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Messages - nddons

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Pilot Zone / Re: Bought a Navion
« on: February 28, 2021, 05:32:28 PM »
Yeah, that surprised me in my C-172 many years ago.
Yes again.
Here's a pretty good synposis of the over-square fallacy.

Apparently my HP training was lacking a little.
If Lew said it (and I know he did), you can bank on it.  I challenged him on-line one time.  I lost that argument, but developed a huge respect for the man.
Great stuff Joe. Thanks. I’m going to listen to that and start DuckDuckGoing (much longer and more awkward than the verb Google) this Lew guy.

Pilot Zone / Bought a Navion
« on: February 28, 2021, 02:38:54 PM »
I did my insurance checkout yesterday and can now start flying my Navion. I had some high CHTs, but learned from a discussion with the seller that I was using the wrong technique to keep the cylinders cool.

This is a Continental E-225-4 engine with a pressure carburetor. Apparently the pressure carb has an “enrichment valve” that with a wide open throttle, it send more gas to the cylinders which help keep it cool. If you back off even 1/2” on the throttle, that valve closes, so even if you’re thinking you’re keeping it cool by reducing MP, you’re actually hurting the cooling process. Seems counter intuitive.

In the Lycoming in the Cutlass that I flew, I was admonished to never go over square, and always reduce throttle before reducing RPM.  That line of thinking is apparently out the window when talking about big bore Continentals.

According to the seller, this Continental can be flown over square all day long.

Apparently my HP training was lacking a little.

So the proper way to fly this is to leave WOT until altitude, adjusting prop as necessary, and then once at altitude, lean it out. This prop is dynamically balance to perform best at 2300 rpm. In fact, Lew Gage (Bonanza guru and Continental guru) recommends leaving WOT throughout the flight regime until decent.

Lots to learn.

Definition of fascism

 : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
Ironic that Antifa thinks they are fighting against that, when in fact they are the the useful idiots that Vladimir Lenin warned us about. 

Spin Zone / Re: State of the Union?
« on: February 25, 2021, 11:24:44 AM »
At least Red State gets it.

“Let's face it. There's a big problem with having Joe try to deliver a ninety-minute speech at 9:00 p.m. at night without a teleprompter in front of Congress. He has trouble just making it through basic remarks before media for a few minutes, much less a speech of that length. They must be wracking their brains to figure out how they're going to pull it off. “

Spin Zone / Re: The Latest Program for Beauracrats
« on: February 23, 2021, 12:23:35 PM »
In a world where all the stuff is made in China, and restaurants are forced to be closed, what else are you gonna do for a business?  This is how we get more bureaucratic useless busywork.
Correct. These fake “certifications” get particularly onerous, damaging and expensive when they are adopted by governmental entities.

Same with “Leeds” certified green buildings.  That tells me that the urinals stink and are water free, heat or a/c shuts off on evenings and weekends (sucks for overachievers who work late or on weekends), and the rent is higher for the privilege of renting in a green building. Smh

Spin Zone / Re: Nikki Haley is Making a Move
« on: February 19, 2021, 04:37:03 PM »
Because we should run our legal system on quasi proof? 

Example of what I hear from the right - The trucks delivered boxes and we KNOW the boxes contained illegal ballots, so Biden really lost and you have to put Trump in office instead.

Did I just misstate the argument?  Can you fill in any holes?  Tell me what I didn't say because the pieces of that sentence don't hold up.
Yes, you massively misstated this. You are either intentionally trolling or just being intentionally ignorant of the facts.

We are not saying “you have to put Trump in office instead.”  That ship has sailed. What we ARE saying is that given an extraordinary amount of substantial evidence that problems occurred, problems that could have swayed the election, these accusations should be investigated, and not swept under the rug, which is PRECISELY what courts across the country have done.

In Wisconsin alone, courts said initially that Trump republicans couldn’t challenge voting law changes made by an unelected commission absent proof of fraud, and then AFTER the election, Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Hagedorn, who ran as a constructionist but has ruled as an activist, said Trump was too late to challenge the results.

Heads I win, tails you lose. Is that justice?

People like you are saying no convictions = no proof.  As if convictions could happen within 60 days of the election.

We are saying investigate, investigate, investigate. You are saying STOP IT, NO PROOF.

Spin Zone / Re: Nikki Haley is Making a Move
« on: February 19, 2021, 08:51:06 AM »
Ok, listen up. This is for the “moderates,” “center-right,” and “independents” who feel the need to criticize Trump in furtherance of your own political objectives or in seeking justification of your feelings. This includes Nikki Haley.

You are misreading the room.

Can you people fucking give us 5 minutes, maybe even 6 months, to lick our wounds before criticizing Trump and trying to separate Trump’s supporters from the man?

75 million of us felt like the election was stolen. It was stolen by the “system” with which you have helped create, by accepting the cheating by the left as business as usual. Remember when the biggest argument against voter ID was because poor, black grandma couldn’t get to the DMV to get her voter ID card, so we shouldn’t demand that people identify themselves before voting, so we didn’t “disenfranchise” poor black grandma?  That was fucking child’s play compared to how the voting laws were broken in the months leading up to and after the November election.

It’s TDS to continue to pile on. Sorry, but it is. He lost, he’s golfing at Mar A Lago, but you can’t help yourself.  Stop being a dick.

