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Topics - Little Joe

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Spin Zone / Court to take up case of Constitutional Carry.
« on: April 27, 2021, 06:01:36 AM »
What are the odds that this will pass?

Even if it does pass, I suspect they will attach so many strings as to make it a joke.
But I suspect it won't pass, and among others I suspect John Roberts will be one of the deciding votes to take it down.

I hope I'm wrong.

That way, my boycott would be more meaningful.

And since they are limiting the number of fans anyway, they probably won't have any trouble filling all the available seats.  But perhaps not watching on TV will hurt the advertising revenue.  But I haven't watched any pro sports for years anyway, so again, my absence won't be noticed.

But it will be interesting to watch the results of their pulling the All-Star game out of Georgia because of their political bias.

Spin Zone / Automatic Rifles? Really?
« on: March 24, 2021, 10:49:10 AM »
I heard this on the radio this morning.  I'm not sure who said it, but I'm sure it won't really surprise anyone here.

The vast majority of mass killings are done with Automatic Rifles

The closest mass killing with an auto that I can recall was that guy that used a bumps stock.
I assume he is thinking "AR15" is an Automatic Rifle.

Spin Zone / 500,000 Dead from Covid
« on: February 25, 2021, 07:41:01 AM »
I would really like to know how many of those 1/2 million people would be dead today anyway if there was no COVID. Quite a few I suspect.

And I wonder how many other people died that wouldn't have if it weren't for COVID.  Depression suicide, avoidance of medicare due to the COVID scare mongering have surely taken lives unnecessarily.

The best thing about all those COVID precautions is that the flu pretty much disappeared this past year.

Spin Zone / Where do we go from here?
« on: February 13, 2021, 02:55:19 PM »
How many of the 7 traitor Republican Senators are up for re-election in 2022.  Without looking, I'm guessing very few of them because this would seal their fate.  Romney might be the exception; he hates Trump enough to fall on his sword.

But the big issue is 2024.  I think we can win in 2024 if we don't screw it up.  We need a good, solid conservative with charisma.  Charisma shouldn't be important, but the reality is that it is the most important trait to win.  Nikki was one of my favorites, but I'm not so sure now.  Kristi still rings hot with me (in more ways than one).  Could she be our first woman President?

I think Trump is history.  Even if he ran and won, he would only be eligible for one term.  But I can't see any reality in which he could win again.

Spin Zone / Nancy Pelosi "personally" promises to triple match donation.
« on: January 28, 2021, 05:13:50 PM »
For some reason I keep getting emails from Nancy Pelosi begging me to donate to the DNC goal.  she promises that any donation I make she will "Personally" triple match.

Just how much money does she have?  Or, as in typical liberal fashion, is she donating Other People's Money?

Spin Zone / Minimum wage
« on: January 27, 2021, 06:19:19 PM »
When I owned my business (a veterinary hospital), I paid substantially above minimum wage for good, quality, experienced workers.  Our prices reflected it and my customers, for the most part, appreciated it.

But I had so many young people with no experience come to me begging for jobs, but I would tell them I require experience.  They all had the same refrain:
"How can I get experience if nobody will hire me because I have no experience?"

Finally, I decided on an experiment that worked out great.  I started hiring two promising young people at a time at minimum wage, Which was about half my regular starting salary for veterinary assistants.  I told them this was a temporary position that would help them gain experience, but I would require that they put in the effort to learn.  I would make these kids clean kennels, sweep floors, clean bathrooms and help help the veterinary assistants and technicians any way they could.  Some of these people discovered that working in a veterinary hospital was not as glamorous as they thought and would quit.  But some of them proved that they could handle the poop and pee and vomit and endless litter boxes.  I occasionally hired some of these people full time at my regular rates, but many of those that I didn't hire were able to apply to other veterinary hospitals and legitimately claim to have "EXPERIENCE!".  They were happy.  I was happy and my regular employees were happy to have someone to do the dirty jobs of cleaning and disinfecting everything.

When I sold my business, the new owners kept up the program. 

However, I talked to them (the new owners) about it today.  They said if the minimum wage is boosted to $15/hour, they will probably have to quit offering these entry level jobs and going back to only hiring proven, experienced people.  So all those young kids begging for a chance for an opportunity will have to keep looking.

Spin Zone / I love what Biden is doing
« on: January 27, 2021, 06:15:56 AM »
Especially shutting down Keystone.  It virtually assures that the Dems will lose in 2022 and 2024, unless the opposition really fucks up.  Again.

The impeachment is going to blow up in their faces.
Minimum wage is going to put a bunch of people out of work.
Oil imports and prices are going to surge.
Crime is going to surge
Productivity is going to plunge.
All those people in Georgia that tried to vote themselves $2k checks are going to be pissed.
Antifa and BLM will use all the rope the Dems give them and hang themselves through unimpeded violence against themselves and their benefactors.

But the US is a big ship and takes a long time to go down.  We will still have time to fix it in the next few election cycles.

The problem is, I am 68 yrs old.  I'm not sure how much time I have left to wait.

Spin Zone / Will there be more violence?
« on: January 13, 2021, 05:09:27 AM »
I have heard several liberals state that there will be more violence during the inauguration.  I's almost like they are hoping for it.

Outside of "normal" protests, do you expect anything close to the storming of the capitol to happen again?

Spin Zone / Is it illegal to burn a flag?
« on: January 05, 2021, 06:35:49 AM »
The answer is NO if it is the American flag.  Go ahead and burn it.  It is your Constitutional right to free speech.

But the answer is YES if it is the BLM flag!  You have no right to free speech; If you are saying the wrong thing.

Spin Zone / I got my stimulus money today!
« on: January 02, 2021, 10:14:39 AM »
I checked my bank account this morning and I had a $1,200 deposit.  Now I gotta go stimulate something. 

Last time I gave half to my laid off brother and half to the food bank.  This time I might spread it around to places like the FBO fuel pump and some restaurants. (plus give the food bank another donation).

Spin Zone / Advice to Joe Biden
« on: December 27, 2020, 07:01:57 AM »
Get everything you want done this year, because in 2022 you are going to lose the House AND Senate.

Spin Zone / How hard would it be to have a mask test?
« on: December 21, 2020, 08:57:10 AM »
Round up a dozen COVID patients from the thousands clogging up our hospitals,.
Put half of them in a room and make them wear masks.
Put half of them in a room without masks.

After a couple of hours, go test all the surfaces it the rooms for the virus.  If the room full of NO mask wearers has a bunch of virus germs all around, then ditch the masks.  If the no-mask room is much worse than the mask room, then continue recommending masks.

Spin Zone / The recipe thread:
« on: December 03, 2020, 12:10:24 PM »
Here's a simple starter.

I like to heat a little vegetable oil in a skillet and lightly brown some onions.  Then I throw in some cherry tomatoes (halved or not) and add some salt, pepper, garlic and some herbs (fresh, if I have it) like oregano or parsley and jalopeno.  It only takes a few minutes and I can throw it over pasta or fish or some other roasted vegetables.  I might brown some diced chicken with the onions.  Or I might even eat it plain.  It is a very versatile side.

I don't think I have ever measured an ingredient except back in the day when I baked bread.

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