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Topics - Rush

Pages: 1 ... 43 44 [45]
Spin Zone / The working class
« on: February 01, 2017, 12:41:22 PM »

Spin Zone / At core, what is a liberal?
« on: January 23, 2017, 09:20:05 PM »
This is a fascinating listen, if you can get past the first couple of minutes.  Gets down to the bedrock of modern liberalism.

Spin Zone / Babies are RACIST
« on: December 11, 2016, 09:07:07 AM »
3 month old babies prefer their own race:

Perhaps even more surprising is that infants prefer the faces of their own race by three months of age, and have trouble distinguishing between faces of other races by nine months.

"You all look alike!"

But there is hope:

The good news is that exposure to people from other races on a daily basis can erase this effect.

For example, if children live in neighborhoods where they are exposed to people of other races, they will maintain the ability to differentiate between their faces. Similarly, if infants get brief daily exposure to photographs of individuals of other races, they will maintain the ability to distinguish between them.

Here's an entertaining analysis of this syndrome:

Spin Zone / How is this racism again?
« on: November 15, 2016, 10:32:08 AM »
Rush just said, and he's about right from my own digging around elsewhere:

Over the 2012 election Trump got 1% more of the white vote.  He got 7% more of the black vote.

I've watched a lot of Youtube videos of blacks who are for Trump. They make the most intelligent well thought out arguments I have heard from anyone in this election cycle.

But the media tells us the Trump win was a "whitelash", it was all the white racists.  So here are my questions:

How is it racist to vote for a white Trump and against a WHITE Hillary?

How is it racist for a BLACK to vote for Trump?

I'll admit I voted for Trump. Do these people REALLY think I went in that booth and said, "Gee, I hate black people. So I'm going to vote for Trump." 

No.  Here's what I said, "Gee, our retirement fund isn't growing. We are holding on to our jobs by the skin of our teeth. I would like the economy to get better so I can have a comfortable old age. Hillary will continue Obama's dying economy. Trump MIGHT do something different and turn things around. So, I'm voting for Trump."

Trust me. Nobody's skin color even entered my mind. The media reporting has sunk into a deeper shit pool than I've ever seen in my life.

Pilot Zone / Did TSA look into my laptop?
« on: May 23, 2016, 05:47:13 AM »
I don't mean boot it up, I mean open it and look inside.

After I got on the plane I opened my laptop and the keyboard was askew, loose, partly off.  Did TSA take it off to look inside and make sure it wasn't a bomb?

I was busy in the nudogram to see what they were doing but I did see one of them lift up my suitcase and take it away from the conveyor belt (I assume they pawed through that too).  I had a biohazard kit in there with a metallic transport bag. Maybe that showed up on the x-ray as a solid block?  Ooooo she has medical tubes, maybe her laptop is a bomb.

After I pushed the keyboard back in place, my laptop works fine.

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