Stop trying to separate Trump’s supporters from Trump. It won’t work. You will fail. Trump supporters feel like how a black slave must have felt when they could legally walk away from the plantation without being pursued by dogs after the emancipation proclamation and the 13th Amendment. That’s how strongly we feel about our political freedom. FINALLY, someone was talking for us. Defending us. Speaking our language.  Putting US first for once.

For any Republican politician, you need to make it through a primary before you make it to a general election. If you think you can win a primary without Trump’s supporters, you will get destroyed.

If you think talking to the Politico or other left wing media criticizing Trump will win you votes, I’ve got news for you. It won’t.  The left celebrates when Republicans criticize Trump, conservatism, and fellow Republicans. They sell advertising on it.

But I’d you think you will be given quarter by the left if you ever make it to the general election, you are a fucking idiot. You have the wrong letter on your jersey.  You will NEVER make the left, or the middle for that matter, happy enough to award you with a win.

Like I said, you are misreading the room, to your own demise. You will fail.

Spin Zone / Re: Nikki Haley is Making a Move
« on: February 19, 2021, 07:43:04 AM »
So you were good with Trump saying Carly Fiorina couldn't win with that face?  Calling a fellow conservative ugly is calling a spade a spade?  She might not have been a spring chicken, but she wasn't ugly.  That is just one example.

Don't get me wrong.  I think he was a great President and I think Biden is a horrible President.  I just think that a little more statesmanship would have kept him in office.

By the way, one of the things that set me off on this rant was Lucifer saying BFlynn had TDS after a very mild (but true) criticism of Trump.  To me that is akin to calling people "racist" when they say something like "all lives matter".  You cheapen the word and it makes you sound ridiculous.
Bull fucking shit. You are so full of it Joe. Those are things that men’s wives might say during afternoon tea at the tennis club.  Not things that men would say.

You are like the guys who are celebrating Rush’s death, who pull out quotes of things he said like about feminism and are saying “See!  See!”. People need to put in their big boy pants.

I’m so fucking sick of people demanding apologies for hurt feelings, or even voting for a man currently destroying the country because Trump used the word “Pussy” and hurt people’s feelings.

I’ll bet you held protests over the movie “Blazing Saddles” too.

Rush is right. Trump’s fighting spirit, including being rough around the edges, likely gained him more votes than he lost.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump acquitted
« on: February 13, 2021, 02:24:23 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: February 12, 2021, 10:57:01 AM »
There are breakaways now, especially in the free states, hence why His Fraudulancy and Pope Tony are doubling down on masking.   This is also why we are seeing more and more lunacy coming from the CDC, none of it is based in science, it's all about fear mongering and "see, the CDC says we should do it!".

 A few of our free state governors need to step up and follow the lead of Florida.
That’s why the Xiden admin started talking about creating unconstitutional travel restrictions to Florida.

Flack is always heaviest over the target.

Spin Zone / Re: Democrats are really losing it.
« on: February 12, 2021, 08:35:56 AM »
Constitution? What Constitution?
It still exists until the National Archives is burned to the ground, and everyone who took an oath to protect and defend it is dead.

I understand the despair.  Trust me, I really do. But my dad taught me to never, ever give up, and I don’t intend to.

“Even a worm will turn.”
Paraphrase from William Shakespeare in Henry VI

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: February 10, 2021, 09:50:33 AM »
I’m not anti-vaccine. Like everything else I try to get objective facts and make decisions on a case by case basis using realistic risk analysis. That’s how I’ve always approached it and sometimes I’ll get a vaccine and other times I don’t.

The problem I have now is that I have completely lost faith in the healthcare industry, the government, and the media, to tell me the truth. Covid turned them all into propaganda specialists with political agendas. It is extremely difficult to get credible facts on which to base my decision.

The vaccine safety is only one aspect. How deadly the virus is, is another.  Smallpox for example has a 30% death rate. If this were a smallpox pandemic, I would get the vaccine in a heartbeat.  The smallpox vaccine has a severe reaction or death rate from the vaccine itself of something like .0001%. That’s a no brainer.

But suppose the covid death rate is .0001%.  Now it’s a wash! If the vaccine has a rate similar to the smallpox vaccine.

So until they stop lying to me and using data to manipulate the public I’m not getting it.
(Shorthand for agreeing with Rush again.)

The lack of faith and trust in all of these institutions is fatal to ever getting back to “normal”, whatever that is. When government teamed with “science” on climate change, scientists lost their perspective and credibility.  When the healthcare community looked like cucks by allowing politicians to determine how they operate healthcare, how they shut down other procedures, and how they handled their own businesses, healthcare workers lost their perspective and credibility.

Now we see government setting up TV cameras to watch politicians and healthcare workers and others get a fucking vaccine, and I’m really wondering how stupid do they think we are? 

Spin Zone / Re: Super Bowl
« on: February 09, 2021, 07:38:12 AM »
Jesus fucking christ.....
When everyone is racist, then no one is racist.

The word no longer has any meaning. Way to go BLM.

Spin Zone / Re: Thinking About January 6th
« on: February 08, 2021, 05:30:46 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Gender neutral construction
« on: February 07, 2021, 11:26:41 PM »

I just randomly ran across the data and “thousands and thousands of hours” grossly misrepresents it. The value is roughly 55 million hours running reactors and that is just the US. Out of that, there has been one incident.

Yeah, I’m on board with nuclear.
The China Syndrome with Hanoi Jane sure fucked up people’s perceptions of nuclear power plants.

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