Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Steingar on April 03, 2018, 06:59:32 AM

Title: My Neighbors
Post by: Steingar on April 03, 2018, 06:59:32 AM

Title: Re: My Neighbors
Post by: Becky (My pronouns are Assigned/By/God) on April 03, 2018, 07:21:04 AM
Virtue signalling.

We have a spate of signs in yards around here that say "Hate has no home here." Friends refer to the one in their neighborhood as "the hate house." Essentially the sign posters are saying that only their type of hate is acceptable.

Kind of like ... only your take on science is real, Muslim treatment of women and gays is not worth mentioning, Christian businesses don't have rights, borders should be open no matter the dire consequences to legal residents, black lives matter but only outside the womb, and by implication whites are oppressors ...

The holiness spiral is evident. Your desire to feel and believe you are superior is the mechanism by which your party gets its power. It creates the stench of liberalism.
Title: Re: My Neighbors
Post by: Number7 on April 03, 2018, 07:31:09 AM
Ass-wipery of the faux-intellectual mind.

Mikey is a product of an industry that thinks:

The “Christian Privilege” workshop is one of 15 “free training opportunities” offered through the center to “equip students and staff with the necessary skills to promote diversity and inclusion in the different environments,” according to its website.
Other workshops offered through the center focus on “heteroesexual privilege,” “cisgender privilege,” “abled-bodied privilege,” “socio-economic privilege,” “unconscious bias,” and more.

His hypocrisy and his bigotry are the calling cards of his profession and he plays his card with less shame than Al Sharpton plays the race card.

It's a shame people like Steingar ruin universities with such determined ignorance.

When the economic wheels roll off the federal tit, all those useless, virtue signalling, bigots will be starving alongside many of the young adults that their teaching intellectually crippled.

...and because you fake intellectual, bigots are too stupid to look up your own information:

Title: Re: My Neighbors
Post by: invflatspin on April 03, 2018, 08:42:09 AM
Hmmmm, I see no content in the post of the thread starter. A neighbor rant is always nice.
Title: Re: My Neighbors
Post by: Number7 on April 03, 2018, 08:54:46 AM
Those signs are about as honest as all of those "Pray for..." gifs that turn up on facebook every time something bad happens in an approved, politically correct, place and to politically acceptable people.

There is nothing less sincere than borrowing someone's 'pray for...' sign and pretending you have proven your virtue because you can repeat whatever you are supposed to repeat.

On Christmas Day our church organizes an extra weekly free meal. This Christmas dinner was for the homeless, shut ins and anyone with no family, or loved ones to spend the day with. Our volunteers regularly feed several hundred homeless and indigent families a week but Christmas is a little different and because it is Christmas, we organize with a different set of volunteers, as many of the regular crew are with their families, as well they should.

This Christmas was a bit of a surprise because I paid attention to who volunteered. The group of people giving up their Christmas events were all white, mostly lower middle class, older (many were retired) and accustomed to working for whatever they had.

No where among the group were there any of the virtue signalling, progressive, drum beating, protesting kind. It was all truly average, working folks, giving of themselves.

That reminds of the protest groups. You never see any of the protest progressives handing out shoes and blankets to the homeless, feeding the poor, visiting the sick, helping the elderly with their day to day challenges, or doing much of anything but whining their lazy asses off, complaining that those of us who actually do the work don't give enough away to those who refuse.

The pathetic, queer, David Hogg claimed his march was over 600 thousand strong and all teens.

The facts, like most of the time when a progressive speaks, are much different. The AVERAGE age was 49 and over three-quarters of the less than half of what they claimed, were middle aged. Many of the protestors were paid to be there. I understand the pay was in the $300 range.

So, once again, the progressives were too lazy to show at their own protest unless paid to be there and then they lied about who they were and how many actually showed up.

Just like mikey's stupid, pathetic, signs, they were all mouth and no truth.
Title: Re: My Neighbors
Post by: Anthony on April 04, 2018, 06:38:16 PM
It is the same people that have COEXIST bumper stickers on their Prius.  They will only coexist if YOU CONFORM to their will, and demands.  Their policies will be agreed to, or they will shut you down, and call you a racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobe.  In their minds they are ALLOWED to hate because they are in the right, and know better. 
Title: Re: My Neighbors
Post by: Number7 on April 04, 2018, 08:12:46 PM
In their minds they are ALLOWED to hate because they are in the right, and know better.

Sounds just like steingar....
Title: Re: My Neighbors
Post by: Mr Pou on April 05, 2018, 05:38:55 AM
There are some of these type signs in our neighborhood. I've always been of the opinion that those who protest loudest are the ones with skeletons in their closets...
Title: Re: My Neighbors
Post by: Number7 on April 05, 2018, 06:51:35 AM
Shortly after the election -- but I can;t remember if it was before, or after the inauguration - there was a bunch of zealous progressives protesting outside of a convention center where conservatives were holding a pro-Trump rally.

An old woman was attempting to leave when a bunch of those protesting tried to block her from using the handicap ramp and in the process knocked her to the ground and, of course, celebrated their bravery.

The funniest thing was also the saddest thing about liberals.

Most of those cowardly, scumbags, were wearing, 'Love trumps Hate,' shirts.

If it wasn't so pathetic it would have been funny.
Title: Re: My Neighbors
Post by: invflatspin on April 05, 2018, 11:00:58 AM
Now that I can read the sign, two things come to mind. 1) Their Spanish grammar is not very good. 2) It would seem to me that based on my experience with most liberals, they are the greatest hypocrites ever assembled. They will tell you all day how special, great, fantastic you are, while simultaneously stabbing you in the back where it counts(jobs, advancement, equality, liberty, etc). This plays out time after time in the actual results of the liberal programs. The most obvious and costly example was Johnson's Great Society experiment with Detroit. Billions spent, and turned it into a horrible slum, where once was a thriving, working class blue collar city.