Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Lucifer on October 14, 2017, 05:45:14 PM

Title: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: Lucifer on October 14, 2017, 05:45:14 PM

It’s par for the course. Celebrities are still going insane over the fact that Hillary Clinton lost. No, that’s not quite right—all of liberal America is still foaming at the mouth over her shocking defeat. It’s just a tantrum and frankly, I don’t care what the celebrity Left thinks. I don’t watch Seth Meyers, so nothing lost there, but I like Eminem. I will continue to listen to his music, despite his call for us to pick sides. I’ll still support the president as well. This is America; I can support and also listen to whatever kind of music I like. What are they going to do—suspend my iTunes account?
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: Number7 on October 14, 2017, 07:21:49 PM
"celebrities" are like the pansy football players.
They think we are obligated to care about what they think.
When we fail to follow their script they call us racist.
If it were any more dependable, they would be liberal members of congress.
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: Lucifer on October 15, 2017, 05:33:10 AM
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: Anthony on October 15, 2017, 06:15:01 AM
"celebrities" are like the pansy football players.
They think we are obligated to care about what they think.
When we fail to follow their script they call us racist.
If it were any more dependable, they would be liberal members of congress.

Exactly.  They are lock step with big government, totalitarian oppression.  Disgusting elitists.   
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: LevelWing on October 15, 2017, 06:15:09 AM
The irony in all of this is that by attempting to make fans choose sides they're actually promoting the very divisiveness they accuse Trump of creating.
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: Little Joe on October 15, 2017, 06:17:07 AM
The irony in all of this is that by attempting to make fans choose sides they're actually promoting the very divisiveness they accuse Trump of creating.
It is that very divisiveness from the Libs that led to Trump getting elected in the first place.  And they are doubling down on it now.
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: Number7 on October 15, 2017, 05:27:28 PM
It is that very divisiveness from the Libs that led to Trump getting elected in the first place.  And they are doubling down on it now.

I do not believe that the truly devoted liberals are capable of thinking beyond their noses.

By that I mean that the crap MarkZ posted about the national anthem is strictly by the book, scripted, bullshit, spoon fed to him and regurgitated on command. He really can’t think outside the script he has been taught to repeat and does so with amazing dependability.

The hate is directly tied to their disbelief that comes after they discover that their are people who are not required to think say, and do what they are told to think, say and do.
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: MarkZ on October 15, 2017, 10:04:32 PM
I do not believe that the truly devoted liberals are capable of thinking beyond their noses.

By that I mean that the crap MarkZ posted about the national anthem is strictly by the book, scripted, bullshit, spoon fed to him and regurgitated on command. He really can’t think outside the script he has been taught to repeat and does so with amazing dependability.

The hate is directly tied to their disbelief that comes after they discover that their are people who are not required to think say, and do what they are told to think, say and do.
Triggered much?

I’m not the one that has an issue with athletes who choose to take a knee during the national anthem to point out a systemic problem. I could care less, and I support my fellow citizens exercising their constitutional rights toward expression of speech. Not only that, but also it would appear a few veterans agree. (http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/31/us/veterans-for-kaepernick-trnd/index.html)

Show me a law, regulation, or even taboo that requires standing during the National Anthem, and I’ll happily concede. Otherwise, why try stomping on someone’s rights to free speech? Even if it might be the same gesture a fellow veteran makes toward the memory of a fallen comrade?

Maybe the reason late night talk show hosts and other celebrities are getting you fellas so worked up is because they are pointing out not only the hypocrisy of your belief structure, but the utter stupidity of it.
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: Little Joe on October 16, 2017, 05:25:36 AM
Triggered much?
That is a pretty sleazy tactic.  One that you have been using frequently.  Purposely putting forth a comment on a political discussion board, fully expecting a dissenting opinion, then accusing the responded of being easily triggered is downright juvenile.  I hope Kapernick wins his collusion suit and puts the NFL into a death spiral by encouraging even more brilliant young athletes (a purposeful oxymoron) to defy and alienate even more of their fan base (read: financial supporters) to defect to other leisure pursuits.
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist on October 16, 2017, 05:28:39 AM
Let's recap, dude is upset because he believes police are indiscriminately shooting black folks for target practice.  He wears a pair of socks depicting police has pigs and decides to air his issue by taking a knee during the national anthem. 

Dude decides to opt out of his contract with his team and go looking elsewhere for work.  It seems no one wants to hire the dude, could be because of his stand or could be because there is plenty of competition out there at the QB position.  One team was ready to sign him until his girl friend said something not nice about the owners wife.

Now the dude wants to file a grievance because he can't get a job.  How quaint.   ::)
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: Lucifer on October 16, 2017, 06:50:40 AM
So let me see if I get this right.............

 These late night guys are seeing declines in viewers.....viewers equal ratings, and ratings decide on what the network can charge for ad time....which in turn decides if a program is viable to stay on the air, and those ad revenues are what pays a good part of the late night guys salaries.

 Yet these late night guys are telling viewers to fuck off and go away.



