Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Number7 on October 07, 2021, 12:20:32 PM

Title: Given The Choice...
Post by: Number7 on October 07, 2021, 12:20:32 PM
If time travel were possible and available to you,
would you rather travel back to the 1930's and stop hitler, or
travel back to 2018 and stop fauci???
Title: Re: Given The Choice...
Post by: jb1842 on October 07, 2021, 12:42:04 PM
If you go back to 1930, you can still make sure fauci won't exist.
Title: Re: Given The Choice...
Post by: Lucifer on October 07, 2021, 12:51:03 PM
If you go back to 1930, you can still make sure fauci won't exist.

 Give Fauci's father a condom.
Title: Re: Given The Choice...
Post by: jb1842 on October 07, 2021, 03:06:45 PM
Give Fauci's father a condom.

That's way nicer than what I was thinking.
Title: Re: Given The Choice...
Post by: Mr Pou on October 08, 2021, 05:11:04 AM
Given the others have already been stopped yet Fauci still runs unchecked I'd opt for 2018.
Title: Re: Given The Choice...
Post by: Username on October 08, 2021, 07:34:05 AM
I'm pretty well convinced that stopping Hitler would be the wrong thing to do.  in the 1930s Germany was a mess and clearly heading toward war.  The anti-Jewish sentiment was well in place before Hitler came along.  WWII and the Jewish extermination would have happened anyway.  Hitler was a total screw-up and through his micro-managing the war made Germany's defeat much much quicker.  A more competent leader would have been more successful and would have made a much longer and more horrible war.  Our attention would be on Europe and Japan would be free to continue their extermination of China. 

The war would have happened anyway.  There is no doubt that Germany would eventually be defeated due to its limited resources. But Hitler (like Biden) was such an incompetent leader that he made Germany's downfall much, much faster and many lives were saved by his incompetence.
Title: Re: Given The Choice...
Post by: PeterNSteinmetz on October 08, 2021, 05:01:51 PM
I'm pretty well convinced that stopping Hitler would be the wrong thing to do.  in the 1930s Germany was a mess and clearly heading toward war.

Always fun to play with these historical counter-factuals. I think it is true that without Hitler becoming dictator Germany would have become some kind of military dictatorship.

But under those conditions I am not so sure either WWII or the Holocaust would have occurred. Remember that the Wehrmacht were actually sort of the sane ones trying to restrain Hitler. They likely would not have attempted the 1939 attack on Poland without Hitler’s prior antics which had convinced him he would get away with it.

The Holocaust arose as a gradual creep of plans in the context of total war. At first they were just going to ship the Jews out of Germany, perhaps to Madagascar. Then the war prevented them from doing that so they were just going to concentrate them in ghettos until the war was over and move them to the East. But then the war continued and they didn’t even have enough food to feed even the ethnic Germans so the people in the ghettos were low priority. And then something had to be done about these troublesome spots and some bureaucrats and officers came up with the idea of applying on massive scale the techniques they had been using on the disabled and mentally ill on a more limited scale.

Also important to consider I think that Hitler very nearly did not become Chancellor. It was actually a very tight timing and clever exploitation of specific circumstances that allowed that. And if that had not happened, he would not have become dictator. A very interesting book about this “Hitler’s 30 Days to Power”


Given all this I think it reasonable to posit that if Hitler had not become Chancellor or even been around, then things might have evolved in a considerably less disastrous manner.