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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 115 116 [117] 118 119 ... 156
Spin Zone / Re: Obamacare Death Spiral
« on: September 29, 2016, 04:28:34 AM »
Trump has said clearly that the government will be paying for it.

Jeff, I really don't believe a thing you say anymore. 

Spin Zone / Re: What Kind of White Person Do you Want to Be?
« on: September 28, 2016, 08:08:42 PM »
Last time I was in Ga. I casually mentioned to one of the fellows I was with that there were more back people where we were than my home burb.  They very rudely said that we could have them, and proceeded into a long vituperative rant about African Americans.  I managed to massage the situation explaining that many of the aforementioned in my neck of the woods were Somali immigrants seeking a better life (and quickly changed the subject), but truly I had never in my life seen such naked bigotry.  And this was educated fellows and pilots.  I'm glad I'm in an academic situation in a northern state, I dislike discrimination and racism and am happy to hold it at arms length.
Yet you felt the need, in the Deep South, to point out that there are more blacks in wherever you were in Georgia as compared to your town in Ohio.  Seriously?  I lived in Charlotte for 6 years, and my daughter went to vet school in Mississippi, and I have spent my fair share of time in the south.  I'm not sure I would have ever asked a question like that.  What exactly was the point? 

There is a term for people like you:  you are a racial narcissist. As long as you are the first to point out the racism of others, you believe you are superior to others, while also insulated yourself against any charges of racism against you. 


Spin Zone / Re: THIS would be so cool...
« on: September 28, 2016, 04:03:42 PM »

Mars has the theoretical ability of being terraformed, the moon does not.
Maybe, but that would take decades at a minimum.  Probably centuries.  A test colony on the moon would help iron out a lot of the bugs and allow for the research and the technological development that will be needed at a much lower cost.  The moon would make for a great proof-of-concept.

Spin Zone / Re: Tax the rich and corporations..fair share....blah, blah
« on: September 27, 2016, 08:00:38 AM »
So the "rich" top 5 %  paid 57% of all federal income tax and Hillary is going to tax them more.  What a loser, she avoids taxes with her foundation.

Spin Zone / Re: Tax the rich and corporations..fair share....blah, blah
« on: September 27, 2016, 06:30:00 AM »
Romney trounced Obama in their first debate, then faded. It ain't over until the fat lady locks up.

Spin Zone / Re: Tax the rich and corporations..fair share....blah, blah
« on: September 27, 2016, 06:07:19 AM »
I dont thnk either one scored enough points to change any ones mind. But at least Hillary didnt pass out.

Spin Zone / Re: Dead People Voting
« on: September 26, 2016, 09:14:26 PM »
I tend to prefer the approach that Canada uses: an independent, non-partisan elections organization that reports to parliament.

Yeah, because calling it non partisan would eliminate national partisan control of the process. (Insert derisive snort here).  The people who get involved with this are there because they are partisan.

I trsut this to be non partisan the same way I trust judges, the Attorney General and the FBI to be non partisan.

Spin Zone / Re: Now, for something completely different
« on: September 26, 2016, 05:10:14 PM »
Same reason you old people want your damn social security. (Makes motion of shaking cane in the air.)


Maybe because WE PAID INTO IT?  If I invested it myself I'd have a lot more, yet the Fed government stole from me all those years.  Nice huh?

Spin Zone / Re: Dead People Voting
« on: September 26, 2016, 08:09:53 AM »
Wipe off the voter rolls every 4 years. Asking voters to re-register once every 4 years is not a burden when it comes to caring about the Republic.
Excellent idea, really.  I've been contemplating asechrest's assertion that voting should be as effortless as possible.  I don't agree. It should be as robust as possible, and that doesn't usually happen with "easy."

Spin Zone / Re: Dead People Voting
« on: September 26, 2016, 06:46:54 AM »
Courts have established that qualified individuals have a constitutional right to vote. The proposal to "wipe the slate clean" every four years and make people re-register is essentially a mass revocation of that right from many who are known factually to be eligible. I don't see how it would ever survive the scrutiny of the courts.

Nobody is talking about denying anyone the right to vote.  Just making them verify that they're still there. 

How about grades of validation in the system?  You have to respond to a mailer or else you cast a provisional ballot with your fingerprints on it?

Spin Zone / Re: Ted finally does it
« on: September 25, 2016, 09:29:31 AM »
So, if you agree with someone that you'll sell them your car for $5,000, and the buyer then says "I'm not paying you!" Then you're still obligated to give him your car?

When one side repudiates a contract, other parties are absolved from any obligation they have to the repudiating party.
It wasn't a quid quo pro contract.  It was a pledge to perform.  Nowhere did anyone pledge to support the nominee as long as everyone else agrees to do so too.
Sorry, but you are grasping at smoke.

Spin Zone / Re: Dead People Voting
« on: September 25, 2016, 09:21:19 AM »
On wonders what all those dead people were doing on the registration rolls.  But I suppose removing the deceased from voter registrations is just too difficult.
Every time I have seen an effort to clean up the registration rolls, the democrats screamed that it was an effort to disenfranchise the poor and the blacks.

Spin Zone / Re: voter id alternative
« on: September 25, 2016, 06:58:27 AM »
Nothing like expensive solutions to nonexistent problems.

You misunderstand.  The problem is confidence in the voting system.  It is way too easy to commit fraud in this system, virtually impossible to detect it and a very small likelihood of suffering any consequences for doing it. 

With as easy it is to do, I cannot comprehend that it is not occurring, nor anyone being able to definitely state that it is not occurring because the only artifact after the fraud is completed is a vote, a ballot which looks exactly like every valid ballot. 

Fraud not happening would require a populace with a much higher moral code that they exhibit in every other aspect of life.  So every time that someone says "there's no fraud going on", I hear "don't look too close, I don't want you to find it". 

I'm not alone in this.

Spin Zone / Michael Reagan on Trump
« on: September 24, 2016, 09:10:48 AM »

I think he makes a lot of good points in this article.

But let me be the first to say:   But Trump is no Ronald Reagan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone gives my father credit for the hostages going free on the day he was sworn in, and they should. But one reason they went free was because he kept the Iranians guessing.

They never did know whether he’d nuke them until he didn’t.

I find it interesting this election year that the right and the left keep asking the same questions of Trump. What will he do to defeat ISIS?

But the real story shouldn’t be what Trump might do. It should be what Hillary Clinton won’t do. To appease her voters and liberal friends in the media, she’s already said she won’t use ground troops. I’m sure the monsters who run ISIS were relieved to hear that.

Spin Zone / Re: Reactions to Louisiana Flooding Crisis
« on: September 23, 2016, 07:02:03 PM »
He wasn't criticized by me.  But before Katrina he treated FEMA like a bad entitlement program, and then found his administration unprepared to deal with the aftermath of Katrina.  Perhaps even a FEMA at its best could have done little with a disaster of that proportion.  The real damning thing was he was supposed to be the POTUS who would deal with terrorism, yet his administration couldn't cope with a well tracked and utterly forecast natural phenomenon.  Made them appear utterly incapable of dealing with the chaotic onset of terrorism.

Seems to me that the current floods are a disaster of similar magnitude, and like I said I'm not seeing a lot about how bad the federal response is.  You might all claim the media is keeping it quiet, but I doubt it.  Everyone likes a story about government ineptitude, no matter who's in charge.

The incompetent DEMOCRAT mayor and governor screwed the pooch long before FEMA got involved.

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