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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: March 21, 2023, 10:35:27 AM »
What makes you say that?  I see a potential second term consisting of personal retribution, not governance.

But this is academic. No one here has made a good case as to how he will attract the middle in order to win a general election, which is a requirement to becoming president.

That’s one reason I like DeSantis over Trump. The second is I could get 8 years out of DeSantis. That matters greatly, given our ages.

He wanted a second term and being literally cheated out of it is the source of all his current rage.  If he gets his second term, I have no reason to think he won’t continue the same country building good policies he did the first time. No reason he can’t do that and get personal retribution; the two aren’t mutually exclusive.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: March 20, 2023, 04:56:42 AM »
I have said many times that I don't personally like DT.  He is a self centered, narcissist jerk.  But back when he was President I liked almost all of the things he did.  But after losing the election he went off the rails.  Worse than even Hillary did.  I think he snapped and I don't want a President that has snapped.

If he gets in office again he’ll unsnap.

Spin Zone / Re: The Climate Cult
« on: March 18, 2023, 01:50:28 PM »
Climate change is a mythical religion deliberately designed to instill fear in order to control us.

Spin Zone / Re: Trans activists storm, occupy state capitol
« on: March 17, 2023, 09:13:41 AM »
The horror is you can never detransition from surgery.  Even some of the hormonal effects are permanent.  But surgery permanently mutilates you.  Oh there is such a thing as detransition surgery to “restore” you to your original gender, but it’s not the same as the original at all.

Pence is the establishment.   Pence is obligated to tow the line for the UniParty.

He really is irrelevant. 

Spin Zone / Re: SVB & Signature Bank
« on: March 13, 2023, 08:24:39 AM »
We were fucked either way.  A run on all the banks (supposedly- or was that just fear mongering?)  Or print money to bail them out and suffer massively more inflation.  I guess option 2 delays the pain a bit to minimize the damage before 2024.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: March 10, 2023, 12:28:45 PM »
I’ll tell you what needs to be done about social security.  Stop sending money to Ukraine.  Get all the pork out of the budget. Dismantle the DEA, HUD, DOE and EPA, we don’t need any of them.  Fire 90% of the CIA, NSA and FBI and eliminate all the internal spying and harassment of our own citizens.  You set up a socialized retirement system so now you have to fund it.  Otherwise, trash the whole thing, slash taxes, get the fuck out of the way of the free market and let people actually build their own wealth.

Spin Zone / Re: What if We Did Divorce?
« on: March 09, 2023, 09:07:14 AM »
The people making demands are the ones that never have worked a living.
They have always lived off of those of us that paid out bills and taxes, served our country, raised our own kids and paid their college tuition,

These people are nothing and never will be.

Their legacy will be laziness, selfishness, racism, hatred and violence.

I count among those all the social justice warriors with political science degrees and “jobs” in activist organizations who don’t produce one bit of anything anyone wants.  I have more respect for drug pushers in the hood.  At least they’re providing a product that’s actually in demand by the free market, and risking jail or death in the process.  The baby mamas that kicked them out preferring government welfare money?  I have no respect for them at all.

Spin Zone / Re: Tucker Carlson hated Trump
« on: March 08, 2023, 03:53:49 PM »
At this point either Trump or DeSantis would be a zillion times better than the monsters in the WH right now.  But getting past election fraud is the problem.


1. Are you always cold?

Yes mostly, except for the hot flashes.

2. Has a human ever popped out of you?


3. Have you ever decorated a bed with six or more pillows?

Yes. But I call BS on this one; gay men are better at interior decorating than I am and they’re men.

4. Can you tell the difference between cream white and rustic farmhouse white?

Um, no.

5. Have you run into a curb in the past 24 hours? Be honest, CAROL.

I haven’t driven in the last 24 hours so no.

6. DO YOU BLEED? Like, for an extended period of time at regular intervals?

Not anymore but I used to.  Half a point?

7. Does it take you over three hours to decide what you want to eat?


8. Are you currently a member of at least three pyramid schemes?

Oh hell no.  I’m not stoopid!

9. Do you find simple movie plots hard to follow?

Yes. :(

10. Do you frequently describe your emotional state as "fine" when you are not in fact fine?


11. Is your Starbucks drink order anything other than black coffee?

I would NEVER patronize Starbucks.  I make my own coffee at home thankyouverymuch and it’s a hell of a lot better than that communist swill.

12. Do you have two X chromosomes?

Oh yes.  I can prove it with DNA test results.

According to this I guess I am likely a woman.

Spin Zone / Re: Russell Brand Goes Off
« on: March 07, 2023, 06:07:01 AM »
Here is a wonderful deep dive into that rant.

It’s very enlightening and I don’t dispute anything he says. My only caveat is that he speaks as an anti-capitalist where I point out that his own argument demonstrates that it’s fascism, not capitalism per se, that is the problem.

Like all anti-capitalist leftists, he bemoans the profits made by private corporations and the big salaries of the upper echelon within, but seems totally blind to the fact that the entire middle class is also invested in and profting by these corporations to the extent they have retirement accounts, mutual funds, etc.  Corporate profits aren’t by themselves a bad thing.

