government gets to decide who lives or dies, and what quality of life you have left.
That's what happens when you go to a single payer system. Perhaps not right away, but eventually it will.

Spin Zone / Re: Should we worry?
« on: January 11, 2016, 08:16:37 PM »
I find it ironic that every time the President uses mass shootings as a method to push his gun control platform, he actually causes gun sales to skyrocket.

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