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Messages - ChrisK

Pages: [1]
Spin Zone / Re: WOW - POA MC is really touchy
« on: January 03, 2016, 04:39:40 PM »
Chris didn't say FC "hates" gay women, only that he might have a problem with them. This is not a bad assumption given his history. The use of a pejorative is actually a great indication that you have a problem with a person(s).

You don't have to hate, nor even have a "Problem" with LGBT people to disagree with their views.  I am tired of people labeling those that disagree with them a "hater" or a "denier".  It is a ploy by the left to demonize, and discredit, and it is going to stop, and those entire PC movement is going to be turned over on its ass.
If you disagree with someone and attempt to "win" by pointing out their gender and sexual orientation I will assume you are unable to argue using any other means.

I also kinda think folks who do that are open to ridicule and probably easy pickings (see above inability to argue any other way).

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