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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 50 51 [52] 53 54 ... 134
Spin Zone / Re: Why masks?
« on: March 11, 2021, 12:41:24 PM »
Mask are nothing more than virtue signaling.   They show that the individual is compliant with the wishes of their master.

This has been one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetuated.

Spin Zone / Re: Forty Seven
« on: March 11, 2021, 10:53:46 AM »
Maybe not even that will work. If they end up controlling the military. They don't respect any other legal process that doesn't go their way. They'll get around it with duplicity, thuggery, terrorist threats, etc. etc. 

I mean convention of states is constitutional, and they've shown they don't respect or follow the Constitution at all.  Maybe that's the only way other than civil war that we can get out of this mess.  And I'm not feeling the civil war vibe very much. People that knuckle under and wear a mask don't strike me as able to fight a tyrant in any manner at all.
Agreed on that. Look at the emasculated males making apologies for saying something or reading something that offended someone. Grow a pair! 

Regarding the military, I don’t believe that they will agree to fight the citizenry in a full on coup. They are citizens too.

Spin Zone / Re: Forty Seven
« on: March 11, 2021, 09:17:26 AM »
You clearly don't understand how it works.  It's not a runaway convention with people just putting anything they want in and getting it passed.

 The people opposing the Article V Convention know full well it takes the power away from the establishment within the beltway, thus why they fear monger it.

 The founding fathers placed the article V convention of the states clause exactly for what we are facing now, a runaway federal government.   Article V puts it back in the hands of the states.
Exactly. Each state that elects to send delegates do so for specific amendments. It’s been a couple of years but if I recall in Wisconsin the legislature voted to support a balanced budget amendment, but did not support a term limits amendment.

This is the ONLY way to solve the hell we find ourselves in.

As the founders intended, Article V puts ALL the power in the hands of the states, and takes it 100% out of the hands of Congress and the Swamp, but I repeat myself.

Spin Zone / Re: Forty Seven
« on: March 11, 2021, 08:16:30 AM »
Yes, it gained some increase traction in Wisconsin recently. If I find what I saw I’ll post it.

They have a good map of where legislation has been passed in one or both houses of the state legislatures.

Spin Zone / Re: Zuckerberg Infiltrated Wisconsin Elections
« on: March 10, 2021, 09:54:52 AM »
In other words he's a conservative hack. Or has he actually done, well, journalism?  That is, reported actual news to some sort of actual news outlet?
There are links to the facts in the story.  You should be able to make your own decision on the validity of the story.

You think the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel would print a story like this that contradicts their far left stance?  Is naïveté a major at your university? 

Conservatives are on our own now. The print press and other media is no longer the fourth estate. They have become the fifth column. If you’re waiting for CNN or The NY Times to give you their imprimatur on stories like this, then you’re insulating yourself from other truths that are out there that may challenge your world view.

Spin Zone / Re: This Would Be Good News ... Except That He's A Guy
« on: March 10, 2021, 08:06:15 AM »
Aren’t you supposed to have done something noteworthy to be in a hall of fame?
You mean like aren’t you supposed to do something noteworthy to get a Nobel Prize? 

Obamas are a product of the participation trophy generation.

Spin Zone / Re: This Would Be Good News ... Except That He's A Guy
« on: March 09, 2021, 08:46:44 PM »
I initially read Michelle Obama will be indicted...

Damnit. All excited for nothing.

Spin Zone / Re: Shutdowns result in MORE car crash deaths
« on: March 06, 2021, 08:46:33 AM »
I'm always curious why people who insist on speeding expect others to accomodate them.
I’m always curious why people who insist on being the civilian speed police would rather force someone to make a dangerous move to pass on the right than follow the rules of the road which requires slower traffic to stay to the right.

One Karen in the left lane can fuck up the smooth flow of traffic more than anything else except an accident, the chance of which being increased because of their self-righteousness.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: March 05, 2021, 06:14:36 PM »
I have only gotten influenza once in the past 30 years. I must have got immune to most of them when young. There is no way I would wear a mask every winter for those odds. The mask is matter of daily quality of life. I cannot see with it on (it fogs my glasses), I get shortness of breath, it gets tangled up in my hearing aids and I feel claustrophobic wearing it. It’s fucking miserable, every time. My one flu was a miserable 3 weeks but then it was done. I’ll take that any day.

