Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Lucifer on January 16, 2017, 04:07:35 PM

Title: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Lucifer on January 16, 2017, 04:07:35 PM
And the MSM stays in attack mode:

Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Anthony on January 16, 2017, 04:13:57 PM
Get used to it.  I have MSN.com as my default site upon opening my internet browser.  EVERY DAY it has at least one negative article about Trump, sometimes more than one.  EVERY FREAKING DAY!  And he isn't even President yet!  I purposely have a known liberal/progressive site in order to see what the opposition is making up to say.   
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Lucifer on January 16, 2017, 04:23:41 PM
Get used to it.  I have MSN.com as my default site upon opening my internet browser.  EVERY DAY it has at least one negative article about Trump, sometimes more than one.  EVERY FREAKING DAY!  And he isn't even President yet!  I purposely have a known liberal/progressive site in order to see what the opposition is making up to say.   

I predict one week from today, January 23rd that we'll start seeing stories on impeachment.

Anyone wanna take bets?
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: TimRB on January 16, 2017, 05:50:32 PM
Get used to it.  I have MSN.com as my default site upon opening my internet browser.  EVERY DAY it has at least one negative article about Trump, sometimes more than one.  EVERY FREAKING DAY!

Get used to it, indeed.  My local paper, here in one of the most liberal areas of California, has had a daily negative front-page article about Trump ever since he got the Republican nomination.  Yes, literally every single day.

Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Anthony on January 16, 2017, 05:57:19 PM
Get used to it, indeed.  My local paper, here in one of the most liberal areas of California, has had a daily negative front-page article about Trump ever since he got the Republican nomination.  Yes, literally every single day.


This seems to be the case for just about all the media sites, especially the traditional media (networks, and newspaper sites), but also Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.  I assume Trump threatens their status quo hold on the dissemination of their biased propaganda., so they are doing anything, and everything to harm him.     
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Number7 on January 16, 2017, 09:54:11 PM
As a never trumper, I hated being dragged into defending the Donald but the stupidity, ignorance and dishonesty of the left has forced me to take his part and do it agressively.
I have never a media and political parasite class so infuriated about a guy that simply refuses to allow them to set and change the rules they impose on discussion. It is as pathetic as it is sickening.
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Mase on January 16, 2017, 11:44:31 PM
I was an anybody-but-Hillary guy.  But I agree with you on the low-life media.
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Lucifer on January 17, 2017, 06:36:13 AM
Not only did the liberals lose, the Hollywood elitist lost and the MSM elitist lost as well.  They are angry because they were led to believe this was a shoe in election.  They actually started believing their own bullshit and it came crashing down on top of them.  Remember the prophetic line from Kristen when she told me my alternate reality would come crashing down on November 8th?  Perfect example of a liberal that drank the Kool Aid by the gallons.

 What's going on with Trump and the media is very reminiscent of the early '70's with Richard Nixon.  The MSM hated him so much they were intent on taking him down, and they did.  That was a time when the MSM didn't have an alternative media such as the Internet to keep them in check.

 The mouth foaming liberals will be in full outrage and attack mode come noon Friday. Starting next week be prepared to hear the MSM throw around the impeachment word daily.
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Number7 on January 17, 2017, 08:40:49 AM
What ever happened to Kristin and the other cowards of the left (excusing those who stayed and put up a good fight) after November 8th?? It's like the reality bit them so hard they had to retreat to their koolaide, safe space and hide.
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist on January 17, 2017, 08:52:54 AM

Part I: Hidden-camera investigation exposes groups plotting violence at Trump inauguration
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Lucifer on January 17, 2017, 08:54:27 AM
I predict one week from today, January 23rd that we'll start seeing stories on impeachment.

Anyone wanna take bets?

 Not a fan of Alex Jones, but this article has beat me to the punch.  Seems Chris Matthews can't wait.

Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: MarkZ on January 17, 2017, 09:09:50 AM
What ever happened to Kristin and the other cowards of the left (excusing those who stayed and put up a good fight) after November 8th?? It's like the reality bit them so hard they had to retreat to their koolaide, safe space and hide.
You and the other moron ran them off. You two wanted your safe space, keep it up and you'll have it.


Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist on January 17, 2017, 09:10:19 AM
Unless some never Trumpers cross the line how would you get Articles of Impeachment through the House?
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: MarkZ on January 17, 2017, 09:25:42 AM
Unless some never Trumpers cross the line how would you get Articles of Impeachment through the House?
I think that's how it will happen, and I also wouldn't be surprised if members of his new party initiate the Articles.

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Lucifer on January 17, 2017, 09:48:41 AM
You and the other moron ran them off. You two wanted your safe space, keep it up and you'll have it.


Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

 Cut the crap Mark. This is a forum that discusses politics and is open.  No one has been "run off". Please show us the post where Witmo was told to leave or threatened.

 Witmo's problem is all he could offer was inane diatribes based on nothing. He couldn't make a convincing argument.  So what does he do?  First he tells everyone they should shut the fuck up and when that didn't happen, he tucks his tale and runs to a safe space.

 These discussions are open. No one is forced to respond, no one is forced to read them. And I have yet to see where anyone has been forced to leave.

 As far as your "moron" comments, if you want to go there we can as you have constantly demonstrated that you are not the brightest or the sharpest tool in the shed.  Many times your responses are juvenile at best.
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Becky (My pronouns are Assigned/By/God) on January 17, 2017, 11:09:45 AM
It just struck me that the all-out anti-Trump protest contingent, inaugural disrupters, and media, and celebs, and all their ilk, are acting so outrageously, and in such opposition to our strong ethic of peaceful transition of power, because they feel that they have nothing left to lose.

It is the only reason I can think of for them to so obviously climb willingly onto the burning pyre of leftist ideology.

