Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Steingar on November 06, 2018, 06:16:00 AM

Title: I'll give Trump one thing...
Post by: Steingar on November 06, 2018, 06:16:00 AM
He really got folks voting!  Early voting in my state is more than in the Presidential election.  Folks are showing up to the polls in record numbers.  No matter who wins, increased participation is a good thing.
Title: Re: I'll give Trump one thing...
Post by: invflatspin on November 06, 2018, 08:08:28 AM
Yup, my state too. Voter turnout is nearly has high as pres election. Love him or hate him, Trump brings out the voters.
Title: Re: I'll give Trump one thing...
Post by: acrogimp on November 06, 2018, 08:26:03 AM
I rode in an elevator with 2 poll workers after I early voted last night, one said they already had 28% of the eligible votes in as mail-in, they had never seen that - both were excited.

Now that bothers me because I am convinced, based on observation while there, that that office is no doubt almost entirely filled with folks of a single political persuasion and I don't trust them any further than I could throw the building, but it is interesting.

Lots of people in line to vote, I was in the last 10 or so allowed in.

Saw a lot of what appeared to be no registration provisional voters (based on what they were saying, asking for, being told) which is worrisome to me.  If you can still register and vote, even if you missed the registration deadline, why have any rules at all?

Did have a fun conversation with a young black woman, she asked me if she would need her ID to vote and I jokingly said no, you only need it to get here and then get home, buy alcohol or do almost everything else - she was surprised by that, not my joke but that she did not need ID.

That suggested to me she was not fully informed/prepared to vote but I could admittedly be way off on that, but it again is worrisome to me that folks will show up to vote who don't actually understand the system or follow the rules/law.  When I told her they can't ask for ID I did see a glimmer of worry/cponcern in her face as I think she worked through the logic of how that does not give one a sense of confidence in the security of the vote and I took that as hopeful.

But, I did my part and no matter how today turns out I earned my bitching/crowing rights.

Title: Re: I'll give Trump one thing...
Post by: Becky (My pronouns are Assigned/By/God) on November 06, 2018, 08:42:50 AM
These are huge concerns. My deepest fear is that the left will hook, crook and blast its lying, bloodsucking, globalist-enabling way back into the White House, hence screwing America into perpetuity.

Also, I am growing weary of the fight, as are many good people.

On WalkAway, so many people have literally been shunned, not just on social media but in their real lives, by supposed friends and actual family members who claim the shunned one is intolerant!

How is that mindset going anywhere good?

God help us.
Title: Re: I'll give Trump one thing...
Post by: Number7 on November 06, 2018, 08:45:21 AM
 The local news claimed that over 40% of registered voters had already early voted in Florida.
That’s pretty high.
I wonder how many of the. Are dead?
Title: Re: I'll give Trump one thing...
Post by: Lucifer on November 06, 2018, 08:46:49 AM
I wonder how many of the. Are dead?

 The dead ones are all voting democrat.
Title: Re: I'll give Trump one thing...
Post by: bflynn on November 06, 2018, 09:12:19 AM
Well, we assume that these are legitimate voters.  Having done research on the process, I know that once a voter record is established, it is virtually impossible to disprove.  I can also state with fair confidence that there are enough places to hide voter registrations that it is very, very easy to create a voter record that is entirely legitimate, other than the person doesn't exist. 

Here's an easy one - rent an apartment and then register at the apartment under multiple different names.  Get your voter card delivered, then rent new apartments with new names.  Because the name never shows up at another location, the election board assumes they are still living there.  All it takes is money.  Sure enough, when I go into local voter records, there are places where there are hundreds of people registered at apartment buildings, but there aren't that many apartments.  But which ones are the invalid ones?  Who is a made up person and who isn't?  The people who manager voter rolls have no way to know, once a record is created, it is never verified again and is only removed when the court gets a death notice from a funeral home or when the voter record is not used for X years.

Just feel the need to point out that the increasing voter turn out could just be an increasing level of fraud.  I have done too much research into this to believe that it doesn't exist.  The only question is whether or not someone has taken it the levels that are possible.
Title: Re: I'll give Trump one thing...
Post by: Steingar on November 06, 2018, 11:07:04 AM
I like the increased voter participation because it gives our elected officials some degree of legitimacy.  When someone wins election with 20% of the populace voting for them, they lack some degree of it.

I would rather the guy I don't like win with 80% voter participation than my guy win with 50%. If my fellow citizens like the other guy that much better I can live with it.  It is democratic, and I'm not always on the right, or at least the popular side.
Title: Re: I'll give Trump one thing...
Post by: Becky (My pronouns are Assigned/By/God) on November 06, 2018, 11:18:26 AM
I’ll posit that voters are more motivated to vote for real leadership, and are rendered sluggish to inactive in their voting when they feel their leaders don’t care. 

On a bright note ...

Title: Re: I'll give Trump one thing...
Post by: invflatspin on November 06, 2018, 12:01:12 PM
BO's rallies were getting about 1/4 of Trump rallies around the whole country. Some places were more, but some places were a lot less. Of course, if one listens just to MSM, all the BO rallies were completely full. I saw a pic the other day from inside a BO rally in OH or MI, and the venue was fairly small and still not full. Maybe 2300 people.
Title: Re: I'll give Trump one thing...
Post by: Little Joe on November 06, 2018, 12:25:00 PM
He really got folks voting!  Early voting in my state is more than in the Presidential election.  Folks are showing up to the polls in record numbers.  No matter who wins, increased participation is a good thing.
Earlier you gave me grief because of a perceived inconsistency between mine and Becky's posts.
Yet in two separate posts you rail against the Republican's effort to prevent voters from voting, and then you say they have boosted voting levels to a high degree.

Well, which is is?  Are they preventing people from voting or encouraging people to vote?

And I think you said something about MY stupidity.
Title: Re: I'll give Trump one thing...
Post by: invflatspin on November 06, 2018, 12:45:38 PM
Let me explain:

High interest and voting totals for Dems is a good thing. ANY kind of impediment, no matter how trivial is grounds for whining, wailing, and the making of mtns out of molehills.

High interest and voting totals for Reps is a bad thing. ANY impediment to voting is not only desired, but a strategic target for fomenting low Rep voter turnout.
Title: Re: I'll give Trump one thing...
Post by: acrogimp on November 06, 2018, 12:52:59 PM
Local News radio reporting that Republican's outpacing Democrats in early and mail-in voters here in SoCal.....Now D's still outnumber R's in total registration, but R + Independent is substantially outnumbering D in early/mail votes.

Anecdotal but interesting - they are also reporting an expected 68% turnout.

Title: Re: I'll give Trump one thing...
Post by: invflatspin on November 06, 2018, 01:31:32 PM
I remember when San Diego was a 'Navy town'. Conservatives outnumbered Liberals by nearly 2:1. Oh - I was maybe 12 at that time!
Title: Re: I'll give Trump one thing...
Post by: Lucifer on November 06, 2018, 01:34:09 PM
Let me explain:

High interest and voting totals for Dems is a good thing. ANY kind of impediment, no matter how trivial is grounds for whining, wailing, and the making of mtns out of molehills.

High interest and voting totals for Reps is a bad thing. ANY impediment to voting is not only desired, but a strategic target for fomenting low Rep voter turnout.

 Actually in the mid terms low voter turn out helps the dims, and high voter turnout goes in favor of the republicans.  Historically.