Late note comedy host Jimmy Kimmel told CBS' Sunday Morning that he does not mind if Republican viewers turn off his show in response to his increasingly political content on ABC's hit show, Jimmy Kimmel Live!.

"If they're so turned off by my opinion on healthcare and gun violence then, I don't know, I probably wouldn't want to have a conversation with them anyway..Not good riddance, but riddance."
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: invflatspin on October 16, 2017, 07:15:50 AM

Show me a law, regulation, or even taboo that requires standing during the National Anthem, and I’ll happily concede. Otherwise, why try stomping on someone’s rights to free speech? Even if it might be the same gesture a fellow veteran makes toward the memory of a fallen comrade?

Maybe the reason late night talk show hosts and other celebrities are getting you fellas so worked up is because they are pointing out not only the hypocrisy of your belief structure, but the utter stupidity of it.

You don't really have a strong grasp of the term 'rights' it would appear. Same goes for 'belief structure'.

Not that I'm a believer or anything, but the Judeo-christian, northern European 'belief structure', combined with the limited powers of govt(or said another way, the extensible rights of man) made the US what it is today. We went from a new beginning to the most powerful nation on the planet(by far) in less than 200 years.

You're welcome. In fact - we are so sure of our rights and belief structure that we can't and won't stop small-minded people, with totalitarian ideas in their heads from spewing any kind of alternate universe, up is down, black is white, work is freedom, liberty is regulation gobbledygook from kooks like YOU. 8)
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: Number7 on October 16, 2017, 07:41:41 AM
Triggered much?

I’m not the one that has an issue with athletes who choose to take a knee during the national anthem to point out a systemic problem. I could care less, and I support my fellow citizens exercising their constitutional rights toward expression of speech. Not only that, but also it would appear a few veterans agree. (http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/31/us/veterans-for-kaepernick-trnd/index.html)

Show me a law, regulation, or even taboo that requires standing during the National Anthem, and I’ll happily concede. Otherwise, why try stomping on someone’s rights to free speech? Even if it might be the same gesture a fellow veteran makes toward the memory of a fallen comrade?

Maybe the reason late night talk show hosts and other celebrities are getting you fellas so worked up is because they are pointing out not only the hypocrisy of your belief structure, but the utter stupidity of it.

Either you are so indoctrinated that you can't drag your caress far enough out of the miasma of self induced group think, or you truly lack the IQ to see the hypocrisy of your stances.

Your never ending projection is nothing but a self defense mechanism, designed to shut down opposition viewpoints by painting every one else as the problem to avoid looking in the mirror.

To help you with that I will state a few obvious facts that you carefully ignore to support the utter bullshit you're spouting.

Ignorance and racism are the sole tools used by the left to try and keep everyone from observing easily observed racism rampant throughout the democratic party. Democrats ARE the party of slavery.

Not used to be.


Setting aside the culture of murder, rape, slavery, child sexual abuse, and torture against blacks for centuries, you Democrats fall all over yourselves to protect the only organized modern day slavers, the Muslims. You are so determined to protect their cash cow that you stare directly at the kidnapping, buying, selling, raping, murdering and brutality against helpless slaves, while screaming that those of us who point it out are the real racists. You and the democrat party have such an incomprehensible blindness on this that is so delusional that is certainly a form of mental illness and warrants serious intervention.

You call yourselves a big tent party but violently exclude anyone who acts differently, thinks differently, and speaks a different opinion. You and your party embrace violence, arson, looting, rape and torture as long as it is perpetrated against someone, anyone, that refuses to pretend to toe the party line.

Black lives matter, antifa, and plethora of 'activist' groups that violate the law (but only in cities with mayors that will force the police to stand down and allow the violence, arson, looting, rape and abuse) are protected by hordes of democrats demanding that no one dare point out these crimes.

The new insanity of the mentally ill democrat party is gender confusion, and the all out war on heterosexuals. You pathetic, cowards are proud of your insane delusions and have intimidated scores of public officials into silence to avoid your violence, charges of racism, sexism, misogyny and all other manner of lies.

When you babble your bullshit about us because we see through the lies, bullshit, outright fraud and ignorance of the nfl protests, you instantly attack because the swell of public opinion and tuning out of the national fraud league, endangers the cash cow.

Just like muslim slavers, the MMGW fraud, the illegal planned parenthood scam, and the continued flow of illegal aliens, all you care about is using those people to turn out votes to further hijack the country from the people who actually pay the bills.

MarkZ, you are a shallow reflection of most of what is wrong with the democrat party and you know it, but are too invested in your lies to do anything about it.
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: Little Joe on October 16, 2017, 09:58:35 AM

Show me a law, regulation, or even taboo that requires standing during the National Anthem, and I’ll happily concede. Otherwise, why try stomping on someone’s rights to free speech? Even if it might be the same gesture a fellow veteran makes toward the memory of a fallen comrade?