The bad thing is when they mate with government interests to pervert and contaminate the natural process.  Diverting profits to undeserving parties, pushing ideological agendas, and prosecuting unneeded wars.  There is nothing wrong with maintaining a military industrial complex, in fact it is mandatory (peace through superior strength) but Brand demonizes it in entirety rather than drawing a distinction between basic readiness and malignant greed resulting in warmongering for the sake of excessive profit. 

I want the MIC to profit, I’m invested in it.  And I want it strong, I’d like to see it active on the southern border. But only to the extent of national self defense.  Brand is spot on about war-venturing on the other side of the world deliberately drawn out to bring an endless money stream, which while I profit a smidge, the wealthy and the corrupt profit immensely AND… my own profits are taxed to recycle some of them right back into the scheme, funneling ever more into the pockets of the elite.

This is fascism, not capitalism.  When will Brand come to that final realization?

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: March 02, 2023, 11:45:46 AM »
The plexiglass barriers kill me.  At the doctor office or pharmacy counter I can’t hear what they’re saying so I stick my face down to whatever cutout they have and talk through that. Totally defeating the alleged purpose.

Spin Zone / Re: Making cockpits less white
« on: March 02, 2023, 06:24:48 AM »
Bob Denver was Gillian.

John Denver was a singer and pilot.

I’m sure jim would have been along to correct you by now, seeing as how his libertarian principles are so precious.

When I typed that I had not finished my coffee.  My brain got stuck on Bob for some reason.  Maybe it’s because my husband has Gilligan’s Island on the TV in the other room.

Spin Zone / Re: Making cockpits less white
« on: March 02, 2023, 05:22:12 AM »
I never thought to look it up, but there is a web site dedicated to "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender aviation professionals and enthusiasts":

Also turns out that the FAA required the first transgender commercial pilot to undergo a battery of psychology tests:

The policy was later modified but the FAA 2023 Guide For Aviation Medical Examiners does have a section on Gender Dysphoria. If the person had a gender change over 5 years prior to the medical examine AND "If there is no evidence of a mental health diagnosis and the airman is doing well on current treatment: " the examiner may issue a medical.
Under 5 years or a history of mental health issues (other than gender dysphoria) then the applicant gets to go through FAA Aerospace Medical hell.

Yes, I thought the FAA was now certifying trans.  Like I said if I ever meet one I think isn’t whacked I’ll let you know.  A prime candidate is Caitlyn Jenner but I haven’t met her.  But she might qualify because 1) She didn’t come out as trans until way late in life.  You don’t come out in your 60s from adolescent peer pressure.  So she is genuine trans (as opposed to pseudo which is almost always a symptom of primary depression/ anxiety disorder).  2) She is a conservative which suggests logical and level headed as opposed to woke left which indicates someone who is facts and reality challenged.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: February 28, 2023, 09:19:24 AM »
The chinese virus scam was the biggest psyop in the history of the USA.

The ongoing hysteria is nothing but frightened assholes, trying to maintain the gravy train that enriched so many fucking democrat traitors, starting with fauci and his freak show adminstration.

And it has consequences way beyond enriching the Democrats. It led to universal mail in voting, Biden “winning” the WH, Putin invading Ukraine, looming nuclear war, global economic dysfunction, increase in dystopian authoritarianism, depression and suicide, undoing the border security Trump had in place, stunting the education of children for two years, stunting the development of facial recognition in babies, supply chain disruption, medication shortages, depleting our oil reserves, and ironically: acceleration of the collapse of China.

My opinion: China was not ready to release it yet (if they were ever going to: it may have been a bioweapon, it may not have) but it escaped the lab.  The Democrats then seized on it to implement election changes as admitted to and detailed in the Time article. It was a happy windfall!  Meanwhile Trump was duped by his advisers including Fauci, to recommend a “two week lockdown” and the rest is history. Oh, and to fast track a vaccine which was an opportunistic windfall for the pharmaceutical companies, sealing the fascist union of corporations and government. Trump thought he was helping but didn’t know the vaccine would turn out so ineffective and be plagued with possible horrible side effects.

Trump, for all his virtues, is not an ideological free market libertarian and did not foresee the fascist nature of subsidizing the vaccine. He helped create a monster that won’t go away (endless boosters).  He also did not foresee the damage done by stimulus checks and small business loans.  The loans were plagued with fraud and the stimmy checks contributed to the current inflation (which Biden poured gasoline on) and removed motivation for people to go back to work.  But once again, Trump had good intentions and bad advice.  He is far from perfect. But I still think he’s the best man for the job due to 1) keeping us out of war 2) securing the border 3) getting us energy independent and 4) exposing the Uniparty swamp.

The virus was used as a weapon to misguide Trump into some bad decisions and to forever contaminate our elections with easy fraud possibly ruining forever any chance to elect a candidate that isn’t a puppet for the fascist elite, and therefore leading us inexorably into a hot civil war and the literal dissolution of the country if we aren’t nuked out of existence by Putin first.

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