They cannot even claim a Pyrrhic victory, because everything they are doing creates a loss. Everywhere. There is no winning.
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Lucifer on January 17, 2017, 11:16:29 AM
And to add to that, we now see the MSM hasn't learned anything from the election. " Just keep doing what you know best" seems to be the mantra.


In the month leaded up to the election on November 8th, we repeatedly demonstrated how the mainstream media polls from the likes of ABC/Washington Post, CNN and Reuters repeatedly manipulated their poll samples to engineer their desired results, namely a large Hillary Clinton lead (see "New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through 'Oversamples'" and "ABC/Wapo Effectively Admit To Poll Tampering As Hillary's "Lead" Shrinks To 2-Points").  In fact, just 16 days prior to the election an ABC/Wapo poll showed a 12-point lead for Hillary, a result that obviously turned out to be embarrassingly wrong for the pollsters.

But, proving they still got it, ABC/Washington Post and CNN are out with a pair of polls on Trump's favorability this morning that sport some of the most egregious "oversamples" we've seen.  The ABC/Wapo poll showed an 8-point sampling margin for Democrats with only 23% of the results taken from Republicans...
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: President in Exile YOLT on January 17, 2017, 12:50:23 PM
What ever happened to Kristin and the other cowards of the left (excusing those who stayed and put up a good fight) after November 8th?? It's like the reality bit them so hard they had to retreat to their koolaide, safe space and hide.
He! Forgot about her. Jeff is a puss, he bailed as well.
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Lucifer on January 17, 2017, 12:57:22 PM
He! Forgot about her. Jeff is a puss, he bailed as well.

 Jeff was really hoping for a Hillary win, that would have given him hour after hour of ammunition to have got on here and trashed the "Trumpkins".

 Remember, Jeff told us over and over Trump couldn't win, no way no how. 
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist on January 17, 2017, 04:28:19 PM
Yesterday Bob Beckel returned to "The Five" on FOXNews.  He said on election night he likes to watch Cherokee County, NC for how things are going.  He said that county is normally 45/55 one way of the other.  On election night he checked and found it 85/15 Trump so he started checking other rural counties and knew Hillary was in trouble.

Too bad the left can't understand that.
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Lucifer on January 17, 2017, 04:30:06 PM
Yesterday Bob Beckel returned to "The Five" on FOXNews.  He said on election night he likes to watch Cherokee County, NC for how things are going.  He said that county is normally 45/55 one way of the other.  On election night he checked and found it 85/15 Trump so he started checking other rural counties and knew Hillary was in trouble.

Too bad the left can't understand that.

 Damn those Russians!  They infiltrated Cherokee County NC?   Those bastards!
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: MarkZ on January 17, 2017, 09:57:51 PM
As far as your "moron" comments, if you want to go there we can as you have constantly demonstrated that you are not the brightest or the sharpest tool in the shed.  Many times your responses are juvenile at best.
Number 7 asked a question has a painfully obvious answer. I provided it. The truth might hurt, but I can't do anything about your feelings.

I'm only responding to you as proof that I don't employ an ignore list. Please don't mistaken me with someone who might care what your opinion of me might be. Much like you shouldn't (but you obviously do) care what I think of you.

I'd rather discuss issues and ideas, and not the users or their background. I come to this forum to engage in conversation but also to learn. I do love a good intellectual discourse.

Unfortunately, you can't produce intellectual discourse. The best you have is bluster, ad hominem, and apples vs oranges deflection. Though, to be fair, you don't employ your playbook necessarily in that order. Your cloud your occasional moments of brilliance with your need to denigrate other users, either with made up bullshit or by using information they share against them. Your chest thumping seems to work for you. So have a ball.

However, in your exercise of mental masturbation, don't make the mistake of confusing my silence to your posts with agreement or conciliation.

You, sir, are just not worth my time. And unless I see something more than your typical chest thumping bluster, I don't foresee any changes.

Have a nice day.

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Lucifer on January 18, 2017, 06:32:52 AM
Number 7 asked a question has a painfully obvious answer. I provided it. The truth might hurt, but I can't do anything about your feelings.

I'm only responding to you as proof that I don't employ an ignore list. Please don't mistaken me with someone who might care what your opinion of me might be. Much like you shouldn't (but you obviously do) care what I think of you.

I'd rather discuss issues and ideas, and not the users or their background. I come to this forum to engage in conversation but also to learn. I do love a good intellectual discourse.

Unfortunately, you can't produce intellectual discourse. The best you have is bluster, ad hominem, and apples vs oranges deflection. Though, to be fair, you don't employ your playbook necessarily in that order. Your cloud your occasional moments of brilliance with your need to denigrate other users, either with made up bullshit or by using information they share against them. Your chest thumping seems to work for you. So have a ball.

However, in your exercise of mental masturbation, don't make the mistake of confusing my silence to your posts with agreement or conciliation.

You, sir, are just not worth my time. And unless I see something more than your typical chest thumping bluster, I don't foresee any changes.

Have a nice day.

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

 Play Doh and coloring books are down the hall and to the right.

 We'll bring a puppy in for you to hold later.
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Anthony on January 18, 2017, 06:57:21 AM
We'll bring a puppy in for you to hold later.

I want a puppy!!!  Can you make it a German Shorthaired Pointer with some good, natural hunting skills?

(http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv83/mjmixell_81/German%20Shorthaired%20Pointer%20puppies/Updatedpuppies001_zps1dd6ce43.jpg) (http://media.photobucket.com/user/mjmixell_81/media/German%20Shorthaired%20Pointer%20puppies/Updatedpuppies001_zps1dd6ce43.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Reporters Plead with MLK III to Attack Trump
Post by: Lucifer on January 18, 2017, 06:59:21 AM