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Messages - bflynn

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Spin Zone / Re: A Place Where the World Isn't So Polarized
« on: August 07, 2016, 05:26:01 AM »
I think it is hysterically funny that the guy constantly searching for things to make up and blame on 'racism' is pissed because we didn;t take the bait.

I am tired of the race discussion.  I just don't care. 

Spin Zone / Re: Democratic National Convention
« on: August 06, 2016, 06:46:49 PM »
"America haters" - you guys are funny.

" only the elite like themselves can prosper. "   I suppose in your mind Trump doesn't fall into that category.

Hmm.  I'm a fairly egalitarian type, and a moderate, and I do observe that the Obamas, and Ms. Clinton, and other leading Democrats, seem to hate America.

The words, actions and policies of the aforementioned people seem consistently designed to divide America's citizenry against one another and remove constraints from government so that it may place greater constraints on the people.  Thus, they hate individual freedom, which is the core of America's identity and the foundation of its success.  The left presses constantly for limitation of individual freedoms (gun rights, choosing medical providers, freedom to live by one's religious lights, etc. ad infinitum).  That, I believe, is why Anthony called them haters of America.

Now for leftist elites and Trump.

Democrats and the media create the "victim" or "oppressor" du jour (gays, transsexuals, florists, police, criminals, Muslims, and etc., ad infinitum) so that, with the media's consistent help, Democrats can paint everyone else (but especially Republicans) in a negative light; specifically, as haters or racists, when in fact they are not.  The media also assists the left in its constant effort to cover up the controversial, unappetizing, unconstitutional, or downright dishonest behavior by its own.   "Your ignorance is their power," and so they will suppress and deceive.

Conservatives and moderates do not have this great, slavering media beast with which to get and keep power through deception and manipulation.  Most on the left dismiss any media source not devoted to and thus controlled by the left.  (Interestingly, this is a good reason to vote Republican.  Not one move will be unnoticed by the bloodthirsty media.  Americans will be informed down to the tiniest detail of every Republication action.)

The left and the media have the power.  Such a situation creates leftist elites, who operate under the facade of compassion when in fact their actions and policies create more poor, ever larger government expenditures on unsustainable levels, and divide rather than unite.  These are the "elites" that I believe Anthony refers to.  The people who see this want the power to reside with the people.  The people see Trump as rising in the system we call capitalism.  It works better than socialism, and we see that Ms. Clinton, in order to garner Sanders voters, has slid farther and farther left. 

When you slide left, you slide toward socialism.  Socialism creates elites who control through deception and limited freedoms. Socialism serves its elites, not the people.  Trump is not seen as such an elite. 

Spin Zone / Re: Voter Fraud Made Easy
« on: August 05, 2016, 08:49:58 PM »
This is an utterly hilarious line of reasoning.  You can't know if voting fraud occurs because its undetectable, therefore we must have all these laws to protect ourselves against it.  The only way it could be sillier is if I substituted the noun "leprechauns" for "voting fraud".  Of course, breathtaking quantities of money are surrendered to houses of organized religion on nearly the same premise and reasoning.

Using your line of reasoning, there are only two illegal aliens in the US.  Why?  Because you saw them speak at the DNC convention.  But there are 11 million illegal aliens, some say?  Well, that can't be. If that were true, they would be arrested, charged, and sentenced. Since that rarely happens, the only logical answer is that there are only two illegal aliens in the US. 

Spin Zone / Re: Voter Fraud Made Easy
« on: August 04, 2016, 01:36:55 PM »
Proof by repeated assertion, eh? The fraud in question is voter impersonation. It's the primary type of fraud that the typical voter ID law is designed to protect against. And it is, in fact, easily caught on any sort of scale that makes it meaningful. This is because it involves impersonation of actual individuals on the voter rolls, and when one of said individuals attempt to vote, the record shows they already voted, thus exposing the issue. It's a terrible way to try to steal an election, and requires knowledge of who you're impersonating, among other things. In my state of Florida, your impersonation attempt would force you to vote on provisional ballot, and your signature would be compared to the one on file. When it didn't match, your ballot would be thrown out. Unless you managed to practice the voter's signature. And by that point, if you think it's happening on any type of scale at all, then pigs are also flying out of my ass.

