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Topics - Noah W

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Spin Zone / Retired Police Officer...
« on: August 26, 2019, 01:54:13 PM »
hits the nail on the head.

Tony Perkins

Noah W

Spin Zone / Aviation History
« on: February 14, 2019, 11:05:02 AM »
 You will remember that on July 8th, 1947, witnesses claim an unidentified object with five aliens aboard crashed on a sheep-cattle ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico.  This is well known incident that many say... has been profusely covered up by the the Air Force and the US government.

  However you may well NOT know that in the month of March 1948, exactly nine months after that historic day, Albert A H  Gore, Jr ; Hillary Robum, John F. Kerry, William Jefferson Cliton, Hohard Dean, Nancy Pelousi, Diane Fiendstein, Chuck E. Hummer, and Barbara Botox Boxer were born.

  That piece of information now has cleared up a lot of things !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Noah W

Spin Zone / Conspiracy Theories
« on: January 29, 2019, 05:28:55 PM »
Interesting but long read starting with Post #489 through Post #509.   Post #1 lays out the basis for this thread. Wild and crazy, solid fact based and all sorts of stuff in between is laid out in it. Most of the post in this thread are from HI-Speed Low-Drag BTDT types. A lot of the guys posting in this thread seem to have done a lot of deep research. Good time killer if you are into conspiracy theories...or not.

Noah W

Spin Zone / New Democrat TV Ad
« on: October 23, 2018, 11:21:20 AM »

Noah W

Spin Zone / Understanding our Government
« on: March 19, 2018, 10:03:25 AM »
For those that forgot...or those that are just ignorant.

This is what our Founding Fathers gave us...and why.

Noah W

Spin Zone / ID10ts
« on: March 07, 2018, 07:05:09 AM »

Does that mean that this brilliant liberal wants…

– women to be banned from entering school and college campuses? (Heh. A woman free zone. – GOC)

– women to be banned from any establishment selling alcohol?

– women to be banned from polling places on election days (That would be the death of the Dimocrat Party – GOC)

– women to be banned from any official government group meetings?(No women in Congress – GOC)

– all women to be banned from all airports?

– you to have to pay a fee to the state before you can have a woman with you?

– some women to be banned outright simply because they look too scary?

– all women to be locked up at all times that they are not in use?


– Does she also think that all guys should have more than one?

– That all women should come with silencers?

– All women need to be cleaned and greased after each use, then put in a locked box?

Noah W

Spin Zone / Hatchet Man
« on: December 12, 2017, 06:42:03 PM »
Interesting read...

This may explain a few things going on at The White House

Read this little essay a couple of times and read it slowly the last time you read it. Donald Trump is the smartest President we have had for quite some time.

Apparently, liberals and never-Trumpers are so isolated in their political circles that they have no concept how things work in the real world of business and corporate America. For example, they completely fail to grasp the concept of the "hatchet man."

Allow me to explain:

Say you are a business tycoon. You just successfully completed a large-scale acquisition and merger, bringing together multiple smaller companies into one conglomerate. After the merger, you want to put your own people in charge of everything. However, all those smaller companies had their own executives - and, at least for the short term - you need to keep many of them around the keep things running. So, you keep many of those executives around, and let them retain their own senior staff. You even appoint one of them - the head of the largest of the companies you acquired - to be the CEO of the conglomerate, and he pledges to get all the departments working together harmoniously.

After a transition period, some of them are doing fine in the new conglomerate - but others are clearly causing trouble. In fact, the one you appointed CEO is clearly a disaster. The newly merged departments are working against each other.

Furthermore, you have good suspicion he is dealing in insider trading - nothing you can take to a prosecutor, but there is a lot of circumstantial evidence building up. Worse, he is not only doing his own dirty dealing, but it appears he may even be leaking intellectual property to your competitors, helping them take market share from you.

Clearly, he has to go - and go now.

Problem is, many of the senior employees in your conglomerate are loyal to him. If you just fire him and put in your own chosen CEO, you know you could get a lot of backlash from disgruntled employees. And in your business, there is such a small profit-margin that you really can't afford anything at all that threatens performance. So what do you do?

In comes the hatchet man.

The hatchet man is someone you bring in for sole purpose of slashing the problems and shaking things up over a very short period of time - but doing it in a way that deflects any blame or blowback away from you. As soon as the problems are hacked away, the hatchet man leaves - taking the ire and resentment with him, and leaving you free to bring in your new team for a fresh start.

This happens in the business world all the time. And Donald Trump is a businessman. He knows this. He has lived this. We've seen him do it on "The Apprentice." We've read about it in his books. This is not a surprise to anyone. Except for liberals and never-Trumpers.

Enter Scaramucci.

