Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Lucifer on August 08, 2017, 07:24:52 AM

Title: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: Lucifer on August 08, 2017, 07:24:52 AM

American Bridge will cement itself as the standard-bearer of opposition research, build on its role as a progressive clearinghouse for information that drives the narrative on Republican officeholders and candidates, and be at the epicenter of Democrats’ work to regain power–starting in 2017 and building to 2020.
Here’s what success will look like:

-Trump will be defeated either through impeachment or at the ballot box in 2020.
-The balance of power will shift back to the Democrats. We will measurably impact US Senate, gubernatorial, and state legislative races.
-We will free ourselves from solely relying in the press. Our robust digital program will reach voters directly online.

It’s the mission of CREW that is most concerning. According to the playbook, here’s what success will entail:

-Trump will be afflicted by a steady flow of damaging information, new revelations, and an inability to avoid conflicts issues.
-The Trump Administration will be forced to defend illegal conduct in court.
-Powerful industries and interest groups will see their influence wane.
-Dark money will be a political liability in key states.
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: invflatspin on August 08, 2017, 08:14:58 AM
The DNC is dead, flat broke. In fact, they are still millions in debt. They spent billions on the election and got beat to hell six ways from Sunday. I would gauge that 90% of Hollywood/NYC gave significant money to the Dems in 2015-16, and they got bupkis for their investment. Now, it's true that for most of them giving money and air time is of little consequence. But anyone thinking the Dems will be a force in 2018 or 2020 are dreaming.

Corp sponsorship knows where it's bread is buttered. Sure, the huge corps like Apple will still throw money away on Dems, but their union support is going to go nowhere now that laws on union dues are changing in almost every state, so that dues can no longer fund political parties.

What's worse is that Trump of all people played the 'voice of the people' message that the DNC likes to push and beat them soundly in places that matter. Midwest, upper midwest, and PA, were a lock for the Dems in 2008. The pissed it all away on a nasty and useless candidate.

Moving forward, there are a small segment of Dems who want to rebrand(A better deal) are trying to get away from the 'hate Trump' message because that has no future. I doubt Trump will even run in 2020. If the economy stays strong through 2018, there is no way the Dems will pick up any seats in the senate, and they may actually lose seats in the house. If the economy falls, then all bets are off. Dems - even more than conservatives vote with their wallet and not ideology.

I also think there is a large underground or silent vote for conservatives. Folks who loudly proclaim liberal causes, and liberal public agenda, but in the quiet privacy of the voting booth, they pull the handle for Republicans. The opposite is almost never true.

The DNC core message is targeting enough different fringe ideologies that they have lost any chance of a centrist vote. Appealing to the fringes isolates the center, and until they change their policy, the message is useless fluff.
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: Anthony on August 08, 2017, 10:39:25 AM
The DNC can be flat broke, but with the mainstream media promoting them, and trying to destroy Trump, they will always have a shot at winning.  The fact that Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz still has a job in Congress shows how corrupt they are. 
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: asechrest on August 08, 2017, 12:32:00 PM
I've learned to never underestimate the ability of either party to fuck it all up. So the Dems are not "over", and the Repubs are not in the throes of a dynasty.

However, the DNC needed to do some serious soul searching and appears to have utterly failed to do so. A truly sizeable chunk of Democratic voters absolutely despised Clinton, to the point that they were willing to accept the possibility of a win by Donald Fucking Trump (myself included)! My opinion is that the writing was on the wall very early on in the process, and the DNC failed to recognize it. So they put up sole support for The Anointed One, and the rest is history.

They'll come around, of course, through some combination of putting up a better candidate and the Repubs screwing things up. I'm just not sure how long it'll take.
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: Lucifer on August 08, 2017, 12:40:20 PM
The DNC has been hijacked by the Alt Left Progressives.  Media Matters is a perfect example of that.

And putting Tom Perez as head of the DNC is another example.

 The democrats need leadership from the more centrist of the party and those in the flyover country.  They also need to disown the alt left progressives and openly come out against them.   Only then will they be able to start taking back their party and rebuilding their message to something that might just resonate with voters.  Right now the Alt Left message is "hate Trump" and people are getting quite tired of it, even democrats.

 If the democrats would openly come out against Media Matters it would actually help their cause.
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: invflatspin on August 08, 2017, 01:06:30 PM
Very true, the left has a monopoly on the media, which is worth 12-15 percentage points in any D vs R straight up comparison. Imagine how bad things would be if the media weren't 100% biased left?

However, the future is not just grim, but also bleak for the Dem party patrons. Those over 60 with power will not give up. Look at what The Hag Pelosi has been spouting. Schumer will be the prez candidate in 2020, there's no stopping him, and he's a fossil now. Bernie might as well have a foot in the grave. The only up-and-coming of the Dems are the outrageous fringe weirdos like Schultz and a couple no-names from eastern states. They will NOT play well west of the MS river. And, with the migration patterns in place, the upwardly mobile are fleeing the miasma of the Dem strongholds everywhere. This will further dilute the state-wide base, and not affect the Rep strongholds in the inner fly-over states. I doubt WI will ever go back to Dem control. MI is tottering, OH is going right as well. Those are hard-core states to gain, and even harder to win back for the Dems with the current 'a better deal' kind of messaging. Union activity is on a death-spiral(Nissan in TN just tossed them aside again).