In fact if I get the flu and it kills me, it will have been worth living happily mask free for however long or short I live.
Yes!!!  That’s how I feel. I’ve beat cancer; little else scares me any more. I’m only 61, but just like after I was robbed by an armed hood rat in Chicago in the early 1990s, and I now refuse to ever be a victim, I won’t be a victim to a virus that I don’t have.  I choose to live a human life, with social interaction and other things that give my life meaning.

“Give me liberty or give me death” is not just an historical quote from Patrick Henry. It’s how I live my life.

Spin Zone / Re: Shutdowns result in MORE car crash deaths
« on: March 05, 2021, 09:54:59 AM »
One of the great things about small town Texas is drivers are far more courteous. That kind of asshole shit goes hand in hand with large cities which is yet one more reason to avoid overpopulated Democrat hellholes. Don’t get me wrong, people here love to open up on our long flat highways. And you do still have the kind that will ride your bumper, but far fewer, and even then it’s with less aggression.

There might be a lot of reasons this is so. For one thing, there’s a high chance the other driver is armed. That breeds politeness. Another, there’s a greater chance you know the person from somewhere and wouldn’t it be awkward if the driver you just pissed off ended up being your waiter at the restaurant?

But the biggest reason has got to be simply less congestion and no chronic frustration going from point A to B. You don’t get impatient because fewer cars means more room and you don’t then see every one of them as an obstacle.

In NC we noticed a huge increase in rude driving when all the Yankees started moving in. We associated rude driving with being from “up north” but I think it comes from driving in big cities and congested conditions. You kind of have to do rude things like pull in front of people or you would never get out onto a road or change lanes. But I don’t know if living in big cities does something to your personality to make you more of an asshole.
I guess I’ve got to defend the rude Yankees driving in the south.

I lived in Charlotte 2000-2006.  There was literally nothing more maddening to me than having the southern bells and slow motion southerners sitting in a left turn lane, take 5-10 seconds to acknowledge the light turned green, take their foot off the brake, and then think about completing that left hand turn, even though THERE WERE 10 OTHER CARS BEHIND THEM WAITING TO MAKE THE FUCKING LIGHT.

Then if I hit the horn, which I did, they would take great, horrific offense of using the tool that automakers provided us to get someone’s attention.  So instead of moving their ass, they would stop and raise their hands and/or flip me off. 

Time after time after time after time a left hand turn would result in 1 or 2 cars making it through the light instead of the 10-12 cars sitting there, trying to get to work or home.

I hated Charlotte.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: March 04, 2021, 09:41:35 AM »
The CEO of the company I contract with (I’m not an employee) is having her lawyers look into the legality of mandating COVID vaccinations before she opens the office back up.

I’m guessing employers will mandate it or you don’t have a job, and some anti-vaxxer might take it to court as discrimination of some sort and some court will rule that the “public good” outweighs your individual rights and anyway you have no right to that job, but it’s going to end up all companies mandate it so essentially you cannot support yourself unless you submit to being vaccinated.
Thanks for the uplifting post. 

Pilot Zone / Re: Bought a Navion
« on: March 03, 2021, 08:18:15 AM »
Not startpage ftw but just startpage. “Ftw” is gamer terminology, “for the win”. I meant using either DuckDuckGo or startpage will do you better than using Google. Sorry about that. Sometimes I slip into gamer speak.

Actually I should be capitalizing startpage but my automatic caps isn’t doing it like it’s doing DuckDuckGo and Google. Ha! See, it did it again.
When I saw your picture on POA (when PS shut down) I knew we had a troublemaker here.

Spin Zone / Re: Mr Potato Head goes west
« on: March 02, 2021, 06:06:38 AM »
The entire sex change process is sickening and creepy.
Rush (Limbaugh) used to talk about the addadicktome surgery. Lol

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: March 01, 2021, 11:48:05 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: March 01, 2021, 08:45:02 AM »

I keep my actual wedding ring on my keychain. It's tungsten carbide, so if anything happens to my finger, they will have to cut my finger off to get the ring off. I wear a silicon ring when I go out with the wife. I just find them uncomfortable to wear.
Nothing says I love you more than having to cut off your finger to remove a wedding ring.

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