Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Lucifer on January 06, 2019, 06:50:37 PM

Title: The Conservative Coward Caucus
Post by: Lucifer on January 06, 2019, 06:50:37 PM

What has Republican congressional “leadership” given us since 2016? A repeal of the Affordable Care Act? A reduction in government spending? A reduction in the endless wars the country was fighting? No. They allowed for the endless Russian collusion delusion to go forward. They aided and abetted the Left in its administrative coup against the duly elected president of the United States simply because Trump wasn’t part of their club of Beautiful Losers.

With the predictable return of Democratic Party control over the House, the Republicans have resumed their preferred form of supplication at the altar of democratic socialism. The Republican House members voted the noted Paul Ryan flunkie, Californian Kevin McCarthy, as the new GOP minority leader rather than the Ohio pugilist, Jim Jordan.

At the outset of his reign as the Left’s new lovable loser, McCarthy told the press he would end the House investigations into Hillary Clinton’s malfeasance—though the investigations are far from finished. McCarthy also publicly begged Trump to end the government shutdown and to give up on the wall.
Title: Re: The Conservative Coward Caucus
Post by: Anthony on January 07, 2019, 06:12:50 AM
The Republicans, especially the Establishment types are just as obstructionist as the Democrats.  These career politicians need to be primaried out of office, and replaced with true conservatives.  The RINO's in my area have all been replaced by Far Left Democrat WOMEN.  I think I prefer someone like that who at least honestly tells me they are a Communist, and want America to be another socialist Europe. 
Title: Re: The Conservative Coward Caucus
Post by: Little Joe on January 07, 2019, 06:40:17 AM
The Republicans, especially the Establishment types are just as obstructionist as the Democrats.  These career politicians need to be primaried out of office, and replaced with true conservatives.  The RINO's in my area have all been replaced by Far Left Democrat WOMEN.  I think I prefer someone like that who at least honestly tells me they are a Communist, and want America to be another socialist Europe.
I agree with the idea of getting rid of the career politicians.  I switched from being against term limits (let the ballot box determine term limits) to being very much FOR term limits a long time ago.

But NO WAY can I understand preferring an honest commie(?) over any sort of conservative. 

Also, I don't equate ineffective Conservatives with successful liberals.  I don't like either, but at least our ineffective conservatives sometimes slow down the liberal train.  They did get us an effective tax reform bill.  If we elect all liberals, we will end up irretrievably broken before anyone has a chance to figure out what is going on.  I see great hope with the direction of the SC, assuming Trump gets at least one more appointee.
Title: Re: The Conservative Coward Caucus
Post by: Anthony on January 07, 2019, 06:52:18 AM
I agree with the idea of getting rid of the career politicians.  I switched from being against term limits (let the ballot box determine term limits) to being very much FOR term limits a long time ago.

But NO WAY can I understand preferring an honest commie(?) over any sort of conservative. 

Also, I don't equate ineffective Conservatives with successful liberals.  I don't like either, but at least our ineffective conservatives sometimes slow down the liberal train.  They did get us an effective tax reform bill.  If we elect all liberals, we will end up irretrievably broken before anyone has a chance to figure out what is going on.  I see great hope with the direction of the SC, assuming Trump gets at least one more appointee.

I was being a bit facetious.  Yes, even RINO Republicans are probably better than "Honest Commies" as the R's are more likely to vote with their party than D's.  But, my frustration is coming through with Republicans that LIE to me, and say the right things, then turn around and stab us in the back. 
Title: Re: The Conservative Coward Caucus
Post by: Little Joe on January 07, 2019, 07:00:52 AM
I was being a bit facetious.  Yes, even RINO Republicans are probably better than "Honest Commies" as the R's are more likely to vote with their party than D's.  But, my frustration is coming through with Republicans that LIE to me, and say the right things, then turn around and stab us in the back.
Ok, I understand that.  I feel the same way.  But most of the real liars have been with the old guard that term limits would dispose of.  They younger ones that made campaign promises to get elected, then did an about face were almost always coerced by the old guard.  The seniority system makes coercing the junior representatives easy.
Title: Re: The Conservative Coward Caucus
Post by: Rush on January 07, 2019, 07:05:49 AM
Well it all comes back down to the fact that the divide in this country isn't really right vs left, Dem vs Repub, or conservative vs liberal. The true divide is swamp vs the rest of us, career pols vs the rest of us, the powerful elite vs the rest of us. The far left has taken over the Dems and the Dems have got many of the Repubs neutered, (and half the population brainwashed) and the election of Trump was the rest of us sending a message against the DC status quo. Who here really thought Trump was a conservative? It was his outsiderness that got him elected.
Title: Re: The Conservative Coward Caucus
Post by: Anthony on January 07, 2019, 07:16:39 AM
^^^^^We are battling the ROYALTY CLASS, yet again. 
Title: Re: The Conservative Coward Caucus
Post by: Becky (My pronouns are Assigned/By/God) on January 07, 2019, 08:16:51 AM
Well it all comes back down to the fact that the divide in this country isn't really right vs left, Dem vs Repub, or conservative vs liberal. The true divide is swamp vs the rest of us, career pols vs the rest of us, the powerful elite vs the rest of us. The far left has taken over the Dems and the Dems have got many of the Repubs neutered, (and half the population brainwashed) and the election of Trump was the rest of us sending a message against the DC status quo. Who here really thought Trump was a conservative? It was his outsiderness that got him elected.
This is the theme we need to address with our liberal friends and relatives because it is indeed the greatest threat.
Title: Re: The Conservative Coward Caucus
Post by: Anthony on January 07, 2019, 08:58:41 AM
^^^^^We are battling the ROYALTY CLASS, yet again.


Great post. 
Title: Re: The Conservative Coward Caucus
Post by: Rush on January 07, 2019, 09:11:46 AM


Great post.

If you had to say so yourself.  ;D

I agree too.
Title: Re: The Conservative Coward Caucus
Post by: Anthony on January 07, 2019, 09:34:54 AM
If you had to say so yourself.  ;D

I agree too.

Unlike Val Kilmer's portrayal of Doc Holiday in "Tombstone", my hypocrisy knows no bounds.  :)