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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: June 09, 2023, 11:05:38 AM »
What is so sacred about Tuesday?

I found it explained in this Encyclopedia Britannica article:

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: June 09, 2023, 08:23:32 AM »
Blah blah blah!!!

The day doesn’t matter.

1) Keep all precincts under 1,000 people. Vote in person. Easily accommodated quickly.

2) Require ID that matches voter rolls, repair voter rolls based on ID. PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP!!!

3) No electronic machines. Shut down the massive vote counting centers (Dem cheating facilities) … when did these become a thing, anyway? We first saw them in security footage and cell phone video from poll workers in 2020. The ease of shipping in “ballots” as needed to these centers is egregiously criminal.

4) Report results ON ELECTION NIGHT ONLY. No continued counting. Size of precincts makes this completely possible AS WAS DONE FOR MOST OF OUR COUNTRY’S HISTORY.

5) Go back to justifying mail-in ONLY with proof of need. No ballots mailed to illegals, as is done now in my state. A ballot is mailed to every drivers license address, and illegals have drivers licenses.

Anything, less than this won’t fix it. As we now stand, OUR VOTES ARE NULLIFIED BY PAST AND FUTURE CHEATING.

Spin Zone / Re: What is a Woman streams on Twitter at 8:00 ET
« on: June 07, 2023, 01:58:22 PM »

Spin Zone / Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?
« on: June 07, 2023, 07:50:27 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Vivek Ramaswamy
« on: June 03, 2023, 01:08:14 PM »
Whelp, I sure got off track. 😁
That was my fault.  For which I apologize.

But I don't think this is the first instance of thread drift.  I sure wish we had moderators here to make sure we post the right things in the right place.

Spin Zone / Re: The Debt Ceiling
« on: June 02, 2023, 03:29:38 PM »
You mean they don’t vote their conscience based on what their constituents back home would want?  I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked.
My Senator Ron Johnson did that. He announced before it was passed by the House that he wouldn’t vote for it.

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: Biden trips again
« on: June 02, 2023, 03:21:14 PM »
Yeah, that was hilarious,
but to be honest, that could have happened to me too, and I suspect a lot of you.

Especially Anthony. (Hows that injury healing up Anthony)?

I'm feeling pretty good in the areas of the fractures, but I have nerve issues in my upper arm that effects my range of motion which should get better on their own but I be seeinga nuerosurgein and neurologist for tests and treatment. 

I'd like to start back at the gym by the end of this month at the latest and yes back on the bicycle.  Good news is I've managed to keep my weight the same so feel pretty good.

Thanks for asking.   ;)

Spin Zone / Re: Biden trips again
« on: June 02, 2023, 01:00:38 PM »
Yeah, that was hilarious,
but to be honest, that could have happened to me too, and I suspect a lot of you.

Especially Anthony. (Hows that injury healing up Anthony)?
That’s why I’m not running for POTUS.

But if I did, lucifer would be my campaign manager.

Spin Zone / Re: another icon bites the dust...
« on: June 01, 2023, 05:19:27 PM »
Like the red!

Spin Zone / Re: Biden trips again
« on: June 01, 2023, 01:18:22 PM »
just like the coverage of President Ford, eh?
Ford played football for Michigan, and fell at the bottom of the air stairs.

Biden played footsie with little children, and defied gravity by falling going UP stairs.

Spin Zone / Re: What the hell just happened in Texas?
« on: June 01, 2023, 09:34:24 AM »
Sounds like Paxton “plays to the edge”, something the NSA and other agencies admittedly do as par for the course every single day.  Maybe he crossed a legal line or two, I’m not a lawyer I have no idea.  But I do know that stuff is minor as hell compared to the Bidens’ and the Clintons’ crimes which are now openly acknowledged with no action taken.

 Take the Clintons or Bidens crimes, and replace their name with Trump.

  Now imagine the outcome.

  Trump pointed out a crime committed by Biden (and Biden admitting it on video), and they impeached Trump for it.

Do people expect that employers shouldn't terminate an employee who is habitually late?

If so, why?
Well, EMPLOYEES certainly feel that way, and there are way more employees than employers. 
But even employees feel that OTHER employees shouldn't be allowed to be late.

Also, it depends on the culture of the company.  I have had employees that were consistently late, but when the arrived they did more work than most any other employee, so I tolerated them, and even enjoyed having them.  When OTHER employees complained, I was more apt to fire them than the person that was late.  But of course, that opens of all sorts of "fair labor" and discrimination suits.

On the other hand, I have had employees that I would have fired after just a few late arrivals.

Employers should be allowed to hire or fire anyone they want, just as any employee is allowed to accept or quit a job.

They should be allowed to pay them whatever amount they feel the person is worth (get rid of minimum wage and salary comparisons with other employees).

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: May 31, 2023, 07:00:07 AM »
Can’t find it now but there was a Dem criticizing the Republican committee looking into Biden corruption as a witch hunt just to try to influence the 2024 election.  That was rich as HELL considering all the kangaroo courts the Dems have held against multiple Republicans before the 2020 election and now before the 2024 election just for the purpose of influencing elections.  The audacity.  The blatant hypocrisy.

  There is a lot of noise being generated by the state run media right to get everyone's attention focused elsewhere.

  Right now we are being sold out by the so called republicans in the house, but state run media is reporting it as a hammering the dims are getting.

  We have an FBI that is refusing congressional oversight, and a FBI director that's giving the middle finger to congress (and the American people).   Our so called republicans are going to hold him in contempt, which means absolutely nothing.

  We have a President that has rooms full of evidence of corruption, has blatantly harmed our country and our weasel speaker can't seem to bring the articles of impeachment forward for a vote.

  We have the UniParty crying about debt while sending billions to a proxy war and funding millions of illegal invaders.

  Our petroleum oil reserves are in shambles, real estate is tanking along with our economy.  Meanwhile, Russia's economy is booming.

  But let's focus on minutia of a presidential campaign or even better, let's read the latest story of how some tranny or some morbid obese person has their feelings hurt.

Spin Zone / Re: SCOTUS reigns in the EPA 9-0
« on: May 29, 2023, 02:39:41 PM »
Speaking of SCOTUS 9-0 decisions, they also did the same for this:

Major Unanimous Supreme Court Victory for Property Rights in Tyler v. Hennepin County

This morning, the Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision in Tyler v. Hennepin County, an important Takings Clause property rights case addressing the issue of "home equity theft," a legal regime under which local governments can seize the entire value of a property in order to pay off a much smaller delinquent property tax debt. Geraldine Tyler, the plaintiff in the case, is a 94-year-old widow whose home, valued at $40,000, was seized by Hennepin County  after she was unable to pay off $15,000 in property taxes, penalties, interest, and fees. The County then kept the entire $40,000 for itself, as Minnesota law allows.

Today the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that such practices qualify as takings requiring the payment of "just compensation" under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment. Importantly, it also concluded that state law is not the sole source of the definition of property rights under the Takings Clause, and therefore state governments cannot seize private property without compensation simply by redefining it as the state's property.

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