Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: DJTorrente on March 07, 2017, 05:47:41 PM

Title: You Can Tell What Leftists Are Doing By What They Accuse Conservatives Of Doing
Post by: DJTorrente on March 07, 2017, 05:47:41 PM
How many times have I said that leftism is nothing more than a case study in psychological projection? (At least 3 since October, if the search function is to be believed  ;D)

Title: Re: You Can Tell What Leftists Are Doing By What They Accuse Conservatives Of Doing
Post by: Mase on March 07, 2017, 06:18:16 PM
That was good.
Title: Re: You Can Tell What Leftists Are Doing By What They Accuse Conservatives Of Doing
Post by: Anthony on March 08, 2017, 06:50:26 AM
Lying is what they do because that’s all they have left on the left. They have no foundational principles except power. Their entire ideology is transactional – it’s not based on ideas but on payoffs to Democrat sub-sets. Here’s some dough for the baby crunching industry! We’ll hassle some Christian bakers for the SJWs! Let’s put a bunch of cis-het males of pallor who don’t even listen to NPR out of work in West Tennetucky, or wherever they grow coal, to delight our global warming cultist pals!

But today the Democrats hold no levers of power, and they can’t dispense goodies anymore. All they can do now is howl, whine, and lie, and try to mobilize the parasites burrowed into the federal bureaucracy to undercut the will of normal Americans. They do this by falsely accusing us and those who represent us of doing exactly what they are doing and what they intend to do once Trump is ousted. Their goal is to seize power again and permanently disenfranchise us – and they are happy to take the risk of literally ripping the country apart.

The media is, of course, a willing and eager accomplice in this coordinated campaign of deception and slander. Notice how no one in the mainstream media pointed out how the Sessions perjury lie conveniently appeared simultaneously across the entire media just when the Democrats desperately needed to shift the narrative

To be fair, the Republicans use payback to their political allies as well to grease the skids for their power structure.  However, I do think the Republicans (not the establishment Republicans) want to accomplish something positive to improve our circumstances, and of course STAY IN POWER.  That is always the reason for politicians doing anything.

The big difference between the Republicans, and Democrats is that the Democrats control the Media, Education, and much of the rank and file of the government bureaucracy.  Republicans have a difficult time of getting traction because the media won't create public outcry with their causes like they do for Democrat causes.  It is scary.  Yes, the left PROJECTS their failures, and insecurities onto others.  Just look at their list of accusations of us DEPLORABLES, and you can see evidence of that.  We are all racist, sexist, homophobic, anti immigrant, anti Muslim, and want dirty air, and dirty water.  Nothing could be farther from the truth. 

Title: Re: You Can Tell What Leftists Are Doing By What They Accuse Conservatives Of Doing
Post by: President in Exile YOLT on March 08, 2017, 11:41:30 AM
How many times have I said that leftism is nothing more than a case study in psychological projection? (At least 3 since October, if the search function is to be believed  ;D)


I thought I said that...
Title: Re: You Can Tell What Leftists Are Doing By What They Accuse Conservatives Of Doing
Post by: Number7 on March 09, 2017, 08:49:21 AM
It has always been the practice of liberals to cover up their corruption by pointing fingers at their enemies.
While everyone swings their head to the direction of the pointed finger, the liberals continue to engage in unhindered corruption.
If you point it out it makes you a racist.