I'm not sure if there is a law, regulation or taboo that forbids a restaurant worker from picking his nose in view of customers, but if he does and I see it, I will probably walk out.  And I don't give a shit if he has a "right" to pick his nose or not.  I have a right to walk out and encourage all of my friends to do the same.
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: LevelWing on October 16, 2017, 11:22:34 AM
I’m not the one that has an issue with athletes who choose to take a knee during the national anthem to point out a systemic problem. I could care less, and I support my fellow citizens exercising their constitutional rights toward expression of speech.


Show me a law, regulation, or even taboo that requires standing during the National Anthem, and I’ll happily concede. Otherwise, why try stomping on someone’s rights to free speech?
This is not a constitutional issue, this is a business issue. The government is not making any efforts to restrict or prohibit speech. This is a private organization that is allowing players to use their stadiums and national television platforms to make social statements. That's fine and if they want to allow that, they're welcome to do so. The fans are also welcome not to attend, watch, or purchase merchandise.
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: gerhardt on October 16, 2017, 11:55:53 AM
Level Wing has it right.  But I'm curious why anyone here gives a flip.  No one here seems to be a big NFL fan nor a big late night talk show fan.  I'm not, and I couldn't care less about any of this flap.  Dues have a right to take a knee, owners have a right to fire them.   Almost as much posturing as goes on here most days.
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: Little Joe on October 16, 2017, 12:05:35 PM
Level Wing has it right. But I'm curious why anyone here gives a flip.  No one here seems to be a big NFL fan nor a big late night talk show fan.  I'm not, and I couldn't care less about any of this flap.  Dues have a right to take a knee, owners have a right to fire them.   Almost as much posturing as goes on here most days.
You almost have the right attitude about this.

But why do liberals always ask "why do you care" when we get upset because other liberals do stupid shit stupid shit that offends us?  And disrespecting the flag DOES offend me.   Liberals get their panties all in a wad when any conservative says anything that doesn't dovetail with their politically correct demands.  Liberals get all upset when someone uses the wrong pronoun when referring to someone that is confused about their identity.

And besides that, THIS IS A POLITICAL SPIN ZONE!  We are here to take and defend sides and promote our causes.  Why would you are anyone come here if it wasn't to argue a point?  My only beef is with people that get personally nasty about it.   Or people that lie, or people that are blatant hypocrites.  Or people that like Hillary, or Obama.  (ok, so maybe I have more than one beef).
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: LevelWing on October 16, 2017, 12:40:20 PM
But I'm curious why anyone here gives a flip.
Because sports are one of the few great unifiers in this country. People tune into sports to get away from politics. Nobody wants to watch ESPN for politics or go to a game and see political statements. Whether you agree with the player's grievances or not is irrelevant; people want to watch the game.
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: Anthony on October 17, 2017, 06:44:33 AM
Because sports are one of the few great unifiers in this country. People tune into sports to get away from politics. Nobody wants to watch ESPN for politics or go to a game and see political statements. Whether you agree with the player's grievances or not is irrelevant; people want to watch the game.

^^^^This.  I don't want to see, nor hear politics, no matter left, or right when I am trying to relax, and be entertained.  In the old days comedians could lampoon politicians, and not be anti-American about it, and they would mock both parties.  Bob Hope, Johnny Carson, etc.  I mean "Laugh In" even had Nixon on to say "Sock it tom me!"  Kimmel, SNL, and many others have crossed the line with the Trump Admin.  I am a non-violent person, but when I see Kimmel on the screen I'd like to slap him like the little whiney bitch he is. 
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: Number7 on October 17, 2017, 07:15:37 PM
Level Wing has it right.  But I'm curious why anyone here gives a flip.  No one here seems to be a big NFL fan nor a big late night talk show fan. 

Because we are Americans and America means something to us.

The real question is WHY do you constantly try to insult the discussion to a close when the posts drift away from the politically correct tone and tenor?

Kimmel is a typical, uninformed, hypocrite, which is to say, he is a perfect liberal. Short on truth. Long on bullshit and hysteria.

He needs his show to go down in flames like the ratings are tumbling for CNN-NBC-ABC-CBS-NYT and all the other pravda wanna-be communists.

Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: invflatspin on October 17, 2017, 07:43:39 PM
Why are some people so sanguine about the destruction of our nation bit, by bit, by bit?

Death by a 1000 cuts is still dead.
Title: Re: Late Night Talk Show Host: If You Like Trump, Then Go Away
Post by: Little Joe on October 18, 2017, 05:17:34 AM
Level Wing has it right.  But I'm curious why anyone here gives a flip.  No one here seems to be a big NFL fan
You are partially right.  I "AM" not a big NFL fan.
However, I "used to be" a big NFL fan.
Last year, we flew to New Orleans to watch the Saints/Falcons game, and we flew to Nashville to watch the Broncos/Titans game.

However, I have no intention of flying to any NFL games this year, and probably never will again. (But I have learned to "never say never"), which is why I said "probably never".

This weekend, we are flying to see friends in Georgia before flying up to West Virginia to hike some trails and see the leaves turn colors.  I don't mind leaves turning colors.   Spoiled rich football players are another matter.