Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Lucifer on October 28, 2017, 07:22:16 PM

Title: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Lucifer on October 28, 2017, 07:22:16 PM
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: LevelWing on October 29, 2017, 12:23:12 AM
The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board has called on Mueller to resign:


There's a lot going on here. The Sunday talk shows should be interesting in light of all of this. We'll see what the Democratic response is, though I'm sure it'll be predictable.
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: bflynn on October 29, 2017, 06:07:01 AM
Well considering they just set out to arrest at least one person this weekend, that isn't going to happen.
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Lucifer on October 29, 2017, 06:35:40 AM
Well considering they just set out to arrest at least one person this weekend, that isn't going to happen.

Nice how Mueller and company supposedly leaked that out to CNN.   Supposedly it's been sealed by a judge, and supposedly they will make an arrest on Monday.

 I keep saying "supposedly" because this is not the first time CNN has put out a story like this using vague references and unsubstantiated sources.   But given the fact that Hillary is up to her neck in one of the biggest scandals ever to hit DC and Mueller is a part of the scandal, along with Comey and Rosenstein I can see where CNN is trying very hard to divert any attention away from the phony Mueller investigation. 

 And I also see Mueller has to do something to keep his multi million dollar opposition research, err.., "investigation" going because the calls from congress to shut him down is getting louder and louder.

Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Little Joe on October 29, 2017, 06:39:38 AM
Nice how Mueller and company supposedly leaked that out to CNN.   Supposedly it's been sealed by a judge, and supposedly they will make an arrest on Monday.

 I keep saying "supposedly" because this is not the first time CNN has put out a story like this using vague references and unsubstantiated sources.   But given the fact that Hillary is up to her neck in one of the biggest scandals ever to hit DC and Mueller is a part of the scandal, along with Comey and Rosenstein I can see where CNN is trying very hard to divert any attention away from the phony Mueller investigation. 

 And I also see Mueller has to do something to keep his multi million dollar opposition research, err.., "investigation" going because the calls from congress to shut him down is getting louder and louder.
I keep hoping and praying that the arrest warrant is for Hillary and Co.

No need to tell me how dumb that hope is.  >:(
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Lucifer on October 29, 2017, 06:43:10 AM
And to add why CNN is all about fake news and protecting their master, this should help make that clear:


CNN can't even be considered news anymore, they are nothing but a full blown propaganda outlet for the radical progressives.
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Lucifer on October 29, 2017, 06:48:18 AM
I keep hoping and praying that the arrest warrant is for Hillary and Co.

No need to tell me how dumb that hope is.  >:(

Mueller has to do something, anything, to keep his gig going.   He is up to his neck in the real scandal and has proven once again there is nothing to the so called Trump Russia Collusion.

IF an arrest actual comes from this it will be on some obscure grounds that will be difficult to link to the original purpose of the investigation.  But it. Will give the MSM fuel to get the focus off off the Clintons and their scandal which has got them nervous.

 Congress needs to grow a set of balls, fire Mueller and launch an investigation into the Clinton Scandal which their already is mountains of evidence.
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Lucifer on October 29, 2017, 06:50:42 AM
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: President in Exile YOLT on October 29, 2017, 04:49:08 PM
Well considering they just set out to arrest at least one person this weekend, that isn't going to happen.

Timing is impeccable.

Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: nddons on October 30, 2017, 05:07:38 AM
I wonder if this alleged sealed indictment could be for the confidential informant?  If he has the goods on Mueller, this could prevent him from getting bail and testifying before Congress. Mueller was the head of the FBI when this uranium deal went down.

Ugh. What a fucking cesspool.
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Lucifer on October 30, 2017, 06:13:31 AM
The diversion is in full swing.  Mueller has to burn someone to get the focus away from Hillary and her coconspirators and it looks like Manafort is their fall guy...

though the indictment with the details has not been unsealed, according to reports Manafort is facing charges on tax fraud and other white collar crimes completely unrelated to the 2016 presidential election. His former business partner, Rick Gates, is also expected to surrender to authorities. Both were told to turn themselves in or face arrest.