Liberals and never-Trumpers see the past two weeks as proof of a Hitler-clown-circus spectacle, as evidence that Trump is unhinged and our government is in the hands of madmen. Anyone who understands the business world and Donald Trump fully understands that what we just witnessed was a perfectly executed hatchet man maneuver.

When Trump won the election, he essentially performed the political equivalent of an acquisition and merger. He brought together different political factions - establishment Republicans, conservatives, tea party, religious right, moderates, independents, cross-overs - into one winning political coup. For some, it was a hostile takeover - and if they were going to be dragged in against their will, they would sure as hell resist.

This is where Reince Priebus came in.

Priebus, as the then-chairman of the Republican National Committee, was hired as White House Chief of Staff to be a sort of post-merger CEO. It was his job to bring all these political factions together and get them to work harmoniously. But he failed. Worse, there is ample evidence to suggest he not only failed, but worked against Trump and the Trump agenda. Look at the leaks. Look at all the chaos. Look at all the bureaucracy continuing to work at odds with the president. Priebus - and a number of other people around him - had to go.

Back to Scaramucci.

Donald Trump has known for some time that Priebus was a disaster. He was going to give him his six-month trial period - that's a fairly common thing in the private sector. After that, heads were going to roll. But Trump himself doesn't want to be the hatchet man. He needs to be able to lead after the bloodbath. So what does he do? He turns to an old friend he has known for many years - someone with nothing to lose, someone who can step in with a hatchet and hack away, someone who can then just walk away from it all and leave the slate clean. He turned to Scaramucci.

So what does Scaramucci do? He comes in swinging. He fires a few people to make a quick example. He tells others they can "resign" right now if they want to - but if not, they will be fired. Others see what is going on and just up and quit of their own accord.

That problem CEO, Priebus? Oh, the new "structure" of the organization puts Scaramucci in direct competition with Priebus - and Priebus throws up his hands and says "fine, I'm out of here." And Scaramucci does it all in a way that is spectacularly visible to draw all the fire from Trump critics.

So how does it all end? It ends with Trump putting in his new CEO - the one he probably wanted from day one, but held back - and the new CEO says "OK, Scaramucci - you are no longer needed here."

Gen. Kelly now has a clean slate to start fresh - and Scaramucci takes all the heat. Where the left and never-Trumpers see a circus freak-show, realists from the business world see a perfectly executed post-merger hatchet-man job.

The political wonks see Kelly taking command as the first sane thing to happen in this administration. They don't realize they've been played, and played perfectly. And soon we will likely see some other changes that move the Executive Branch further towards what Trump has wanted from day one. And then watch the real swamp-drainer get to work. It sucks to be Hillary Clinton right now...

Oh, and Scaramucci? He gets a sweet deal out of all this - no doubt, he and his friend Donald Trump talked it all out first.

Scaramucci was already facing a nasty divorce that would result in the liquidation of his business to divide assets. A little-known law allows people who are legally required to sell a business as a condition of employment in the Executive Branch (to prevent conflicts of interest) to defer the taxes on their profits from the sale.

Scaramucci was going to have to sell his company anyway due to his pending divorce. Now he and his soon-to-be ex-wife just saved $80 million in taxes. So don't think for a moment all this was an unplanned mess that went awry. Scaramucci and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

All of this was planned - and foreseen. Not just by me, but by others as well.

Scott Adams wrote before Trump was inaugurated that, to his critics, the first year of Trump would be a play in three acts:

Act One - Trump is literally Hitler.
Act Two - Trump is not literally Hitler, but Trump is incompetent.
Act Three - Trump is not incompetent, but we don't like his policies.

We've seen this play out. From election night up through the first 100 days, the left was out rioting and acting as though Trump taking office was literally the end of Western Civilization.

But after 100 days, when Trump had failed to do evil-dictator things like round up all the brown people and put the gays into camps and force women to stay home and have babies, it became farcical to continue the "Trump is Hitler" narrative.

And so from that 100 day point up until now, it has been the "Trump is incompetent" game. Look at all the chaos. Look at all the leaking. Look at all the tweets. Now, we begin Act Three. With Priebus out and Kelly in, things will settle down. Pretty soon, all the left will have to say is "we just don't like Trump's policies". Act Three.

And once that happens, the left is dead. Because, Trump's policies are policies that most Americans actually agree with. We should put America first. Build back our economy. Create jobs. Strengthen the military. Protect the border. Outside a few densely-populated liberal strongholds like New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and - of course - Washington, D.C., Americans in general agree with all of this. So when all the left has to say is "Trump's policies are wrong," the left will literally be telling most of America, "you people are stupid".

Trump will win 47 states in 2020. The left will be scratching their heads and wondering what the hell happened. And you'll be able to look back and say, "hey, some of us told you all this back in 2017".

- author unknown -

Noah W

Spin Zone / To football players who take a knee
« on: September 25, 2017, 05:33:50 AM »
This was in a closed forum, so no link available. No idea as to it's origin or author.

