Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Anthony on July 22, 2019, 05:07:07 AM

Title: 14 of 22 in MS-13 Machete Murders Illegal Aliens (not yet reported in MSM)
Post by: Anthony on July 22, 2019, 05:07:07 AM
Why isn't this on CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, AP, Reuters, NYT, Washpo, etc?

At least 14 of the 22 MS-13 gang members charged with murdering victims with machetes came to the United States as illegal aliens, Breitbart News can confirm.

Last week, 22 Los Angeles-based members of the violent El Salvadorian MS-13 gang were arrested and charged with a string of gruesome murders that included cases where victims were allegedly hacked with machetes to death and had their hearts cut out from their chests.

Why is this not being reported?  It doesn't fit the Media and the Democrats Far Left Progressive, Illegal Aliens at ALL COST narrative.  Disgusting.

Title: Re: 14 of 22 in MS-13 Machete Murders Illegal Aliens (not yet reported in MSM)
Post by: Lucifer on July 22, 2019, 05:23:04 AM
Title: Re: 14 of 22 in MS-13 Machete Murders Illegal Aliens (not yet reported in MSM)
Post by: Number7 on July 22, 2019, 05:52:47 AM
Being a liberal must require one to have NO BRAIN and NO INTEGRITY.

There is no other explanation for the brutal degree of censorship being applied against the facts and the truth in America by democrats (communists).
Title: Re: 14 of 22 in MS-13 Machete Murders Illegal Aliens (not yet reported in MSM)
Post by: Anthony on July 22, 2019, 06:04:02 AM
If the mainstream media, which comprises 95% of what people see, read, and hear, would accurately report facts and the "news", public opinion would be greatly different, and we wouldn't be nearly as divided.

What the Media, and Democrats are doing is to purposely put Americans at more risk to enable the influx of Illegal Aliens in which we know NOTHING about.   They have sold it to the weak minded as altruistic and humanitarian, citing the "huddled masses" quote on the statue of liberty. 

Well, those huddled masses came here LEGALLY, were vetted, checked for disease, mental health, criminal record, etc.  If they didn't meet the standards they were NOT allowed in.  That is a bid difference form just coming here illegally with no knowledge.  Yet the liberal/progressive can not see the danger of that, or they purposely ignore it. 
Title: Re: 14 of 22 in MS-13 Machete Murders Illegal Aliens (not yet reported in MSM)
Post by: Lucifer on July 22, 2019, 06:13:45 AM
If the mainstream media, which comprises 95% of what people see, read, and hear, would accurately report facts and the "news", public opinion would be greatly different, and we wouldn't be nearly as divided.

What the Media, and Democrats are doing is to purposely put Americans at more risk to enable the influx of Illegal Aliens in which we know NOTHING about.   They have sold it to the weak minded as altruistic and humanitarian, citing the "huddled masses" quote on the statue of liberty. 

Well, those huddled masses came here LEGALLY, were vetted, checked for disease, mental health, criminal record, etc.  If they didn't meet the standards they were NOT allowed in.  That is a bid difference form just coming here illegally with no knowledge.  Yet the liberal/progressive can not see the danger of that, or they purposely ignore it.

 The progressives want those bible thumping, gun clutching patriotic Americans to go away.  When voters won't buy into your craziness and alt left radical ideas, just open the border and import those who will.   

Title: Re: 14 of 22 in MS-13 Machete Murders Illegal Aliens (not yet reported in MSM)
Post by: Lucifer on July 22, 2019, 06:21:38 AM
This sums it up rather well:


The Democrats’ 2020 Campaign Theme Is “You Americans Are Terrible”

The Democrats’ 2020 theme is that you are terrible and the party’s slogan will be “Americans suck, vote for us.” The precise candidate who will employ it is not important because they all embrace the notion that punishing the essential moral failure of you and me and every other Normal American is the key goal of the Donkey Party. That goes equally for the Handsey Old Prospector, the Socialist Squaw, Crusty the Commie, Spartacus Sharpton, Starchild, the Furry, Not Ms. Willie Brown, the Unfabulous Gay Guy, and the many Unfabulous Ungay Guys.

They all agree that you are terrible because you don’t know your place, which is behind a rock pushing it endlessly uphill for the benefit of people who hate you.

Remember Animal Farm from back when you were in school and they taught it as a chilling warning about socialism instead of as a how-to manual? Remember the horse who got worked nearly to death then got sent to the glue farm?

Guess what? You’re the horse.

Your job is to work to generate taxes and feed the cities and defend the country while your betters clink Chardonnay glasses between bouts of redistributing the fruits of your labor to buy the votes of their slack Democrat political constituencies.

And besides being the engine that powers the establishment, you also fulfill another important function. You’re the liberal elite’s punching bag, the scapegoat, the convenient excuse for every flaw, failing and foul-up in the society that very same elite runs. You don’t get the credit you’re due; instead you get scorn, because that scorn both gins up the elite’s dopey allies and acts to keep you in line. It’s a stick to beat you and a chain to bind you.

Except people are getting sick of being beaten and bound. Unless you are a Never Trumper, in which case you’re probably into that scene.

What are your crimes? Heck, what aren’t your crimes? 
Title: Re: 14 of 22 in MS-13 Machete Murders Illegal Aliens (not yet reported in MSM)
Post by: Number7 on July 22, 2019, 06:29:42 AM
Liberalism is just communism in a pretty dress.

It is also a mental disorder affecting everything from critical thinking skills to questionable sexual practices, to deviant behaviors, to addictions and uncontrollable rage at anyone that refus3s to wallow in the pig sty of the liberal lifestyle.
Title: Re: 14 of 22 in MS-13 Machete Murders Illegal Aliens (not yet reported in MSM)
Post by: Rush on July 22, 2019, 07:47:16 AM
This sums it up rather well:


The Democrats’ 2020 Campaign Theme Is “You Americans Are Terrible”

That sums it up exactly.
Title: Re: 14 of 22 in MS-13 Machete Murders Illegal Aliens (not yet reported in MSM)
Post by: jb1842 on July 22, 2019, 07:56:10 AM
Racist! Sorry. Couldn't help myself. My white privilege guilt is killing me this morning.
Title: Re: 14 of 22 in MS-13 Machete Murders Illegal Aliens (not yet reported in MSM)
Post by: Anthony on July 22, 2019, 08:02:35 AM
So effectively, the vast majority of Media, and Democrats (same thing) are PRO MS-13, and promoting the horribly violent criminal element entering the U.S. illegally, and without the knowledge of anyone including Law Enforcement. 

I can't believe I am even typing this.  In the past, this fact would have caused outrage, and a huge public outcry to change this fact.  Yet, without the media's support, this doesn't happen.  This is SURREAL. 
Title: Re: 14 of 22 in MS-13 Machete Murders Illegal Aliens (not yet reported in MSM)
Post by: jb1842 on July 22, 2019, 08:19:42 AM
So effectively, the vast majority of Media, and Democrats (same thing) are PRO MS-13, and promoting the horribly violent criminal element entering the U.S. illegally, and without the knowledge of anyone including Law Enforcement. 

I can't believe I am even typing this.  In the past, this fact would have caused outrage, and a huge public outcry to change this fact.  Yet, without the media's support, this doesn't happen.  This is SURREAL.

The media is now in the business of promoting an ideology. Hitler would be proud.