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Messages - Noah W

Pages: [1] 2 3
Spin Zone / Retired Police Officer...
« on: August 26, 2019, 01:54:13 PM »
hits the nail on the head.

Tony Perkins

Noah W

Read THIS, then you decide.

Noah W

Spin Zone / Re: Trump / McCain
« on: March 22, 2019, 12:30:11 PM »
McCain was no hero...he was a rat bastard traitor to his fellow POWs. It has been known for a very long time he has covered up information on Amerian POWs even before it became public knowledge. I dont think they have yet uncovered how deep it goes. If I had a chance to piss on his grave I, along with countless others would give them three days to gather a crowd to watch.

McCain and the POW Cover-Up

Noah W

We were warned...

Paul Harvey 1965

Listen closely

The Poll is exactly what he said would happen.

Noah W

Spin Zone / Aviation History
« on: February 14, 2019, 11:05:02 AM »
 You will remember that on July 8th, 1947, witnesses claim an unidentified object with five aliens aboard crashed on a sheep-cattle ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico.  This is well known incident that many say... has been profusely covered up by the the Air Force and the US government.

  However you may well NOT know that in the month of March 1948, exactly nine months after that historic day, Albert A H  Gore, Jr ; Hillary Robum, John F. Kerry, William Jefferson Cliton, Hohard Dean, Nancy Pelousi, Diane Fiendstein, Chuck E. Hummer, and Barbara Botox Boxer were born.

  That piece of information now has cleared up a lot of things !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Noah W

Nor SNL. This is a hilarious example of how laughing at ourselves makes us see more clearly. I guarantee you will laugh, or the next round’s on me!

  ;D ;D ;D

THIS is the one they could never do again.

Noah W

Spin Zone / Conspiracy Theories
« on: January 29, 2019, 05:28:55 PM »
Interesting but long read starting with Post #489 through Post #509.   Post #1 lays out the basis for this thread. Wild and crazy, solid fact based and all sorts of stuff in between is laid out in it. Most of the post in this thread are from HI-Speed Low-Drag BTDT types. A lot of the guys posting in this thread seem to have done a lot of deep research. Good time killer if you are into conspiracy theories...or not.

Noah W

Spin Zone / Re: Bullshitters Room
« on: January 16, 2019, 07:08:40 PM »
What is this pile of crap about the "Bullshitters room" I thought this was the "Bullshitters "Board".

Anyways, When I was 23, I married a woman who was pretty as could be. I was a Navy SEAL who was drafted to be a Green Beret. After spending mumble jumble in mumble jumble, I finally escaped the clutches of the most beautiful woman in the universe. She had kept me in chains 24 hour a day except for three hours a day. She made me strip nekkid and frolic in with her in what was sheer ecstasy. The fact that I was commanding a secret black ops mission flying the newest mumble jumble most secret mumble  jumble to rescue the cough, cough from the evil communist haters of the far away planet Planetron had nothing to do with my capture or escape. I was captured despite being a highly decorated Navy SEAL...or was that an Air Force seal... and Green Beret, because I was weak of heart, spirit and horny as hell. Anyhoo, the mission was shot all to hell and only 3 won the Green Beret...Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me...that was a song. When we got back, we were given the largest ticker tape parade ever seen. It was bigger than Lindberg or Mr. Rogers ever thought, or didn't, about throwing for themselves. We then proceeded to imbibe in the most rotten rotgut anyone has ever tasted. Not having had homemade holistic healing, however horrible, honestly healthy, happy juice in over twenty two terribly terrifying years was just too much for us. We all passed out and I don't remember anything else. With my twenty eighth birthday coming up 42 years ago next year I suppose I have led a wonderful productive life. Maybe after I recover from this slight hangover I will think of some more heroic tales from the swave and deboner life I have yet to fulfill.

In case you are wondering I am a blueblood of Polish ancestry, but that is another whole story.

Noah W

Thank you Tee Ball...

Noah W

More on Snopes:

"David and Barbara Mikkelson, the founders and proprietors of Snopes, have been found on many occasions to have "erred" on the side of the truth best benefiting the Left's narrative on issues."

The Angry Patriot Movement

Conservative Firing Line

Noah W

Spin Zone / Re: PoA mods do it again...
« on: November 25, 2018, 07:35:02 AM »
Ya reckon my last post in this stupid thread will get it locked or me banned?

Where can I get ethanol-free mogas

Noah W

Spin Zone / Re: Fake rooftop town
« on: November 14, 2018, 11:08:30 AM »
Boeing was not the only one to do that...

Fake towns

Noah W

Spin Zone / Re: Fixing baseball(MLB)
« on: October 26, 2018, 08:01:08 AM »
I have been going to BB games for 60 years. I never went for the action. I went then and still do for the company. Bunch of buddies or several couples just enjoying each others company for a couple of hours in a relaxed atmosphere. Try that at a NHL, NFL, or NBA game. It can't be done. So it takes three hours...BFD. It is just a lazy laid back day at the ballpark.

Noah W

Spin Zone / Re: New Democrat TV Ad
« on: October 24, 2018, 04:19:05 PM »
Anyone who thinks the demonrat party is out for the good of the people of the USoA needs to rethink their position. The d's are responsible for the most intrusive and destructive invasion of the God given Rights written and affirmed by the Constitution of the United States, starting with FDR and continuing today. Only under the mooslim half negro when he doubled down with his radical agenda did the People begin to wake up and realize what was happening. That is why Hilarity the "Pantsuit Felon Clintoon is not the POTUS today. It is imperative to maintain control of Congress and get rid of the "Professional Politicians" that rule the roost in both the House and Senate. Then and only then can we began to clean up and return America to the way it was meant to be by our Founding Fathers as written in both the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Any one who understand this has no knowledge of the history of the US, or is a complete ID10T. Otherwise if you don't like America GTFO.

Noah W

Spin Zone / New Democrat TV Ad
« on: October 23, 2018, 11:21:20 AM »

Noah W

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