To the NFL players who took a knee during the playing of the National Anthem.
So, you want to take a knee?

 Take a trip to Valley Forge in January. Hold a musket ball in your fingers and imagine it piercing your flesh and breaking a bone or two. There won't be a doctor or trainer to assist you until after the battle. Wait your turn while listening to the screams of pain from the wounded.
Then take a knee.
 Go to Normandy where man after American man stormed the beach, dodging dead bodies and withering machine gun fire,...the very sea stained with American blood. Imagine that your fellow players are your dead brothers in arms.
Then take a knee.
 Take a knee in the sweat soaked jungles of Vietnam. Over 60,000 Americans died in those jungles.There was no playbook or million dollar contracts for doing your job, but they understood what our flag represented. When they came home, they were protested by their fellow Americans.
Then take a knee while they spit on you.
 Take another knee in the blood drenched sands of Fallujah in 110 degree heat..Trade in your pads for a Kevlar helmet and battle dress...You'll have to stay hydrated, but there won't be anyone to squirt Gatorade into your mouth. And watch out for those IEDs when you take a knee.
 There's a lot of places to take a knee. Americans have given their lives all over the world. When you use the banner under which they fought as a source for your protest, you dishonor the memories of those who bled for the very freedoms you have. That's what the red stripes mean. It represents the blood of those who spilled it defending your liberty.
 So while you're on your knee, pray for those that came before you, not on manicured fields striped and printed with numbers to announce every inch of game yardage...but on nameless hills and bloodied beaches and sweltering forests and bitter cold mountains...every inch marked by an American life lost serving that flag you protest.
 No cheerleaders, no announcers, no coaches, no fans...just American men and women on the land, air, and sea, delivering the real fight against those who chose to harm you would have the opportunity to dishonor their service by "taking a knee."
 You have no clue what it took to get you where you are...but your "protest" is duly noted. Not only is it disgraceful to a nation, it points to your ingratitude for those who chose to defend you under that banner that will still wave long after your stats and game jersey are forgotten...
 If you really feel the need to take a knee, come with me to church on Sunday and we'll both kneel before Almighty God. We'll thank Him for preserving this country for as long as He has. We'll beg forgiveness for both of our ingratitude for all He has provided us. We'll appeal to Him for understanding and wisdom. We'll pray for liberty and justice for all...because He is the one who provides those things.
But no protesting allowed. There will only be gratitude for His provision and a plea for His continued grace and mercy on the land of the free and the home of the brave.
 May He continue to bless America, the ignorant and selfish sinners we all are. What an incredible gift He has given us!

Noah W

Spin Zone / Braveheart
« on: August 12, 2017, 02:45:24 AM »

Spin Zone / Who says
« on: July 04, 2017, 10:22:52 PM »
there ain't no voter fraud? ...  the non-biased MSM?

Good shit from Bill Whittle.

Noah W

Spin Zone / The Truth About Islam
« on: March 23, 2017, 05:17:57 PM »
Screw 'em all with a 3 point hitch post hole digger.

The Murder Machine

Noah W

Spin Zone / State of the Union
« on: February 04, 2017, 04:03:34 PM »
The three articles below  Are lessons in history that have led us to why and where we are in in the USofA today. Some think the US is in the Second Civil War. Both being fought for the survival of the USofA. The difference...this one is as yet non-violent. For those too young to remember some of this stuff take heed. For the rest this kind of stuff needs to be remembered. All are very interesting, but looong reads.

Days of Rage

Modern Leftism as Recycled Fascism

Talking sense about Trump

Noah W

Spin Zone / History Lesson
« on: January 06, 2017, 03:11:55 AM »
For your perusal:

Presidents I’ve Known

Noah W

Spin Zone / Electoral College: Why we have it...
« on: December 19, 2016, 06:43:55 AM »
Good articles on the Electoral College that even idiot leftist should be able to understand why it exsist.

The popular vote explained...

The reason we have the EC...

Noah W

Spin Zone / Not an Election - it was a REVOLUTION
« on: November 15, 2016, 02:48:27 AM »
This says a lot about the last eight years.....And the people of the USoA.

Author Unknown:

It’s midnight in America. The day before fifty million Americans got up and stood in front of the great iron wheel that had been grinding them down. They stood there even though the media told them it was useless. They took their stand even while all the chattering classes laughed and taunted them.

They were fathers who couldn’t feed their families anymore. They were mothers who couldn’t afford health care. They were workers whose jobs had been sold off to foreign countries. They were sons who didn’t see a future for themselves. They were daughters afraid of being murdered by the “unaccompanied minors” flooding into their towns. They took a deep breath and they stood.

