Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Mase on September 27, 2016, 10:34:24 AM

Title: Climate Skeptic Files RICO Lawsuit..
Post by: Mase on September 27, 2016, 10:34:24 AM
...against climate-change cabal.

LINK (https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/09/12/exclusive-climate-skeptic-files-sweeping-rico-lawsuit-against-most-all-climate-related-ngos-and-some-individuals/)

"1. This is a civil suit against Climate Action Network and other corporations, who engaged in a long-term criminal scheme, involving a false claim that anthropogenic release (or emissions) of carbon dioxide caused a dangerous “global warming” or a dangerous “climate change”, and persecution of the dissidents or demanding government actions, based on this false claim, including money transfer. In fact, the anthropogenic release of carbon dioxide significantly increases agricultural production worldwide. The surface warming, theoretically caused by increased concentration of carbon dioxide, is insignificant and almost undetectable, and is expected to be globally beneficial.
2. Beginning in early 1988 and continuing through the present (the “Scheme Period”), the Defendants and other enterprise members acted in concert with each other in order to further their criminal scheme (the “Climate Alarmism Enterprise”). Each defendant has participated in the operation and management of the Enterprise, and has committed numerous acts to maintain and expand the Enterprise."

Ha.  Using Sheldon  Whitehouse's tactics against him.  This is great.
Title: Re: Climate Skeptic Files RICO Lawsuit..
Post by: Steingar on September 27, 2016, 11:06:39 AM
Anybody can file a suit for anything.  Saddest thing is this not the most frivolous, though it is up there.
Title: Re: Climate Skeptic Files RICO Lawsuit..
Post by: Number7 on September 28, 2016, 06:21:32 AM
The mmgw crime syndicate will attack this with everything they've got or risk losing their front row seat to the most successful swindle in modern history.
Title: Re: Climate Skeptic Files RICO Lawsuit..
Post by: Anthony on September 28, 2016, 08:56:43 AM
The mmgw crime syndicate will attack this with everything they've got or risk losing their front row seat to the most successful swindle in modern history.

People are seeing through it.  Back in 2007, I was having a beer at a restaurant in W. Palm Beach, FL when a mother and daughter sat next to me at the bar.  We began a conversation just shooting the breeze when the conversation turned to Man Made Global Warming.  The daughter, a high school student was incredulous when I indicated I didn't believe that man was to blame for climate.  She had obviously been indoctrinated by her schooling, and the media that man was to blame for the weather.  Today, even the Democrats know Man Made Climate Change is a loser, and a falsehood, and even Hillary pulled it from her talking points.   
Title: Re: Climate Skeptic Files RICO Lawsuit..
Post by: Number7 on September 29, 2016, 08:15:29 AM
When the mmgw 'prophet' Al Gore bought a beachfront home you knew that people other than those with a financial interest in the scam were going to sit up and start to question all the lies.
Title: Re: Climate Skeptic Files RICO Lawsuit..
Post by: nddons on September 29, 2016, 08:36:37 AM
People are seeing through it.  Back in 2007, I was having a beer at a restaurant in W. Palm Beach, FL when a mother and daughter sat next to me at the bar.  We began a conversation just shooting the breeze when the conversation turned to Man Made Global Warming.  The daughter, a high school student was incredulous when I indicated I didn't believe that man was to blame for climate.  She had obviously been indoctrinated by her schooling, and the media that man was to blame for the weather.  Today, even the Democrats know Man Made Climate Change is a loser, and a falsehood, and even Hillary pulled it from her talking points.
So how did the conversation turn out?  And how did the mom feel about it?  People have no idea that that giant ball of fire up in the sky is good for anything other than sun tans, and couldn't possibly influence climate because their earth science teacher never said that it matters.
Title: Re: Climate Skeptic Files RICO Lawsuit..
Post by: Anthony on September 29, 2016, 09:25:43 AM
So how did the conversation turn out?  And how did the mom feel about it?  People have no idea that that giant ball of fire up in the sky is good for anything other than sun tans, and couldn't possibly influence climate because their earth science teacher never said that it matters.

The Mom was non committal.  The daughter was just so surprised that I was a Denier.  This was before the "Denier" phrase was used.  We just agreed to disagree.  I just knew that the daughter was so indoctrinated that there was no point in arguing.  I did tell her that when I was in High School the Communists at the time were trying to convince everyone we were going to have another ICE AGE DUE TO MAN.  Remember that one?  The "Ozone Layer".  Oh the horror.