Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Lucifer on November 07, 2016, 07:36:25 PM

Title: How Political Media's Corruption Destroyed America's Most Crucial Institution
Post by: Lucifer on November 07, 2016, 07:36:25 PM
Title: Re: How Political Media's Corruption Destroyed America's Most Crucial Institution
Post by: Number7 on November 07, 2016, 07:38:10 PM
The total corruption of the American media, through bribery, intimidation and outright stupidity, almost rivals e total corruption of the FBI and DOJ.
Title: Re: How Political Media's Corruption Destroyed America's Most Crucial Institution
Post by: acrogimp on November 07, 2016, 11:16:27 PM
Just turned the local San Diego Fox affiliate off (to save my 62" TV from sure destruction) after a 5 minute Hillary campaign commercial, I mean the first 5 minutes of 'the news' that played up her polling, etc., that then went on a 2 minute character assassination, I mean 'more news' about how Trump can't win, and capped it off with Hillary tweets accusing voters who oppose her of being racist, sexist, fill-in-the-blank-ists.  Not even pretending to be balanced - you can't buy 10 minutes of TV that effective.

FUCK YOU media.

If she wins they are going to be insufferably smug as they criminalize opposing thought and continue to weaponize the various elements of Government, bunch of goose stepping krystalnacht brownshirts.

Absolutely disgusted and disheartened.

Title: Re: How Political Media's Corruption Destroyed America's Most Crucial Institution
Post by: EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist on November 08, 2016, 04:31:54 AM
We are becoming what I was taught about the USSR when I was on grade school.  :(
Title: Re: How Political Media's Corruption Destroyed America's Most Crucial Institution
Post by: Anthony on November 08, 2016, 09:40:50 AM
We are becoming what I was taught about the USSR when I was on grade school.  :(

And NAZI Germany in the 1930's.
Title: Re: How Political Media's Corruption Destroyed America's Most Crucial Institution
Post by: DJTorrente on November 08, 2016, 01:47:34 PM
We are becoming what I was taught about the USSR when I was on grade school.  :(
And NAZI Germany in the 1930's.

How can this be that we have such a historically uneducated populace with untold billions spent of free public primary education controlled by the cooperative efforts of government elites and public employees unions?  I'm shocked, SHOCKED! </Capt Renault> 

I guess there wasn't enough time in the curriculum after learning about the "hide the decline" hockey stick global warming graph and mandatory 2nd grade diverse gender exploration.  O_o
Title: Re: How Political Media's Corruption Destroyed America's Most Crucial Institution
Post by: Little Joe on November 08, 2016, 02:31:10 PM
We are becoming what I was taught about the USSR when I was on grade school.  :(
That thought has been firming up in my mind for a few years now.  When I was in elementary school, we got the "Weekly Reader". (Do they still have that?)  I suppose it was a form of propaganda that pointed out how bad the USSR was compared to the USA.  I think the articles could be written about the USA today.
Title: Re: How Political Media's Corruption Destroyed America's Most Crucial Institution
Post by: Joe-KansasCity on November 09, 2016, 02:36:22 AM
It's time to drain the swamp!