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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 127 128 [129] 130 131 ... 156
Spin Zone / Re: US Sent Cash to Iran
« on: August 04, 2016, 09:54:20 PM »
It is precisely this kind of tortured, carefully structured, focus-tested and parsed 'logic' that suggests we should simply never allow lawyers to enter politics.

These bastiges have totally abandoned the rule of law, and the best interests of the United States, and the safety of our people.

Truly and utterly pathetic.


BTW, my wife and I listened to that clip from the speech and my says that she said, We aren't going to raise taxes in the middle class"

I've listened to it many times.  She's wrong.

screw Alaska and Hawaii, eh?
Why do Liberals hate Native brown people?   ;D


3% waste is a joke.  Entire agencies could be shut down with no repercussions on services due to the huge overlap of Fed, State, and local government, and just general waste on every level.  Patronage, do nothing jobs, especially union are a big culprit.
The "Penny Plan" was proposed a few years ago. It would have reduced federal spending by $7.5 Trillion over 10 years, and balanced the budget by 2019.

It was brilliant, but because it was a Tea Party idea, it must be crazy.

Fucking incumbents.

Spin Zone / Re: Voter Fraud Made Easy
« on: August 04, 2016, 03:58:24 AM »
The reason Democrats don't like voter ID is because the type of fraud it prevents is statistically non-existent and there is a perception that it will disenfranchise some number of voters who reliably vote Democrat. That perception is backed up by the fact that there is a certain portion of the population that has no photo ID at all. The GOP assertion that Democrats don't want it so we can fraudulently win elections is bullshit, since it's so difficult to fraudulently win elections by voter impersonation fraud.

But that perception ought to be nullified by the fact that states use voter ID and have experienced NO instances of anyone being prevented from voting.  Zero.  No one.  Not a single person who wanted to vote was ever prevented from it.

Perhaps if you spent less time thinking of why GOP stuff is bullshit and just a few seconds trying to understand the concern of the integrity of the election process, you might gain something beyond more contempt for your opponent.

Spin Zone / Re: US Sent Cash to Iran
« on: August 03, 2016, 11:37:13 PM »
Destabilization.   By creating as much chaos as possible and creating crisis it opens the doors for "sweeping change" done under the guise of "never let a crisis go to waste".

 Go read "Rules for Radicals" by Alinsky and also read up on Cloward and Piven and what's going on starts to become very clear.

I am familiar with both.  I was being facetious.  Yes, more control through more perceived need for it.  More law enforcement, more rights infringement, more regulations, and perhaps martial law eventually taking away more rights of the law abiding.

Spin Zone / Re: Court Throws Out Texas Voter ID Law
« on: August 03, 2016, 06:35:39 PM »
You did better than I.  That said one does have to get to the BMV, which is in no way convenient if one doesn't drive, which someone probably doesn't do if one needs a non-driver's license photo ID.  Moreover, the list of documents needed seemed someone on the difficult side.  I doubt I have half of those.

That, and try waiting at a BMV sometime.  And yes, it is utterly discriminatory.  Anyone who has money has a driver's license because they have a car.  Poor folks lack cars.  And in this country poor folk are more likely to be black or brown.

Like I said, we should be trying to get people to the polls rather than keep them from it.  The measures under consideration do nothing to prevent voter fraud, nothing at all.  At least no fraud on a level that swings elections.  Sort of like taking a bazooka to get rid of the neighborhood coon.  You'll get him, but you're likely to do more damage to the houses than he is.

I'll bet if they don't get their welfare check or EBT card they can get to govt office okay. 

Spin Zone / Re: House Republican backs Hillary
« on: August 03, 2016, 08:27:47 AM »
If a candidate really wanted to throw the election to the corrupt doormat, what more could be done than what the donald has done?
Quite a bit more actually, like actually endorsing the opposition party candidate, or actually supporting some no-chance 3rd party loser such as certain members of the establishment actually have done.

It is one thing to withhold support or endorsement, I personally have no problem with that, but active public opposition AFTER the convention, to the point of endorsing the opposition party candidate is simply so wrongheaded as to question just how committed anyone doing so is or has ever been to the platform since Hillary will do nothing on the actual Republican party platform and will continue her drive to marginalize, criminalize and destroy any opposition, even so-called Republican's who support her, the pattern is quite clear. 

Democrats, like radical Muslims, do not want to peacefully co-exist, they seek only total domination.


