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Messages - bflynn

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 35
Spin Zone / Re: NSA Spying on Tucker Carlson
« on: July 01, 2021, 12:42:30 PM »

Don't be jealous just because you can't work a simple internet BBS.  Does your VCR still flash 12:00?  :)

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: June 25, 2021, 11:14:54 AM »
No, it's just more of your fucked up trolling crap.  Wash, rinse, repeat.

I can believe the government is being incompetent, but if they're actively hiding things then I want to know what it is and how do you know.  Otherwise, you're just making stuff up again because you have no facts to back it up.

I'm not trolling by calling out your unsupported statements.  Quite the opposite, you're trolling by making it up in the first place.  And I'm disappointed but not surprised that you cannot handle being challenged.

Spin Zone / Re: Why I’m not getting the vaccine
« on: June 06, 2021, 05:12:33 PM »
I saw a t-shirt the other day that said "I showed my virtue when I got vaccinated".  I think it was custom, I haven't seen it anywhere else.

Ran across another place - Dame's Chicken and Waffles in Cary, NC.  It's a local place, but they were insisting that we wear a mask while talking to them at the cash register.  I looked at her funny and said we would have to spend our money elsewhere.  If the virus was that bad in their place that they need everyone in masks, then I just need to be elsewhere. 

Spin Zone / Re: Forced to commit a federal crime
« on: June 01, 2021, 05:15:43 PM »
You, you, you....scofflaw. 

Next thing you'll be telling us that you were prescribed adderall when you were a kid and never said so on your medical.

Spin Zone / Re: now the complaint is the CDC was too quick
« on: May 24, 2021, 07:26:43 AM »
I don't want to defame them, but their name is very similar to Frarbor Height.  They're pretty new in NC.  There's on out Capital just past Trawick and one in Cary near South Hills.

Spin Zone / Re: now the complaint is the CDC was too quick
« on: May 24, 2021, 06:02:03 AM »
I ran across a store that still had a sign outside, but alot of them do.  Except these people were serious about it and rather rude and aggressive about it.  I turned to leave an was literally looking at the exact item I came for.  It was a real conflict on whether or not to just leave or not waste the trip.

In the end I compromised, grabbed the item and took it to the register.  I held a mask up to my face while the cashier rang it up, then had to put it down to pay.  Picked everything up and walked out. 

But I won't be back until they change. 

Spin Zone / Re: now the complaint is the CDC was too quick
« on: May 21, 2021, 12:40:53 PM »
Science deniers.

Spin Zone / Re: Bidenflation is here
« on: May 19, 2021, 05:24:23 AM »
By my calculation, prices are up 22% since he took office.

On this plus side, this issue made jimmy carter a 1 term president and gave us Ronald Reagan. 

Spin Zone / Re: Why I’m not getting the vaccine
« on: April 30, 2021, 07:25:50 AM »
And Number 7 lays on an insult.  I am SO surprised.  I could have a heart attack from the huge surprise.  WHoever would have thought he'd do a thing like that?

You know he's going to do it.  You know it's going to be childish.  He is going to lash out, he can't control himself.  I don't even read what he writes anymore, he's a zero in my world. 

Why do you pay him any attention? 

Spin Zone / Re: France on verge of civil war
« on: April 27, 2021, 07:33:01 AM »
Civil war? What are they going to use as weapons, baguettes?

It doesn't matter.  Both sides are going to surrender before it starts. 

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: April 12, 2021, 07:08:03 AM »
That's why you need three masks.  The first one to get the virus, the second one to filter it out, and a third one for when the second mask gets full.

Soooo unwoke.  What makes you think 3 is enough?

Spin Zone / Re: What if?
« on: April 09, 2021, 05:03:08 PM »
You all keep talking like Biden is calling the shots.  How cute.

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: April 05, 2021, 05:57:02 AM »
Imagine during a financial audit, telling them they're only allowed to look at PDF copies of paperwork and you'll get to decide which PDFs they can have.

Nobody in the world would call that an audit, it would be a propaganda show.  Or a coverup.

i have asked multiple times what is racist about the bill.

Still have not gotten an answer.  The best I can figure right now, it's racist because they declared it so.

Spin Zone / Stepping on toes
« on: April 03, 2021, 04:34:51 AM »
Representative Brian Babin says Democrats are spending like a drunk sailor.

As a former drunk sailor, I object to that. It is well known that sailors will stop spending once they run out of money.,hp1r

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