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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 429 430 [431] 432 433 ... 1351
I have heard that sometimes they manufacture good stuff for their own use and export the crap.  I'm sure that's true at least sometimes.

 The Chinese are not as smart as some tend to believe.  This is why they steal technology from other countries.  Think about it, what break through technology have they come up with 100% from the mainland?

 This is why the CCP embeds spies in every industry that produces technology. 

One of the worst mistakes the US ever made was opening up relations to the illegitimate nation of mainland China, thinking that they would magically see the superiority of democracy and capitalism. They saw it with respect to capitalism for sure, by stealing our intellectual property, manipulating trade to their unfair advantage, and using it to modernize and become strong, but they remained authoritarian with the same thugs in charge where the definition of communism is, “we pretend to be owned by the People while the party hoards power and wealth and everyone else lives under totalitarian rule.”

Now we have created a monster bent on world domination and we are literally dependent on this hostile entity for all our shit, which they can’t manufacture to any reasonable standard.

When someone sees this disaster for what it is and tries to correct it (Trump) he is demonized by the elite class (political and corporate allies) and Democrat sheeple; the former because of corruption and the latter, stupidity.

 The CCP has infiltrated every level of government, and has gone into large corporations and planted people into high levels while the principals are getting massive payouts.

 In order to fuel China's economy, they need a market place to sell their crap, and the US is a "prime" marketplace.   Of course, it destroys our manufacturing base and places the US at the mercy of China (how convenient).

 And now our WH has a guy who is totally compromised by the CCP, so they can do as they please without fear of retaliation.   And the principals of our large corporations are just as happy to start sending our manufacturing back to mainland China.

 And let's top all of that off with biological warfare.   We have a communist country that our own government FUNDED to create a biological weapon, and they openly used it against us and the western world in order to gain control.

 And the US does............nothing.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: June 03, 2021, 04:36:41 AM »

WHO should he take along for company?

Whitmer, Coumo, Newsome..............

Long, long list.

Pilot Zone / Re: Bought a Navion
« on: June 02, 2021, 05:08:57 PM »
Replace.  He’s calling a very good engine shop tomorrow. It’s cracked 3/4 around the barrel.

I look forward to the time that I can actually enjoy this ownership thing.

 You typically spend the first year working out the problems from the previous owner(s).  After that it usually levels out.

This’ll get as much attention and credibility as Hunter’s laptop.

Dunno.  Reports this afternoon is that the WH wants to dump Fauci over the emails.

And Amazon plus several other large book retailers have pulled Fauci's book advance sales.   

The evidence is stacking up against Pope Tony, and it's his own words (in video and emails) that is unraveling him.

He needs to be put in an orange jumpsuit and taken down to Gitmo for a tribunal.

The sequence was examined by top-notch western virologists and published in one of the most preeminent science journals.  I really don't care what some unknown Chinese person says about it, unless that person can pass the sort of peer-review necessary to get into one of the top journals.  And before you say its all programmed, keep in mind that journals love the NEW.  If someone really could prove that COVID was an engineered virus released on purpose every science journal on the planet would want to publish it. That is NEW.

My thought about the rampant incompetence in the government response is the the POTUS realized the deadly nature of the virus, lied about it to the American people, and instead of promoting behaviors that might have mitigated the crisis engaged in promoting quack cures and arguing with his own experts.  The virus has killed 190,000 Americans with us doing everything in our power to slow it down.  That's many times the number killed by influenza with us doing nothing to slow it down.  The worry was always that it would overwhelm our medical system like it did in Italy.  Came close in the North East.

And what honks me off is that you guys deride the vaccine makers, dedicated scientists trying to cure this thing as parasites, while the guys who clean up their garbage are heroes.

Kristian Andersen – the head of the Andersen Lab at Scripps Research Institute in California – told Dr. Fauci in late January 2020 that “unusual features” of the COVID-19 virus led him to believe it was “potentially engineered.”

Pilot Zone / Re: Bought a Navion
« on: June 02, 2021, 03:21:47 PM »
Fuuuuuuck. A&P found a cracked #2 cylinder today.

Welcome to ownership. 

Shouldn’t be a big deal.   Gonna replace or repair?

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: June 02, 2021, 03:09:34 PM »
This was biological warfare.   I said this last year and still stand behind it.

There is but one purpose for gain of function research, and that fuckin’ Pope Tony was behind it.  Everyday more and more truth is coming out.

Spin Zone / Re: Referencing PilotSpin is not permitted
« on: June 02, 2021, 03:07:00 PM »
Asking for a friend. How would one intentionally avoid the know-it-all condescending jackass at Oshkosh? You know the one, lives in a mansion on a grass strip, name drops to impress people, over there on POA, you know the guy.

That dipshit?   The guy that to this day won’t take responsibility for trashing his engine?

Just look for the goofiest and most moronic idiot walking around, that’s him.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: June 02, 2021, 11:10:23 AM »

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