The AG should step up the Clinton Uranium One/Russian Collusion scandal since they already have mountains of actual evidence. 

Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: bflynn on October 30, 2017, 06:44:51 AM
Tax fraud?  Millions of dollars and what they can come up with is tax fraud from a special prosecutor and a grand jury?
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Anthony on October 30, 2017, 06:48:20 AM
Tax fraud?  Millions of dollars and what they can come up with is tax fraud from a special prosecutor and a grand jury?

I agree.  What a farce.  Yet Hillary, Bill and the Clinton Foundation can accept hundreds of thousands of dollars, or more from Russia, Saudi, China, etc for influence peddling WHILE Hillary was Secretary of State, and during her Presidential campaign.  Disgusting.
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Lucifer on October 30, 2017, 06:51:15 AM
Tax fraud?  Millions of dollars and what they can come up with is tax fraud from a special prosecutor and a grand jury?

Yep.   It's strictly a diversion in an attempt to get the news away from the massive Clinton scandal.   Months upon months, millions upon millions and agency after agency, as well as Congress and the Senate have investigated the Trump campaign and have found......nothing.

 Yet the AG, Congress and the Senate have mountains of actual evidence showing the Clintons collusion with Russia and the involvement of Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein.
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Lucifer on October 30, 2017, 07:45:22 AM
And no links to Trump or his campaign.

Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: invflatspin on October 30, 2017, 08:38:39 AM
IIRC, Manafort was working for John Podesta during all the alleged money laundering and tax evasion. Podesta for the past 10 years has been an operative for various DNC activities. What does this have to do with Trump Russia 'collusion'? Why is CNN mentioning Trump every fourth word, and not one mention of Podesta and the DNC who was his boss?
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Lucifer on October 30, 2017, 09:12:28 AM
IIRC, Manafort was working for John Podesta during all the alleged money laundering and tax evasion. Podesta for the past 10 years has been an operative for various DNC activities. What does this have to do with Trump Russia 'collusion'? Why is CNN mentioning Trump every fourth word, and not one mention of Podesta and the DNC who was his boss?

The Corrupt News Network has an agenda, they are not a legitament news agency.  They are nothing more than a propaganda outlet for the progressives.

Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: President in Exile YOLT on October 30, 2017, 09:32:02 AM
The Corrupt News Network has an agenda, they are not a legitament news agency.  They are nothing more than a propaganda outlet for the progressives.

And they are usually the only US "news" available in foreign cable networks and airports, spreading anti-Trump propaganda worldwide.
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Lucifer on October 30, 2017, 03:06:32 PM
And they are usually the only US "news" available in foreign cable networks and airports, spreading anti-Trump propaganda worldwide.

 Unfortunately, yes.
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: invflatspin on October 30, 2017, 06:45:13 PM
In other, barely reported news Tony Podesta resigned from his own lobbying firm today. He also vows: "to fight this as an individual...'. But - he didn't say what it was he was fighting? It appears, that Manafort and Gates are not the only ones who failed to register as a foreign agent. Podesta also registered after the fact. 5 years after the fact it was brought to his attention that he's been lobbying for the Ukes all along, and has never told the US govt officially.

BTW, Tony Podesta is the operations arm of the DNC lobbying effort. Not just for the Ukes, but for many other groups. Not just that, but his firm was paying Manafort all those millions he was hiding from 2010 to 2014.
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Lucifer on October 30, 2017, 07:21:50 PM
We'll see if they go after the Podesta's, I won't hold my breath.
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: invflatspin on October 30, 2017, 08:28:45 PM
Remember deep throat? If not - google it. He said - and I quote: "Follow the money".


OFA paid the Fusion research people almost a million bucks, in a shadow deal through a lawyer in April 2016. Why would a campaign which has no candidate in 2016 pay a law firm to pay a smut peddler with no candidate? Obama was a lame duck in April 2016. And, it appears that the instructions with the payment to the lawyer was to use the money to hire Fusion, thus attempting to obscure the reason for the payment, in violation of campaign finance regulations.

