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Messages - Lucifer

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Two priests leave a restaurant after having a nice dinner and wine together. As they're driving down the road they come up to a police roadblock.

A policeman approaches their vehicle with a flashlight and taps on the window motioning to roll it down. "Evening!" says the officer.

"Good evening officer - what seems to be the trouble"? asks the 1st priest in the drivers seat.

"We're looking for a couple of pedophiles", the officer explained.

The 1st priest rolls up his window as the police officer watches him have a discussion with the 2nd priest in the passenger seat. The officer, waiting patiently starts to become concerned because their conversation seemed to never end.

Finally, the window rolls down, and the 1st priest says.

"Okay, when do we start"?

Spin Zone / Paul Ryan's Farewell Speech
« on: December 19, 2018, 07:24:37 PM »
Naw, I didn't watch either.

Good Fuckin' riddance!

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. to pull out of Syria
« on: December 19, 2018, 07:16:36 PM »
A thought occurred to me today.

 This Syria pull out has a purpose.  Trump is goring someone's ox by doing this.  Big contracts are gonna fall.

 Any bet on the back room negotiating going on right now?

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. to pull out of Syria
« on: December 19, 2018, 11:26:33 AM »
Yep. The fact that our people are still getting killed by IEDs is ridiculous.

 They are just "the cost of doing business".    $800 Billion+  has been spent there of our money, most going to very lucrative civilian contracts and contractors.

 50,000+ lives lost in VN for much the same cause, but lots of companies made $millions$ in the process.

 War is big business. 

Spin Zone / Re: Boy Scouts, as seen by Mike Rowe
« on: December 19, 2018, 09:29:45 AM »
Hey douchebag,

 You've just insulted douchebag's everywhere........... ;D


Spin Zone / Re: DeSantis next to be Trumped
« on: December 19, 2018, 09:26:58 AM »
We had some friends for dinner last week and heard the story of what they did, we need a lot more people like them on the local level.

This was back prior to 2012. They got involved with the county election board and discovered that rules were being broken and - no surprise- it was the Dems doing it, so they embarked on an educational campaign. They produced a video about the exact election rules and started educating the poll workers etc. It was totally non partisan, just the rules on the books about how to conduct the election legally.  Well the Dems in charge SUED them. Hauled them into court and they also embarked on a media campaign to destroy them. Well it backfired. The judge found in their favor because they had done nothing wrong and the media campaign ended up turning the people against the Dems for their viciousness and the whole county turned from blue to red majority, and all this was prior to 2012 when one of them was involved in a bad accident and they had to drop out of politics completely.

What they did was bring to light the illegal stuff the Dems were doing and I like to think most people have a sense of fairness and don't want to see our election system corrupted. Hopefully most people sense that if it's corrupt then our entire democratic system is endangered so they don't want either side to cheat.

 We just witnessed election fraud during the 2018 mid terms. And while we saw some complaining, nothing has really changed.  Look for 2020 to be an all out assault.

 Again, the problem lays with career politicians on every level.   

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. to pull out of Syria
« on: December 19, 2018, 09:19:11 AM »
I think this is a good thing!  Will liberal/progressives (Democrats) acknowledge Trump is doing the right thing here?

 The establishment and the military industrial complex will fight this.  War zones are big business.   

Spin Zone / Re: DeSantis next to be Trumped
« on: December 19, 2018, 07:54:25 AM »
You're right.  What am I thinking?  It's not like there will be an uprising by the populace, or anything.  The Republicans just go along to get along, and as long as they keep their offices, power, money, and careers they DON'T CARE.  Maybe we should all vote Democrat, give them one party rule like they want so it becomes so bad that people actually will want to change the status quo.

  It's a bad situation, for sure.

  If the populace would start getting actively involved, we may see change.  But that change won't begin until we start tossing out the career politicians.  As long as they are embedded and don't worry about not getting reelected, they have their own agenda, which doesn't include us.

 Progressive (communism) ideology is a cancer, and it will continue until it kills the body. 

Spin Zone / Re: DeSantis next to be Trumped
« on: December 19, 2018, 07:32:43 AM »
If the Democrats keep up their national push for lawlessness when they don't get their way there will be HELL TO PAY.

 By who?  The republicans just cower away, and our justice system looks the other way.   

 The losers we keep sending to the congress and senate don't seem to be bothered by any of this.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump does an about face
« on: December 19, 2018, 06:57:57 AM »
This topic, which YOU started, is about building the wall.  Now you are changing your argument to talk about people that have already crossed the wall-less border and are currently living here illegally.  It makes it hard to argue a point when you change the premise.

He's trolling, nothing more.

Don't feed the troll.

Spin Zone / Re: DeSantis next to be Trumped
« on: December 19, 2018, 06:51:53 AM »
Democrats think it is now OK to steal elections when they lose.  The MEDIA doesn't hold them accountable, as they are largely just a Democrat propaganda machine.  Therefore, there is no public outcry for this crap.

 By letting the current charade happening in DC go unchecked, the dims have added a new chapter to the playbook.  This chapter says that when an election is lost, make unfounded allegations against the winner, demand several investigations be launched in search of a crime.  Then, harass anyone that is associated with the winner by again alleging corruption and criminal activity.  Demand they are guilty and demand them to prove their innocence.

 Then, delay and obstruct every one of their appointments, and obstruct anything and everything they do.

 This is beginning for DeSantis already.  Also watch the guy that won Georgia, he'll get Trumped as well.   Thanks to the spineless GOP this will get out of control.

Spin Zone / Re: Boy Scouts, as seen by Mike Rowe
« on: December 18, 2018, 08:26:58 PM »

Spin Zone / DeSantis next to be Trumped
« on: December 18, 2018, 07:20:55 PM »
It seems the alt left progressives in Florida just can't accept that their guy Gillum lost.  Gillum was an Obama clone.

So now the dims are lining up one investigation after another against Governor Elect DeSantis.  They are in search of a crime. They are convinced DeSantis won by doing something illegal.  DeSantis will be hounded with endless investigations and allegations.

Sound familiar?   The die has been cast.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump does an about face
« on: December 18, 2018, 05:49:34 PM »

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