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Topics - Mr Pou

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Spin Zone / Stimulus checks
« on: April 22, 2020, 06:16:33 AM »
So, I was doing some poking, and what I thought I read was the personal stimulus checks were merely early credits against your potential 2020 tax refund.  If true, this will have big impacts on people come 15APR20. Anyone done some digging on this?

Spin Zone / The latest COVID entitlement, rent strike!
« on: March 31, 2020, 04:44:50 AM »

"New York, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco and St. Louis are among many cities that have temporarily banned evictions, but advocates for the strike are demanding that rent payments be waived, not delayed, for those in need during the crisis."

"For me personally, with everyone losing their jobs and unable to pay, it's really the only thing we can do," Kofron said of the strike. "It's just like we the people have to do something. We just can't stand idly by while the system takes us for a ride."

Listen up, you signed the contract, not me. You're not being taken for a ride, just being asked to pay what is rightfully owed. The sense of entitlement in the US is just boggling. So, because you don't have the foresight and/or fortitude to maintain a rainy day fund, you expect others to use THEIR rainy day fund to keep you in shelter?

Another sign that the US is doomed. Everyone is entitled to everything, and the "rich" will pay for it all.

EDIT: Oh, and by the way Einstein, what happens when your landlord can't pay his note on the place? You end up out in the street none the same, except you just take more people down with you.

Spin Zone / Who stands to benefit from COVID-19?
« on: March 20, 2020, 04:34:47 AM »
So, while I was getting ready to go to work, it hit me. Jeff Soros is going to come out of this smelling like a rose. With people sheltered in place and/or afraid to leave their homes, Amazon is going to do fantastic while at the same time the virus will drive a stake through the heart of many poorer performing brick and mortar stores/chains. It will also wield a mighty blow to Amazon's only real competitor, Walmart. Yup, it's all win for Soros.

And then I think of Soro's beliefs and where he puts his money and...

Nah, I must be watching too many James Bond movies...

Who else wins with COVID-19?

Spin Zone / Manufactured recession
« on: August 16, 2019, 10:39:28 AM »
So I'm seeing a lot of stories/articles in the media on how to prepare for the upcoming recession. Of course, if it's advertised well enough, the people will believe it, clamp shut their wallets, and there really will be a recession. I believe the recession of 2008/9 was largely manufactured.

So who is pulling the strings here? And why? I surmise a certain group of people might think a timely recession just might hurt a certain re-election campaign. Hmmm...

Spin Zone / Wild ass going waaay out on a limb supposition...
« on: October 30, 2018, 04:33:05 AM »
When I see the alt.left's tactics, violence, extreme belief that they're right and everyone else is wrong, win at all costs, and now the shooting in Pittsburgh, I think Nazisism. How the 5th column today, like the early days of WWII, is trying to influence the public, and in ways that seem totally palatable to otherwise reasonable people. Is the world entering another dark age?

Yeah yeah, I'm probably way out at the end of the nut tree branch, but...

Spin Zone / Fake news
« on: December 19, 2017, 05:14:38 AM »

Spin Zone / Leftist control of media expands
« on: December 15, 2017, 05:09:40 AM »
So, Disney buys a large chunk of Fox, the brainwashing will continue.

Some cat named Tom Steyer, so I look him up and he's a democrat hedge fund manager worth $1.6B, and a staunch supporter of Clinton and BHO. Life gets stranger.

Spin Zone / Martha Raddatz
« on: October 08, 2017, 07:31:06 AM »
Makes me wretch. That is all.

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