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Messages - LevelWing

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Spin Zone / Re: Tillerson Possibly Out; Pompeo Possibly In
« on: December 01, 2017, 10:36:31 AM »
What's the point in escalating the NK situation? Why waste time and effort on them? Are they a threat to the US? If so, please explain. Aside from being a nasty piece of work, we have little to fear from NK. As for our good friend SK, we will not let the north move against them again. Kim knows this. Let him splash rockets in the sea, I don't want to show our capabilities against goading from a dictator of NK which has little ability to make war.
I'd say that a mad man with nuclear weapons that are likely capable of reaching anywhere in the U.S. is absolutely a threat to us.

Spin Zone / Re: Now Yellen is worried about the debt!
« on: November 30, 2017, 09:01:32 AM »
The only way out is to cut SPENDING, that’s been the problem all along.
This is important because cutting the increase in spending isn't enough; the overall spending levels must be reduced.

I’m not the one that has an issue with athletes who choose to take a knee during the national anthem to point out a systemic problem. I could care less, and I support my fellow citizens exercising their constitutional rights toward expression of speech.


Show me a law, regulation, or even taboo that requires standing during the National Anthem, and I’ll happily concede. Otherwise, why try stomping on someone’s rights to free speech?
This is not a constitutional issue, this is a business issue. The government is not making any efforts to restrict or prohibit speech. This is a private organization that is allowing players to use their stadiums and national television platforms to make social statements. That's fine and if they want to allow that, they're welcome to do so. The fans are also welcome not to attend, watch, or purchase merchandise.

The irony in all of this is that by attempting to make fans choose sides they're actually promoting the very divisiveness they accuse Trump of creating.

Spin Zone / Re: To football players who take a knee
« on: October 10, 2017, 12:42:37 PM »
The problem is that it's akin to being sorry for getting caught. Ratings are down, profits are down and attendance is down and the NFL is trying to recover from that. If they believed that players should honor the flag and country then they would've said that from the start instead of doubling down.

Spin Zone / Re: To football players who take a knee
« on: October 01, 2017, 12:56:18 PM »
And those same people are trying to hide behind whatever cop out (in this case religion) they can muster up.
Religion is a cop out? Seriously? You really believe that the state should be able to force someone to abandon their religious principles and sell a product or service? The point about selling them other goods was showing that they weren't discriminating against them because they were gay, but their request for a wedding cake violated the owner's religious beliefs. You're essentially saying that one's religious belief's don't matter if it conflicts with a "protected class."

As for the original topic: it's all smoke and mirrors. Colin Kaperrnick took a knee last year during the anthem. Big deal. He wasn't disrespectful, he was quiet about his protest. When it came time for him to do his JOB (play football), he did so with no disruption to his team or the game. Triggered conservatives were beside themselves crying about patriotism. Then, people moved on and the issue ebbed away in the general ADHD that is our modern society.
Many do in fact find it disrespectful. There are a number of ways he could've protested but he chose to kneel during the national anthem to make a statement. We can get into a bunch of other issues around whether or not it was right, what he's protesting against, etc. But we're now discussing this because of the manner in which he chose to protest.

In fact, nobody said anything about it until Trump went off about it at a rally.

Theory and Practice don't intersect, unfortunately.
Glad to see you posting again!

Spin Zone / Re: Now Trump won't leverage DACA for wall funding?
« on: September 14, 2017, 11:08:40 AM »
I see it as he gave up a bargaining chip for ... nothing in return. Nothing.
Maybe he's a true Republican after all?

Spin Zone / Re: Would you donate to California?
« on: August 28, 2017, 02:05:36 PM »
It's at these times that politics should be set aside so that we can put our focus on where it needs to be: helping those in the affected areas. These are the times where our country unites and shows the true character of America and her citizens. Whether it's a hurricane in Texas, an earthquake or a fire in California or flooding in North Dakota, there are people who are in need right now. If someone has the ability and desire to help, they should. That can be a monetary donation, sending supplies, etc.

Spin Zone / Re: 'No one is above the law': John McCain
« on: August 28, 2017, 01:59:53 PM »
There's an article out today from the editors of the National Review regarding the Arpaio pardon and they raise some interesting points.

Quote from: National Review
We are mindful of the hypocrisy of the Left regarding abuse of the president’s constitutional pardon power. President Clinton put it on sale for the benefit of donors and cronies. President Obama used it to effectively rewrite Congress’s narcotics statutes, for the benefit of drug felons and in circumvention of his duty to execute the laws faithfully. Both commuted the sentences of anti-American terrorists from the FALN and the Weathermen. These were disgraceful acts.

His methods are working very well, hence the progressives and MSM demanding he get off of social media.
Disagree. The media are loving his tweets and there are a lot of conservatives who think he should stop with the inane tweeting. That doesn't mean stop tweeting altogether, just stop with the inane tweets.

His tweeting is distracting from what his message should be. There are some good things getting done but instead of tweeting about that he's too busy tweeting about a reporter's facelift or of him body slamming CNN.

Spin Zone / Re: Thoughts on health care in the US.
« on: June 28, 2017, 12:17:59 PM »
How about the second or even the third abortion would require permanent sterilization.  Dems often use the camel's nose strategy to get what they want.  Why can't we?
Why should the federal government be paying for any of it?

Spin Zone / Re: Kennedy May Retire Next
« on: June 25, 2017, 02:24:14 AM »
Yet another article has come out discussing the possibility of Kennedy's retirement at the end of next week. With any luck, he'll retire and enjoy his retirement and Trump will get to nominate another Gorsuch type to the Court.

Spin Zone / Re: Cancel Recess and Get To Work
« on: June 20, 2017, 10:48:44 AM »
The Republicans keep putting self imposed deadlines on themselves for the health reform. Both tax reform and health care need to get done, but I'd rather them get it right then rush through a weak bill, especially the weak health care bill the House passed. They need to make headway on Trump's budget as well. Even if they don't want to fund everything he asked for, figure out what's a priority for Congress and what's a priority for the White House and start working together. There is zero reason the Republicans can't get something done given that they have the majority in both houses.

Spin Zone / Re: The Comey Show
« on: June 08, 2017, 07:41:29 AM »
Yep, that's the narrative the MSM wants you to believe.  Wonder why the MSM hates Trump using social media?   That's because he bypasses them and keeps them from taking his comments and editing them into soundbites so they can attempt to control what comes from him.  How dare the President state his opinion without the consent of the MSM.
Nonsense. It's obvious the President has the ability to use Twitter and speak directly to the American people. He isn't helping himself with many of his tweets, though. He can't stop himself from tweeting and when it's something new, the media goes crazy over it for obvious reasons. When the leader of the free world speaks, people listen regardless of the medium through which he speaks.

Bullshit. There is a lot of twisting and contorting by the liberal progressives in order to make it appear there was wrong doing when it's been proven over and over there was not.
The Russians attempting to interfere in the election isn't concerning? Kushner trying to establish a back channel with the Russians using their embassy equipment isn't concerning? It can be true that these things are concerning but not illegal. It can be true that these things are dumb and show Trump and his team's inexperience and not be illegal.

This idea that Trump is 100% correct and hasn't done anything wrong or hasn't hurt his own agenda is silly.

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