Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Rush on April 09, 2022, 05:42:15 AM

Title: Are Russians brainwashed?
Post by: Rush on April 09, 2022, 05:42:15 AM
Are rather, do they think they are?

One guy says, “All information needs to be folded and divided in half, then it’d be something similar to truth.”

He goes on to say the invasion of Ukraine is like shooting at our own allies.

I like the old guy that references George Orwell.  He’s got it dialed in.

Title: Re: Are Russians brainwashed?
Post by: EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist on April 09, 2022, 05:59:50 AM
Now do Americans.  ;)
Title: Re: Are Russians brainwashed?
Post by: Old Crow on April 09, 2022, 06:28:28 AM
'War is peace, truth is lies'
Title: Re: Are Russians brainwashed?
Post by: Rush on April 09, 2022, 06:35:36 AM
Now do Americans.  ;)

If you did Americans, every one of them would say they aren't, but the other half of the country is.
Title: Re: Are Russians brainwashed?
Post by: nddons on April 09, 2022, 11:14:52 AM
Are rather, do they think they are?

One guy says, “All information needs to be folded and divided in half, then it’d be something similar to truth.”

He goes on to say the invasion of Ukraine is like shooting at our own allies.

I like the old guy that references George Orwell.  He’s got it dialed in.

Fascinating. I can see it happening here. Think of Al the people who called Trump a white supremacist sympathizer after Charlottesville, or even the people that call it the Don’t Say Gay bill. I think people actually LIKE to be brainwashed, because being a free thinker is too much work.

As for Ukraine, what is really sad is that we are living in an age where we have more immediate access to information than ever before. (Can you imagine if the VC, Hmong, and others had cell phone cameras in the 1960s?). Yet no one believes anything that they see coming from there. We are so jaded and scarred from distrusting our media and government that we are left in a fog, which is absolutely purposeful.
Title: Re: Are Russians brainwashed?
Post by: Anthony on April 09, 2022, 12:16:43 PM
Stan's right.  We are kept in a fog not knowing what to believe.   I just don't know where to get reliable information anymore, therefore I just don't watch nor listen to anything, especially if it is called "news".
Title: Re: Are Russians brainwashed?
Post by: Rush on April 09, 2022, 12:33:49 PM
Stan's right.  We are kept in a fog not knowing what to believe.   I just don't know where to get reliable information anymore, therefore I just don't watch nor listen to anything, especially if it is called "news".

I do the opposite, I listen to a range of sources including some obscure ones.  Putting it all together I can form an opinion of the likelihood of something being true.