Spin Zone / Re: Voter Fraud Made Easy
« on: August 03, 2016, 07:19:29 AM »
This is called voter impersonation fraud. It is a slow, stupid way to attempt to steal an election. In fact, it's probably not useful for appreciably affecting any election. It is also easily detected, making it dangerous for the fraudster. This is why the number of cases of voter impersonation fraud tracked since 2000 is in the double digits nationwide, among over 1 billion votes cast. There is far more potential for fraud in other areas that voter ID will not affect.

The reason Democrats don't like voter ID is because the type of fraud it prevents is statistically non-existent and there is a perception that it will disenfranchise some number of voters who reliably vote Democrat. That perception is backed up by the fact that there is a certain portion of the population that has no photo ID at all. The GOP assertion that Democrats don't want it so we can fraudulently win elections is bullshit, since it's so difficult to fraudulently win elections by voter impersonation fraud.

So, again, if voter ID is so important to the right, maybe figure out how to articulate why it is needed, and come up with some proposals that would be a bi-partisan compromise.
Your fallacy, and that of democrats, is that if voter fraud isn't prosecuted and punished, it doesn't exist. But those videos point out that once the person leaves the voting booth after casting his ballot, he is 100% anonymous. What are they going to do, track down his false name or go to his false address? 

But you want bipartisan?  How about the 2005 recommendation for voter ID from the Federal Election Reform Commission, co-chaired by Jimmy Carter and James Baker? 

"Critics of requiring voters to present a photo ID at the polls say the practice would disenfranchise minority voters, and some even accuse proponents of being motivated by racism. They don’t mention, however, that a 21-member bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform, co-chaired by former President Jimmy Carter, advocated just such a policy in 2005.

"The commission, also co-chaired by former Secretary of State James Baker, called voter identification one of “five pillars” that would “build confidence” in the integrity of federal elections. Only three of the 21 commission members voted against requiring photo identification of voters."

So what's changed since then?  Why was it right 11 years ago, and wrong today?

Spin Zone / Re: House Republican backs Hillary
« on: August 03, 2016, 07:07:35 AM »
as bad as the donald is, what kind of idiot does it take to back the corrupt doormat?
One who does not value his party's platform or Reagan's 11th commandment, in short, one who does not plan to seek re-election.

I am fine with and understand people having reservations about Trump, I do myself, but this is just destructive grandstanding nonsense and the only alternative is someone who may be the most corrupt, self-interested and pathological liar to ever seek the office and who's party platform would expand and accelerate the policies and lawlessness that have devastated our economy and our culture over the past 8 years.

It is really no contest - in the end it is not about the personalities, it is about the platforms and policies and that should be a hands-down no-brainer for any thinking person.


This makes me want to vomit. No one cares anymore.  The voters certainly don't care - "oh look, a squirrel!" 

This corruption is just the status quo.

Spin Zone / Re: House Republican backs Hillary
« on: August 03, 2016, 06:18:33 AM »
as bad as the donald is, what kind of idiot does it take to back the corrupt doormat?

Spin Zone / Re: Obama Shows his Ass Once Again
« on: August 02, 2016, 03:17:01 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Time for more Shovel Ready Jobs
« on: August 02, 2016, 01:58:17 PM »
Trump is an American and not an ideologue politician and as such does not understand the game of politics.  Khan was a Democrat foil placed there to goad Trump and it worked.  Khan's beef is with all those that voted for the war, including his Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.  Articles in recent days have shown his deep connections to the Clinton and the Clinton Foundation and his work in getting Muslim immigrants into the U.S. and apparently some of it is quite controversial.  I would assume that is why he said yesterday that he wanted out of the spotlight on this.  If you decide to show up on the stage of American politics these days you should understand what that means and it would appear that Mr. Khan did not.

Rudy Giuliani was saying this morning, in an interview, that Donald needs to just focus on Hillary and let his Lieutenants focus on folks like the Khan's.  I assume that Rudy has Donald's ear as does Newt and they will work at modifying how he handles these things.

If Hillary is elected we can truly kiss the country good bye as she will double or triple down on everything Obama has done and worse.  With a shot at several Supreme Court appointments the effects will be felt for a generation or more as they left brings suits that they know will end up in the Supreme Court.

With that in mind, I cannot understand why Jeff would want to become a citizen of the U.S.

Spin Zone / Re: Actually Comey said I was truthful about the emails
« on: August 01, 2016, 12:59:18 PM »
If you take Hillary at her word, that level of delusion and cognitive disassociation alone should disqualify her from the Presidency, that is batshit crazy talk right there.


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