So yes, despite your assertion to the contrary, the current system is set up to guard against voter impersonation. It doesn't 100% protect against it, but then again, neither does a voter ID law. So we're back the part where you're unable to articulate the problem that voter ID solves.

Perhaps you should not make so many assumptions, then? Anyway, you're the only one here suggesting an opt-out voter registration system would be 100% automated and software driven, without checks and balances.
You shouldn't project your experience with Florida's voter laws to the rest of the country.

Because voting records are public records, Wisconsin law allows you to request and download voter registration and PARTICIPATION rolls.

In previous elections, it is widely believed that such lists, which includes voter registration information and the fact that Sally Wolkowski of 123 Fake Street, Kenosha, Wisconsin, hasn't voted since 1996, were used to commit voter fraud in certain southern Wisconsin counties.

So Jane Sixpack from The Chicago Teachers Union "somehow" got this list when she was on a bus with other union members enroute to a Christmas shopping trip to Kenosha on a Tuesday morning in November. Jane memorizes Sally Wolkowski's name and address, and ironically the bus driver stops the bus, with Illinois plates, behind the polling station so the ladies can take a pee.

Jane casually walks up to the M-Z line, states "her" name and address, votes, and then gets back on the bus. Unfortunately, the shopping destination in Kenosha is closed, so the bus returns to Chicago so the teachers union members can Christmas shop on the "Magnificent Mile." 

That's how voter fraud happens.

We're pretty deep in hock.  Unless we want to send our bad paper to the next generation something has to give.
That assumes all spending is necessary and there is truly no surplus already being collected.  I don't agree with that premise.

Khan is a fraud put up by the DNC, just like Hilary Clinton's lies about the young girl turned out to be all lies and made up nonsense. The DNC freak show was another foray into propaganda over reality at every turn. It stunk of elitism, corruption, power madness and sheer stupidity.

Spin Zone / Re: Pilot takes down passenger
« on: August 03, 2016, 11:20:16 AM »
What difference, at this point, does it make? 

Spin Zone / Re: Bush Speaks in Dallas
« on: July 16, 2016, 07:06:17 AM »
I really don't understand all these complaints about the Obominator, other than the fact that the only thing that could possibly come out of his mouth that would make you guys happy are "I resign".  The only thing he could do is die.

But thinking about the event, what do you guys think he should have done?  Just not shown up?  The POTUS is supposed to not show up to one of the worst tragedies in US history.  Right.
So he shows up.  Whats he supposed to do, just keep his yap shut?  He's the POTUS for Odin's sake!
So he speaks.  What's he supposed to say?  Lionize the officers, check.  Talk about the problems we've been experiencing between officers and civilians.  Check.  Talk about how we have to keep things in balance. Presidential.

Like I said, he'd have to disappear through a hole to the 8th dimension and take Joe with him before you guys would be happy.
He could have remembered that he was at a FUCKING MEMORIAL SERVICE and not on the stump for his agenda. If he shut the fuck up after the first part of his speech, it would have been fine.

Spin Zone / Re: Castile Stop: Other Side Of The Story
« on: July 15, 2016, 12:26:58 PM »
You underestimate the degree to which the mindset of White Supremacy has infected society and the world.

What do you mean by White Supremacy?  Most of us go through our day without thinking about the color of our skin or that of anyone else's. 

The whole racism thing is a bit of a misnomer in my mind.  Humans are still fundamentally tribal.  Until we can have an honest conversation about that, then groups will keep fighting with other groups.  Which side has the White Supremacy thing happening when Irish Protestants are killing Irish Catholics?  How about the Japanese?  They think they are better than everyone.  Is that White Supremacy?  Where was the White Supremacy when the Hutus were slaughtering the Tutsis in Rwanda?  In generations past in this country, WASP's looked down on Jews, Catholics, Irish, Italians, etc.

The problem with putting everything in the context of skin tone is that is doesn't get to the heart of the issue and perpetuates an excuse for the poor to stay poor and justify taking the handouts as something owed.  In our society, we have at least gotten as far as any from a rigid class structure.  Here, money rules and there are opportunities for all to get some.  Admittedly, some have to work harder than others, but if you are completely trapped in our society, then the chains are those they have put there themselves.