Without lies, deceit, and massive amounts of media help and CASH, the outlook for Dems is bleak indeed. When a loudmouth crotch grabber from Nu Yawk can win TX and NV, things on the left of the aisle are very bad. The Dems need someone like Ryan on the other side of the aisle. Someone under 50, dynamic, friendly, effusive, bright, but also able to communicate with the common working stiff.

One more thing I have to bring up again. Identity politics was big in the 60s and early 70s. Of course, it was called the 'me' generation, or the hippy, or whatever. It was the expansion of the individual, particularly for the women. Today, we're past that. Of course we all have so much freedom of expression that we can outrage about fringe populations(LGBT, etc). That actually works against candidates, moving into the coming decade. The level of discourse from the left has become a comedy of intricacies. Big issues get bogged down, as an example the bathroom controversy. Jeezalou, is this something the Dems want to put on their platform, and have serious discussion about? We are 20 trillion in debt, we've got angry NK nutcase building bombs and missiles, we've got terrorist trying to break into the US to do us harm, and the Dems have time and energy to bring bathroom use to a national debate? YGTBFSM...
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: Lucifer on August 08, 2017, 01:11:27 PM
Actually Paul Ryan could go ahead and switch over to the democrat party right now with little effort or little change in his positions.

He would actually be a benefit to them.
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: invflatspin on August 08, 2017, 01:20:58 PM
Actually Paul Ryan could go ahead and switch over to the democrat party right now with little effort or little change in his positions.

He would actually be a benefit to them.

His spine is kept in the congress cloakroom, and his balls in a jar in his wife's nightstand. He might as well be a Dem.
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: Little Joe on August 08, 2017, 01:57:17 PM
I've learned to never underestimate the ability of either party to fuck it all up. So the Dems are not "over", and the Repubs are not in the throes of a dynasty.

However, the DNC needed to do some serious soul searching and appears to have utterly failed to do so. A truly sizeable chunk of Democratic voters absolutely despised Clinton, to the point that they were willing to accept the possibility of a win by Donald Fucking Trump (myself included)! My opinion is that the writing was on the wall very early on in the process, and the DNC failed to recognize it. So they put up sole support for The Anointed One, and the rest is history.

They'll come around, of course, through some combination of putting up a better candidate and the Repubs screwing things up. I'm just not sure how long it'll take.
I could not "like" that post.  But I did agree with it.

Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: invflatspin on August 08, 2017, 07:37:52 PM
Left savior?


We've got one businessman with no pol experience now, maybe another will get the job next. But - lets not forget how he stabbed all his partners in the back at FB, and finally had to pay them off in court.
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist on August 08, 2017, 08:38:42 PM
Left savior?

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/08/08/mark-zuckerberg-2020-facebook-founder-raises-eyebrows-with-visits-to-swing-states.html (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/08/08/mark-zuckerberg-2020-facebook-founder-raises-eyebrows-with-visits-to-swing-states.html)

We've got one businessman with no pol experience now, maybe another will get the job next. But - lets not forget how he stabbed all his partners in the back at FB, and finally had to pay them off in court.

You think we would elect a President barely over 35?
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: Number7 on August 09, 2017, 04:52:13 AM
You think we would elect a President barely over 35?

You mean like JFK?
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: Lucifer on August 09, 2017, 05:06:09 AM
Zuckerberg is not as popular as he thinks he is.   And many of his ideas are right out of the Progressive playbook, such as guaranteed income for everyone.

He won't play well with the centrist or the flyover country people.
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: Little Joe on August 09, 2017, 05:21:28 AM
If he decides to run for any office, including President, and he uses FB to sway public opinion, he could win the office of dictator.
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: Anthony on August 09, 2017, 06:06:09 AM
The Dems may run Kamala Harris for Pres.  That is what the media is telling us, anyway, so that's who THEY want.  She's basically a female Obama. 
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: Lucifer on August 09, 2017, 06:06:37 AM
Right now them DNC is eyeing Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren to run in 2020.  Both out of touch, alt left coastal progressives.
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: Anthony on August 09, 2017, 06:08:56 AM
Yes, I stated that in the other thread about Kamala Harris.  The female Obama.  Warren is just a lying, far left LOON.  For me, she's like Hillary.  I can't stand to look at her, nor hear her speak.  Like chalk on a blackboard. 
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: Lucifer on August 09, 2017, 06:22:16 AM
Yes, I stated that in the other thread about Kamala Harris.  The female Obama.  Warren is just a lying, far left LOON.  For me, she's like Hillary.  I can't stand to look at her, nor hear her speak.  Like chalk on a blackboard.

 But to the alt left progressives she is a saint and savior.  The progressives have hijacked the party and will accept nothing less than one of their own as the nominee.
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: Anthony on August 09, 2017, 06:34:29 AM
But to the alt left progressives she is a saint and savior.  The progressives have hijacked the party and will accept nothing less than one of their own as the nominee.

My former administrative assistant at my previous job LOVED Elizabeth Warren because "she was for the little guy".  She thought all Republicans were selfish, and evil.  That is how the media has brainwashed people.  The only person Warren is for is HERSELF. 

Honest Injun!   ;D
Title: Re: Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
Post by: invflatspin on August 09, 2017, 07:19:40 AM
You think we would elect a President barely over 35?

That's why I put a question mark after "savior" - ? In English, this indicates an interrogatory, not a statement.