 They held up their hands and the great iron wheel stopped.  The Great Blue Wall crumbled. The impossible states fell one by one. Ohio. Wisconsin. Michigan.  Pennsylvania. Iowa. The white working class that had been overlooked and trampled on for so long got to its feet. It rose up against its oppressors and the rest of the nation, from coast to coast, rose up with it.

They fought back against their jobs being shipped overseas while their towns filled with migrants that got everything while they got nothing. They fought back against a system in which they could go to jail for a trifle while the elites could violate the law and still stroll through a presidential election. They fought back against being told that they had to watch what they say. They fought back against being held in contempt because they wanted to work for a living and take care of their families. They fought and they won.

This wasn’t a vote. It was an uprising. Like the ordinary men chipping away at the Berlin Wall, they tore down an unnatural thing that had towered over them. And as they watched it fall, they marveled at how weak and fragile it had always been. And how much stronger they were than they had ever known.

Who were these people? They were leftovers and flyover country. They didn’t have bachelor degrees and had never set foot in a Starbucks. They were the white working class. They didn’t talk right or think right. They had the wrong ideas, the wrong clothes and the ridiculous idea that they still mattered.

They were wrong about everything. Illegal immigration? Everyone knew it was here to stay. Black Lives Matter? The new civil rights movement. Manufacturing? As dead as the dodo. Banning Muslims? What kind of bigot even thinks that way? Love wins. Marriage loses. The future belongs to the urban metrosexual and his dot com, not the guy who used to have a good job before it went to China or Mexico.

They couldn’t change anything. A thousand politicians and pundits had talked of getting them to adapt to the inevitable future. Instead they got in their pickup trucks and drove out to vote.  And they changed everything.

Barack Hussein Obama boasted that he had changed America. A billion regulations, a million immigrants, a hundred thousand lies and it was no longer your America. It was his.  He was JFK and FDR rolled into one. He told us that his version of history was right and inevitable.

And they voted and left him in the dust. They walked past him and they didn’t listen. He had come to campaign to where they still cling to their guns and their bibles. He came to plead for his legacy.  And America said, “No.”

Fifty millions Americans repudiated him. They repudiated the Obamas and the Clintons. They ignored the celebrities. They paid no attention to the media. They voted because they believed in the impossible. And their dedication made the impossible happen.

Americans were told that walls couldn’t be built and factories couldn’t be opened. That treaties couldn’t be unsigned and wars couldn’t be won. It was impossible to ban Muslim terrorists from coming to America or to deport the illegal aliens turning towns and cities into gangland territories.

It was all impossible. And fifty million Americans did the impossible. They turned the world upside down.

It’s midnight in America. CNN is weeping. MSNBC is wailing. ABC calls it a tantrum. NBC damns it. It wasn’t supposed to happen. The same machine that crushed the American people for two straight terms, the mass of government, corporations and non-profits that ran the country, was set to win.

Instead the people stood in front of the machine. They blocked it with their bodies. They went to vote even though the polls told them it was useless. They mailed in their absentee ballots even while Hillary Clinton was planning her fireworks victory celebration. They looked at the empty factories and barren farms. They drove through the early cold. They waited in line. They came home to their children to tell them that they had done their best for their future. They bet on America. And they won.  They won improbably. And they won amazingly.

They were tired of ObamaCare. They were tired of unemployment. They were tired of being lied to. They were tired of watching their sons come back in coffins to protect some Muslim country. They were tired of being called racists and homophobes. They were tired of seeing their America disappear.  And they stood up and fought back. This was their last hope. Their last chance to be heard.

Watch the videos.  See ten ways John Oliver destroyed Donald Trump. Here’s three ways Samantha Bee broke the internet by taunting Trump supporters. These three minutes of Stephen Colbert talking about how stupid Trump is owns the internet. Watch Madonna curse out Trump supporters. Watch Katy Perry. Watch Miley Cyrus. Watch Robert Downey Jr. Watch Beyonce campaign with Hillary. Watch. Click.  Watch fifty million Americans take back their country.

The media had the election wrong all along. This wasn’t about personalities. It was about the impersonal. It was about fifty million people whose names no one except a server will ever know fighting back. It was about the homeless woman guarding Trump’s star. It was about the lost Democrats searching for someone to represent them in Ohio and Pennsylvania. It was about the union men who nodded along when the organizers told them how to vote, but who refused to sell out their futures.

No one will ever interview all those men and women. We will never see all their faces. But they are us and we are them. They came to the aid of a nation in peril. They did what real Americans have always done. They did the impossible.

America is a nation of impossibilities. We exist because our forefathers did not take no for an answer. Not from kings or tyrants. Not from the elites who told them that it couldn’t be done.

The day when we stop being able to pull of the impossible is the day that America will cease to exist.  Today is not that day. Today fifty million Americans did the impossible.  Midnight has passed. A new day has come. And everything is about to change.

Noah W

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