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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 378 379 [380] 381 382 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: Manufactured recession
« on: August 22, 2019, 09:52:44 AM »
Looks like the people are not listening to the news, and are still shopping.
It must be that extra pocket change that they now have burning a hole in their pocket and feeling confident.  They obviously aren’t paying attention to the East Coast power brokers trying to pull the middle class’ puppet strings telling them the sky is falling.

Spin Zone / Re: Manufactured recession
« on: August 21, 2019, 01:53:51 PM »
I knew you didn't invent the saying.  That is why I said "As Stan used to quote", rather than "As Stan said".
You were the on the brought it to my attention and I just wanted to give you credit for that.  I have used it a hundred times because it is just so true.
Yes, it’s perfect. We see they today with all the virtue signaling and white self-hate.

Spin Zone / Re: Manufactured recession
« on: August 21, 2019, 12:58:37 PM »
The problem is that neither side ever wants to admit the other side is right.
And the left is always wrong.  They know the difference between tax and tax rate.  As Stan used to quote, (paraphrasing) They would rather the poor be more poor as long as the rich are less rich.
God, I wish that was my quote, but that came from the Iron Lady Margret Thacher herself.

There are longer versions of this on YouTube that are worth the time, but here’s her mic drop moment.

Fox News doesn't exist, nor does Breitbart or any of the other very conservative outlet.  Tribune media owns more television stations than anyone.  But Anthony won't be happy until every voice that says  something he doesn't like it silenced.  he won't be happy until on GOP politicians who are TRUE conservatives (whatever that means) are in office.  Until then these little rants will continue unabated.
Grow up.

Spin Zone / Re: Wisconsin College Campus Free Speech Bill
« on: August 20, 2019, 10:44:46 AM »
I know a few people on the Walker petition. I've been banned by my wife from bringing it up after one BBQ were they are going on and on about voter ID law. They kept saying that getting an ID to vote was a poll tax because they had to pay for the ID. They couldn't wrap their heads around the fact the law stated that IDs to vote would be free after I pointed it out to them.
And even when you point out that it’s free, you will still have people complaining that it’s wrong to force people to get off their couch and go get a valid voter ID regardless of how many months or years of lead time they have to get one.

Spin Zone / Re: Wisconsin College Campus Free Speech Bill
« on: August 20, 2019, 09:43:19 AM »
How much longer until we can recall evers?
Can you imagine the shit storm that would erupt if that was tried? 

I’m not a fan of recalls to be honest. Even the purple state of Wisconsin jumped behind and supported Scott Walker when he was attempted to be recalled.

A really fun byproduct of the recall was that all the leftists who signed the recall petitions thought that such information was private! 

Alas, recall petitions are a public documents. After Walker’s overwhelming victory, I was one of hundreds of volunteers who worked to type out the recall information so it can be searched in the future.

The recall was the gift that keeps on giving. Do you see a judge running for the bench that you’ve never heard of?  Same with an employer, neighbor, or friend.  Check out this site to see if they signed the petition!:

Want proof?  Remember Jeff Skiles, co-pilot of Miracle on the Hudson?  Turns out he was a Wisconsin resident and signed the petition. Once you look up his name, you can link straight to a pdf of the petition page that he signed.

Spin Zone / Re: Wisconsin College Campus Free Speech Bill
« on: August 20, 2019, 09:14:35 AM »
Do we have enough of a majority to override the governor when he vetoes this?
I don’t know. Given that the bill directs the UW Board of Regents to implement a policy on free speech which states it is not the role of an institution to shield individuals from speech protected by the First Amendment, as students and faculty have the freedom to discuss anything as permitted by the First Amendment, I see major, major lobbying by the UW Regents to get Gov. Evers (a leftist wimp being controlled by the far, far left puppet string pullers) to veto this bill.

Any thinking person should vote in favor of it, but the leftists in the legislature would rather keep Ben Shapiro off the campus than allow free speech. So who knows.

Spin Zone / Re: Wisconsin College Campus Free Speech Bill
« on: August 20, 2019, 09:01:16 AM »
That’s my state Senator. He’s a good guy, and a fellow CPA as well.

