Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Lucifer on December 13, 2020, 07:20:02 AM

Title: As Texas talks secession, how many states would support such a move?
Post by: Lucifer on December 13, 2020, 07:20:02 AM
Interesting thought.    The blue state shitholes are going to continue to siphon off money from the responsibly governed and operated free states, and the shitholes will continually keep wanting to dictate how the free states should operate.

Now that we are seeing the blue state shitholes manipulating national elections and disenfranchising the free states, perhaps the time is here?


As a stand-alone country, Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world. The economy of the State of Texas is the second largest in the United States. It has a gross state product of $1.887 trillion (2019, the second largest in the U.S.
GDP: $1.887 trillion (2019)
GDP per capita: $65,077 (2019)
Title: Re: As Texas talks secession, how many states would support such a move?
Post by: Rush on December 13, 2020, 07:59:58 AM
Chief Justice Salmon P Chase delivered the opinion of the court in that case where he declared that the admittance of Texas to the union, just as with any other state, was “indissoluble.” He continued by saying that the only way to change that was through revolution or through the consent of the states.

He was wrong. There is nothing that says a state joining the union is irrevocable. Furthermore, this supposition directly contradicts the Federal government going through the process of readmitting Texas after the Civil War. If Texas never left because the union was indissoluble, then how could they be readmitted?  Both can’t be true.

The truth is that the only thing keeping states from seceding is force, specifically military force. And what happens if this time most of the military is on the side of the secessionists?

The blue states throw tantrums about seceding themselves but in reality they cannot subsist without the red states. Their large cities are full of parasites and they are fiscally and morally bankrupt. It would be even better if states themselves split with all the red counties joining the secession.
Title: Re: As Texas talks secession, how many states would support such a move?
Post by: Little Joe on December 13, 2020, 08:06:36 AM
It (secession) will never happen.  What we will see is more of what we are seeing now.  Florida for instance was solid red this past election.  But what is happening is that our housing market is on fire because of all the blue state refugees that are moving down here, ostensibly to  escape COVID.  But the ones I have met so far, like the New Yorkers that just bought the house next door, have Biden/Harris stickers on their cars.

Then as more and more of the money moves out of the Blue States, those states will descend into inner city shitholes that liberals well demand we bail out.

You might as well start learning it now. "Welcome to the new world"
Title: Re: As Texas talks secession, how many states would support such a move?
Post by: Anthony on December 13, 2020, 08:16:34 AM
He was wrong. There is nothing that says a state joining the union is irrevocable. Furthermore, this supposition directly contradicts the Federal government going through the process of readmitting Texas after the Civil War. If Texas never left because the union was indissoluble, then how could they be readmitted?  Both can’t be true.

The truth is that the only thing keeping states from seceding is force, specifically military force. And what happens if this time most of the military is on the side of the secessionists?

The blue states throw tantrums about seceding themselves but in reality they cannot subsist without the red states. Their large cities are full of parasites and they are fiscally and morally bankrupt. It would be even better if states themselves split with all the red counties joining the secession.

The rural areas within each state need to secede and form German like City-states within the larger state.  Totally autonomous.
Title: Re: As Texas talks secession, how many states would support such a move?
Post by: Rush on December 13, 2020, 08:19:02 AM
It (secession) will never happen.  What we will see is more of what we are seeing now.  Florida for instance was solid red this past election.  But what is happening is that our housing market is on fire because of all the blue state refugees that are moving down here, ostensibly to  escape COVID.  But the ones I have met so far, like the New Yorkers that just bought the house next door, have Biden/Harris stickers on their cars.

Then as more and more of the money moves out of the Blue States, those states will descend into inner city shitholes that liberals well demand we bail out.

You might as well start learning it now. "Welcome to the new world"

If all other avenues are lost then we better well try secession or rule by Constitutional law will be lost for a thousand years. I hate to see the US break in two but better half remain free than the whole thing become a sugar daddy to commie China.
Title: Re: As Texas talks secession, how many states would support such a move?
Post by: Lucifer on December 13, 2020, 08:46:12 AM
If all other avenues are lost then we better well try secession or rule by Constitutional law will be lost for a thousand years. I hate to see the US break in two but better half remain free than the whole thing become a sugar daddy to commie China.

 The free states must institute stricter voting laws to combat the leftist.   The left is not winning on ideas, they are only winning through fraud and deception.

Take a look at the shithole states ruled by tyrants.   Those Tyrants (Coumo, Newsome, Whitmer, etc) got elected by the huge city centers of the state.   Each state needs to move towards a constitutional republic type of vote, such as each county or district awarding votes (electoral college) rather than the mob rule approach being used now.

 Look at the maps of these states on a county level and the red overtakes the blue substantially.  Yet those in the red areas are cancelled out by the blue city areas.

 There's a reason that parts of California and Oregon want to break off into their own states.
Title: Re: As Texas talks secession, how many states would support such a move?
Post by: Rush on December 13, 2020, 10:50:25 AM
The free states must institute stricter voting laws to combat the leftist.   The left is not winning on ideas, they are only winning through fraud and deception.

Take a look at the shithole states ruled by tyrants.   Those Tyrants (Coumo, Newsome, Whitmer, etc) got elected by the huge city centers of the state.   Each state needs to move towards a constitutional republic type of vote, such as each county or district awarding votes (electoral college) rather than the mob rule approach being used now.

 Look at the maps of these states on a county level and the red overtakes the blue substantially.  Yet those in the red areas are cancelled out by the blue city areas.

 There's a reason that parts of California and Oregon want to break off into their own states.

My husband and I just went to lunch and we were talking about how the red counties in all states need to secede and form a new state, or rather just kick out the big cities. Imagine a whole country without the few urban centers where all the commies are concentrated.
Title: Re: As Texas talks secession, how many states would support such a move?
Post by: Rush on December 13, 2020, 10:53:00 AM
Imagine this:
Title: Re: As Texas talks secession, how many states would support such a move?
Post by: bflynn on December 13, 2020, 12:56:37 PM
North Carolina is legally unable to without a Constitutional amendment.  After the civil war, the NC Constitution was amended to make it impossible to secede from the United States.

Curiously the amendment process just calls for both houses of the Legislature approving it, then the people voting on the change, I presume by simple majority.  Right now that's probably not a huge bar to cross.
Title: Re: As Texas talks secession, how many states would support such a move?
Post by: Number7 on December 13, 2020, 08:54:10 PM
The real problem with free states leaving the union is that communist states will devolve into brutal and violent civil war within days. Commies (democrats for the stupid) are far too prone to go postal over who gets to be in charge and who gets the bribes, to effectively govern themselves.

Look at NYC, Chicago and LA and tell me I'm wrong,