Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Lucifer on November 13, 2016, 05:02:22 PM

Title: CNN couldn't wait
Post by: Lucifer on November 13, 2016, 05:02:22 PM
As I turned on my TV, last night I was watching Anthony Bourdain's Detination Unknown which airs on CNN.

So as I turned on my TV tonight, CNN News (Ha!) is on.  The subject is Trump's appointment of Priebus and Bannon to his staff.

 The "panel" was discussing it, of course feigning fake outrage.  A black woman was ranting "Trump has appointed a white supremacist to the White House!!"  "How could he!!"  "It's terrible when this man who was not elected by the majority will allow a white supremacist in the White House!!"  "Steve Bannon is a member of a hateful Alt Right Organization and a white supremacist!!!!"

 Another member was lamenting Trump needed immediately to go on national tv and assure Americans such as blacks, latinos and gays he is not out to get them and will promise to represent them.

Title: Re: CNN couldn't wait
Post by: LevelWing on November 13, 2016, 05:14:39 PM
I sincerely doubt that Trump would allow a white supremacist near the White House but Bannon is a member of the alt-right. I think Bannon is an absolute terrible choice for "senior strategist and advisor."
Title: Re: CNN couldn't wait
Post by: Lucifer on November 13, 2016, 05:20:43 PM
I sincerely doubt that Trump would allow a white supremacist near the White House but Bannon is a member of the alt-right. I think Bannon is an absolute terrible choice for "senior strategist and advisor."

 Alt Right is a product of the progressive media, much the same as "assault weapons".

 Breitbart News is despised by the MSM because, OMG!, they have right leanings.  Breitbart is right up there with talk radio, which, if you ask the MSM, is also considered "alt right".
Title: Re: CNN couldn't wait
Post by: LevelWing on November 13, 2016, 05:38:38 PM
Alt Right is a product of the progressive media, much the same as "assault weapons".

 Breitbart News is despised by the MSM because, OMG!, they have right leanings.  Breitbart is right up there with talk radio, which, if you ask the MSM, is also considered "alt right".
I'm not taking the bait on that one. I don't like Steve Bannon (nor his treatment of Michelle Fields) and I think he's a bad pick. I don't like Brietbart News, either. I also don't buy your argument that it's a product of progressive media or that it's on the same level as talk radio. The alt-right is vastly different than talk radio namely because talk radio is usually (not always) discussing actual conservative ideas.

I'm fine with Priebus as the Chief of Staff, but not Bannon.
Title: Re: CNN couldn't wait
Post by: Lucifer on November 13, 2016, 05:59:28 PM
I'm not taking the bait on that one. I don't like Steve Bannon (nor his treatment of Michelle Fields) and I think he's a bad pick. I don't like Brietbart News, either. I also don't buy your argument that it's a product of progressive media or that it's on the same level as talk radio. The alt-right is vastly different than talk radio namely because talk radio is usually (not always) discussing actual conservative ideas.

I'm fine with Priebus as the Chief of Staff, but not Bannon.

 And I don't buy there is a mythical  "alt right" community filled with white supremacist.

 One of the "pundants" today on the Sunday shows was even suggesting Trump allow the left to make appointments to his cabinet.

 Face it, no matter who Trump picks the faux outrage will come from the left. 
Title: Re: CNN couldn't wait
Post by: LevelWing on November 13, 2016, 06:04:00 PM
And I don't buy there is a mystic "alt right" community filled with white supremacist.
Then don't.

One of the "pundants" today on the Sunday shows was even suggesting Trump allow the left to make appointments to his cabinet.

Face it, no matter who Trump picks the faux outrage will come from the left.
I agree that there's going to be "outrage" no matter who he picks. That's their problem, however. Since he won, he's entitled to select whomever he chooses to fill positions, even if people (including me) don't like them. If Obama was allowed to pick people like Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch (among the rest) then Trump won't have a problem getting his nominations through.
Title: Re: CNN couldn't wait
Post by: EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist on November 13, 2016, 06:12:13 PM
Chief Strategist should be Newt
Title: Re: CNN couldn't wait
Post by: Becky (My pronouns are Assigned/By/God) on November 13, 2016, 06:36:54 PM
The alt right is somewhat hard to describe but Milo does a good job.


Title: Re: CNN couldn't wait
Post by: Becky (My pronouns are Assigned/By/God) on November 13, 2016, 06:38:23 PM
Trump tweets that he will be on 60 Minutes tonight. Haven't watched that show in decades but may do so tonight.
Title: Re: CNN couldn't wait
Post by: Little Joe on November 13, 2016, 07:17:57 PM
Trump tweets that he will be on 60 Minutes tonight. Haven't watched that show in decades but may do so tonight.
The show aired a couple of hours ago here, so I missed it.
But I think this is a link to it.   I haven't watched it yet, but will do so right away.

Title: Re: CNN couldn't wait
Post by: Lucifer on November 13, 2016, 07:42:17 PM
Judge Jeanine on Fox has a rabid liberal ranting about "Hillary won" the popular vote and how Trump appointed a white supremacist.

 The liberals have their talking points and marching orders..   Kudos to Judge Jeanine for putting the clown in his place.
Title: Re: CNN couldn't wait
Post by: LevelWing on November 14, 2016, 07:26:36 AM
I watched the whole thing. Overall I thought Trump handled himself very presidential like. I liked that he refused to answer on how he was going to handle ISIS. I also liked how he discussed (albeit briefly) the 2nd Amendment. The interviewer was trying to trap him on several occasions, including whether or not Trump thought the system was rigged. Good on Trump for sticking with his answer and saying that he wasn't going to change his answer strictly because he won. I didn't like his response saying that popular vote should decide the winner, however.
Title: Re: CNN couldn't wait
Post by: acrogimp on November 14, 2016, 07:45:23 AM
The alt right is somewhat hard to describe but Milo does a good job.

Becky thanks for sharing that - I never watch CNBC but this once again just warms the cockles of my heart, Milo so ably handles these maroons and treats them with just the proper amount of derision and dismissiveness - he is so good off-the-cuff.