This might go very badly for BO and Clinton. Which sort of answers the question of why they haven't been shouting from the rooftops today of all days. Silence from Obama and Clinton today is rather -- strange, yes?
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: nddons on October 30, 2017, 08:29:55 PM
And they are usually the only US "news" available in foreign cable networks and airports, spreading anti-Trump propaganda worldwide.
My wife and daughter just came back from Paris and said that CNN was the only English-language TV that they saw.
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Anthony on October 31, 2017, 06:03:47 AM
My wife and daughter just came back from Paris and said that CNN was the only English-language TV that they saw.

Which is huge in forming negative opinions of the U.S., Trump, the Republicans, etc.  No wonder Europeans think about the U.S. the way they do. 
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Lucifer on October 31, 2017, 06:08:44 AM
Which is huge in forming negative opinions of the U.S., Trump, the Republicans, etc.  No wonder Europeans think about the U.S. the way they do.

Correct.   I have friends in Europe, ME and Asia and they form their opinions of what's going on in the US because of what they see on the Corrupt News Network.   I have explained to them to disregard what they are seeing because of the slanted news and that CNN is spewing propaganda, not actual news.

 Goebbels would be envious.
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Anthony on October 31, 2017, 07:01:24 AM
Correct.   I have friends in Europe, ME and Asia and they form their opinions of what's going on in the US because of what they see on the Corrupt News Network.   I have explained to them to disregard what they are seeing because of the slanted news and that CNN is spewing propaganda, not actual news.

 Goebbels would be envious.

And the BBC is no better. 
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Lucifer on November 10, 2017, 07:38:18 AM
And now we have this:


 Has anyone else noticed that Mueller likes to time his leaks (which are felonies, btw) to happen at the beginning of a weekend.  This way it gins up more news coverage before the next week (the intent).

 His last weekend leak got obliterated by the church shooter story.

 And in his quest to get Flynn, notice this has nothing to do with so called Russian collusion.  Again, this could have been investigated by the FBI without resorting to a special prosecutor.

 Maybe we should rename Mueller the Grand Inquisitor since that's what his role has actually become.
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: bflynn on November 10, 2017, 08:53:27 AM
IIRC, Manafort was working for John Podesta during all the alleged money laundering and tax evasion. Podesta for the past 10 years has been an operative for various DNC activities. What does this have to do with Trump Russia 'collusion'? Why is CNN mentioning Trump every fourth word, and not one mention of Podesta and the DNC who was his boss?

Does that mean that Podesta could be a suspect, but we have the fox guarding the hen house?
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Number7 on November 10, 2017, 09:49:28 AM
Some days I wonder if Jeff Sessions is purposely covering Hilary's tracks to make sure there is never an indictment.
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist on November 10, 2017, 10:24:54 AM
None of this makes sense to me.  Why are the Clintons teflon coated?  Why was Mueller given so much latitude. As I understand it there is no limit on what he can pursue.  How the hell did that happen? Watching all of these entrenched politicians work so hard against Trump is very frustrating.
Title: Re: Time to Fire Mueller
Post by: Lucifer on November 10, 2017, 10:40:07 AM
None of this makes sense to me.  Why are the Clintons teflon coated?

The swamp denizens take care of their own.  And couple that with a fact that the dems have stacked the government with their own by embedding liberals in all walks of government, and 8 years of BHO weaponizing the federal bureaucracies just for items such as this.

Why was Mueller given so much latitude. As I understand it there is no limit on what he can pursue.  How the hell did that happen?

 Comey illegally leaked documents to the MSM in order to force a Special Prosecutor (his own admission).  This is turn had Rosenstein (another swamp dweller) appoint a Special Prosecutor (Sessions prematurely recused himself) and Comey's long time friend and confidant was appointed.  Mueller then fills his team with high profile democratic donors and attorneys that use questionable tactics.

 It reeks.  And the establishment Republicans led by Ryan and McConnell just sit back and watch.

Watching all of these entrenched politicians work so hard against Trump is very frustrating.

 It's disgusting and sickening.  Hopefully a year from now enough pissed off flyover country deplorables will go to the polls and start voting these assholes out.