Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Little Joe on September 24, 2016, 09:10:48 AM

Title: Michael Reagan on Trump
Post by: Little Joe on September 24, 2016, 09:10:48 AM

I think he makes a lot of good points in this article.

But let me be the first to say:   But Trump is no Ronald Reagan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone gives my father credit for the hostages going free on the day he was sworn in, and they should. But one reason they went free was because he kept the Iranians guessing.

They never did know whether he’d nuke them until he didn’t.

I find it interesting this election year that the right and the left keep asking the same questions of Trump. What will he do to defeat ISIS?

But the real story shouldn’t be what Trump might do. It should be what Hillary Clinton won’t do. To appease her voters and liberal friends in the media, she’s already said she won’t use ground troops. I’m sure the monsters who run ISIS were relieved to hear that.
Title: Re: Michael Reagan on Trump
Post by: LevelWing on September 24, 2016, 09:37:55 AM
Good article. His points are very well made and I agree with him. The one part I don't agree with, however:

Quote from: Michael Reagan
On Monday, Trump needs to show some self-control but most of all he just needs to be Trump. If he does that he should win the debate because Hillary can never stop being Hillary.

That's the part that concerns me. Trump usually opens his mouth and says something off the cuff and it diverts the attention away from anything Hillary would've said, or not said, and focuses strictly on whatever dumb thing Trump said this time. If he can avoid that I think he'll do fine considering Hillary has nothing to stand on.
Title: Re: Michael Reagan on Trump
Post by: Anthony on September 24, 2016, 09:48:53 AM
I'd rather our President be feared, and respected by our enemies like Reagan was.  Obama, Hillary, and the Democrats are appeasers.  They are not respected at all.  Our enemies, Russia, China, Iran, N. Korea, etc laugh at us now, knowing we are weak, and will not do anything to respond to them.  Look at everything we've given away to Iran, and how they treated our sailors, and got a huge pay off to return them.  We should have attacked them once they held our sailors hostage. 
Title: Re: Michael Reagan on Trump
Post by: Steingar on September 25, 2016, 06:52:31 AM
I'm relieved to hear it.  The last thing we need is another protracted ground war in a broken state suffering sectarian tensions.
Title: Re: Michael Reagan on Trump
Post by: Little Joe on September 25, 2016, 06:56:59 AM
I'm relieved to hear it.  The last thing we need is another protracted ground war in a broken state suffering sectarian sectarian tensions.
I agree.  I much prefer quick, decisively won ground wars where the loser actually surrenders and agrees to terms rather than be wiped out.