The opinions expressed here are of the commentator alone and do not necessary reflect those of this forum's management or staff, or in fact, most of the human race.  :)

Spin Zone / Re: GOP senator stopped 7 times in one year
« on: July 15, 2016, 08:48:20 AM »
I'll tell a story of the little town of Alameda, CA because it is very much related to this thread. Alameda, CA is actually a island surrounded by water in the San Francisco Bay. It is right next to Oakland, CA and only about 100-150' of water separate the two cities.

I lived for over 20 years in Oakland and always admired Alameda and wanted to live there, but the housing costs were too high for me to afford a house there. During the 1990s, Oakland was suffering about 250-300 homicides a year, a great many of them in East Oakland that is just across the water from Alameda. During this time Alameda was averaging about 0-1 homicide per year.

Alameda was like Mayberry, an idilic American town with an old fashion down town, clean safe streets, little to no crime and kids could ride their bikes anywhere, even at night. Not much happened in Alameda, just people lived their lives while across the water, Oakland was on fire with gunfire every night.

How did they manage this little oasis in the Bay?

To get to Alameda, you have to either cross one of four bridges, or go through one tunnel that goes under the water. The bridge that goes to Bayfair Island (island only in name) is so remote that most people don't even know where it is or how to get there, so that just leaves three bridges and a tunnel that directly link Alameda to one of the worst parts of Oakland.

Well, the Alameda police force, that was tasked with keeping the town safe and secure and keep property values up, used profiling to do so. They used to patrol all around those bridges and that tunnel and if they somebody drive though their that they didn't know, or looked suspicious, they found a reason to pull them over. That means a lot of black people got pulled over.

There were and are black people living on the island, so it was a tricky balance Im sure. I knew a guy who was black that rented an apartment over there in these times and he told me that he had been pulled over many times. It was a hassle, but they were always polite and eventually recognized him. My friend understood why they did it and was OK with it because he enjoyed the oasis as well. It was a pain he said though when his black friends and family came to visit and I think he eventually moved off the island.

Eventually the Naval Air Station there closed and business on the island plummeted. Much of the Navy housing turned to rent controlled apartments. The demographics changed and with it the policing policies. Much of Alameda is still a nice place to live, but Mayberry is gone now. The crime is up, but nowhere near Oakland. The police still have a reputation even if is not the case anymore, so it helps keep the crime out I guess.

Bottom line is, profiling works to keep crime down and the police use it. The profiles they use are born from experience on the street, not some inbred racism. Proof is, cops of all colors use the same profiles. Just the way it is. This does not excuse the cops from shooting, or killing people that aren't threat, or even in custody. 

Spin Zone / Re: Castile Stop: Other Side Of The Story
« on: July 15, 2016, 08:37:05 AM »
You underestimate the degree to which the mindset of White Supremacy has infected society and the world.
So, to a man who tells us we don't know what it's like to be black, you also tell us that us whites that we don't understand that we are white supremacists? 

It's sad to see a Marine become part of the lunatic fringe.

Spin Zone / Re: From the religion of peace...
« on: July 09, 2016, 06:23:33 PM »
Palestinian kids are indoctrinated in hatred of Israelis. They have cartoon characters that tell them it's a good thing to go kill Jews.
All this bad blood is really a pity. Judaism and Islam have pronounced similarities.

Spin Zone / Re: Secret Ballot @ Convention
« on: July 08, 2016, 07:17:27 AM »
Why not try it at the democrat convention.
Why not both?

Spin Zone / Re: D.L. Highly talks about Police Violence
« on: July 08, 2016, 05:38:21 AM »

While you all were here talking about "Doormat" or other such events, I was having conversations about police assassinations of Black Men.

I honestly felt it was a bit insensitive to not even see a mention on the site as I checked a couple times today. Nobody asked how I felt- nobody cared.

Well, mark my words...were one day closer to "Fuck It" like I said in another post about a week ago. See the link above- I hope you can watch the entire 9min video. Maybe you'll give a shit.

 Why didn't you care about all of the murders in Chicago over the last weekend?   Why don't you care when it's a black murdering a white? Why don't you care when it's black on black murder?

Spin Zone / Re: D.L. Highly talks about Police Violence
« on: July 07, 2016, 09:01:23 PM »
I do care, and always have, regardless of the race of the individual.

Where you lose me is automatically assuming every single instance of police shooting is uncalled for and motivated by race.

These two recent instances look bad at face value but we need to allow the investigations to proceed.

Do you care about the ongoing situation in Dallas?

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