Spin Zone / Re: My solution for health insurance
« on: August 19, 2019, 01:11:33 PM »
I'm imagining a mini-drill bit auger like thing on the end of a catheter. *shudder*

Spin Zone / My solution for health insurance
« on: August 19, 2019, 10:21:55 AM »

LOL!  So you're saying sometime Stan thinks with the other head?
Actually, look up the procedure. “Unpleasant” is an understatement. It was more like a frightened turtle.

Spin Zone / Re: Robot Army, Navy, Air Force?
« on: August 19, 2019, 10:18:05 AM »
^^^^THIS.  This is literally true. The U.S. being a unique experiment in freedom, does not conquer and occupy, it conquers and rebuilds until the country can stand on its own. Look at Japan and Germany and South Korea. It is vital the U.S. remain the strongest military force in the world.
Spot on. All we ask is for a place to bury our dead.

If you want a powerful afternoon, page through the website of the American Battle Monuments Commission that is charged with overseeing and staffing every foreign military cemetery for US Servicemen.

It’s also good to send that to any snot-nosed, basement-dwelling leftist who complains about American imperialism because they have McDonalds restaurants in their country. These people have no idea that the US is the most selfless, giving country on the face of the earth. 

Spin Zone / Re: Test
« on: August 19, 2019, 08:09:47 AM »
My night-class algebra instructor used to call his pop quizzes “quizzies” to make them seem less threatening.

After one quizzie, a female student slapped her paper down on his desk and said as she left the room, “If that’s one of your quizzies, I’d hate to see one of your testies.”

The class roared. She was beet red in class for about two weeks.
Ha!  Now that is hilarious! 

Spin Zone / Re: My solution for health insurance
« on: August 19, 2019, 08:05:13 AM »
We love Freodtert! It's like Mayo where you get coordinated care and not shuffled around the specialized medical silos that don't talk to each other.

We found that moving to a new area it's really hard to get a primary care physician.  New patient appointments tend to be longer and harder to schedule.  Being booked out months in advance is the new normal.  The exception is if you can find someone fresh out of school who doesn't have an established patient base.  Then it's much easier to get established and get appointments.
Yes!  It is great to be in a teaching environment. Well, except when you have something very personal like, say, a prostate biopsy, and you have two female nurses, a female PA doing the procedure, and two attractive female medical students observing.

Spin Zone / Re: Robot Army, Navy, Air Force?
« on: August 19, 2019, 07:59:35 AM »
I agree.  However, with AI making the calls, will the "good guys" really be in control?  It is giving the tool the ability to reason, and act on its own.  What if the software has a glitch?  What if the AI ignores commands, or refuses to be turned off? 

We've seen this in Sci Fi like "Hal" the computer in 2001 a Space Odyssey, and of course The Terminator which Lucifer referenced with his Skynet comment.  I am not saying it will be exactly like that, but the potential is there.  Look at the problems Amazon, and Google are having with their Intelligence Gathering devices, Alexa and Siri.  People turn them off, yet they are still listening, giving information to people that shouldn't have it.
I don’t see any problem with it. Software is infallible, never needs to be shut down and rebooted, and can never be hacked.

Oh, and I live in Wisconsin.

Spin Zone / Re: My solution for health insurance
« on: August 19, 2019, 07:10:48 AM »
This is a little known secret. We can negotiate cash out of pocket and sometimes it is LESS than the copay if we go through insurance. That’s how screwed up the system has become.

Also screwed up is the whole idea of “PCP”. Your general doctor used to handle most of your issues and you had a close relationship with him with mutual trust. Not any more. Dealing with the PCP these days is getting more difficult. People are turning to doc in a box for minor things. They take walk ins, they don’t grill you about your whole health picture other than the basics necessary to treat your minor ailment, and they act like they appreciate your business. The last three visits I made to urgent care were a pleasure. In and out in an hour. The last three times I moved and just tried to get in with a new PCP were a nightmare. I had to pull teeth just to get the first appointment.
That hasn’t been my experience. My wife, daughter and I got referred to a young female doctor in 2008 who was just out of residency.  She is board certified in Internal Medicine, and is part of the Froedtert and Medical College of Wisconsin network, so it’s a teaching position as well. Access is almost always within the week if not within two days.

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