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Messages - SoonerAviator

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Spin Zone / Re: Of The Two EVILS...
« on: May 10, 2016, 09:03:27 AM »
Accepting responsibility for your individual vote and being told to accept the blame that it's somehow the fault of the individual who didn't vote for Trump are two separate things. I accept that my vote may or may not have impacts, when compared with how many people vote the same way I do. But it will not be my fault if Trump loses.

Everyone has said that if Cruz had run a better campaign and if Cruz had done this or that, he may have won. In other words, it's nobody but Cruz's fault that he lost. Now the argument is that if Trump loses it isn't his fault but the fault of those who didn't vote for him, not that he didn't attract enough voters or didn't work hard enough.

Agreed.  I'd gladly put my vote behind an R-candidate if they had brought someone to the table I could get behind. 

Trump has given me nothing of substance to really evaluate.  He has no tangible tax plan, and what he has mentioned about it has varied from who is being taxed at what rate.  He wants to build a wall . . . great, what then?  Trade tariffs ought to have a negative impact on the cost of goods, especially those with no good substitute in the US, but he's indicated he's fine with that.  Printing trillions in money to avoid default is insane, and for him to suggest so casually that it would even be an option makes me really question his understanding of the broad economy.  I have to imagine that, given his business acumen, he would know that it's not truly a viable solution.
Finally, he lacks the tact and grace with which I typically desire in someone who is the Commander in Chief of the USA.  It's more of a minor issue, but still something that's hard for me to even listen to.  I would love to see someone just cold cock that pompous NYC windbag right in the mouth, just to see how he'd react.  He reminds me of the rich only-child who was never told 'no' or restrained, and those are traits I have a difficult time accepting in a Presidential candidate, or in a fellow American in general. 

I will qualify all of that negativity with the fact that I do appreciate his non-PC approach and his willingness to address even the most loaded questions, something the typical politician would avoid like the plague.

Spin Zone / Re: Of The Two EVILS...
« on: May 10, 2016, 08:03:32 AM »
When it comes to Gary Johnson and the Libertarian Party the most amusing thing are those who proudly proclaim they are "Libertarian" but yet refuse to support the Libertarian Party and its nominee.

 Take it a step further and ask those "Libertarians" what part of the libertarian platform that they can't back to keep them from going all out libertarian, and all you hear is crickets.

 Then there is the classic line "If I vote Libertarian I'm just throwing my vote away........."

I'm not a "Big L" Libertarian.  I'm registered as an independent, because no single party encompasses everything that I believe.  I'll be happy to support anyone (regardless of party affiliation) who I believe will do a good job in their respective elected office.  The Libertarians have nutjobs (like all out anarchists) just like R's have religious zealots and D's have ultra liberal snowflakes.

Spin Zone / Re: Of The Two EVILS...
« on: May 10, 2016, 07:59:27 AM »
Do you think Gary Johnson has any chance of winning?

Do you think more Ds or more Rs would vote for Gary Johnson?

Extrapolate from your answers who would benefit the most from your vote for G.J.
(hint: it won't be Gary Johnson or Trump).

Maybe, maybe not.  I don't vote for "who has the best chance of winning".  I vote for who most closely aligns with my political ideals.  I don't accept the premise that my vote for GJ is a vote for HC (or against Trump).  My vote for GJ is a vote for GJ, that's it.  Any other conclusion you draw would be based on false evidence.  Now, the practical result of my vote obviously impacts all other candidates, which may or may not benefit those candidates.

Spin Zone / Re: Strangers in our Own Party
« on: May 09, 2016, 07:00:36 PM »
The hard right conservatives ARE strangers in their own party because fewer and fewer people stand that far from center as generations age.  Many denominations of Christianity have seen increasingly fewer members (Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists) as more move to congregations with less stringent views.  Cruz getting such low support was, in my opinion, representative of that fact in addition to his poor campaign efforts. 

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: Of The Two EVILS...
« on: May 09, 2016, 06:48:56 PM »
Gary Johnson

Yup, that's likely where my vote is going. Screw those other two batshit crazy candidates.  I can't, in good conscience, vote for any Presidential candidate as vile and untrustworthy as Trump or Hillary.

Spin Zone / Re: What Will the Downfall of the US Look Like?
« on: March 09, 2016, 10:09:52 PM »

I haven't decided. I am completely underwhelmed with all of the choices on both sides. I think I could have voted for Rand Paul, but...

Yup, Rand was my 1st choice, and likely a guy who might have been able to make some big strides in turning the country around. However, he just isn't a showy politician and people want headlines and absurd talking points.

I really wish R/D voters would get so disgusted with the idea of voting for Trump or  Clinton and rally behind a 3rd party candidate, maybe like a Gary Johnson or similar.

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

While there should not be any expectation that all of the jobs outsourced would come back onshore 1 for 1, there certainly could be a meaningful amount returned. Also,  even though automation takes away a significant share of those jobs,  installation,  repair,  and maintenance of that machinery becomes a larger and larger market for job creation.  Again,  not 1 for 1, but it does help a bit.  If China, et al., suddenly have no one buying their products or using their cheap labor because the US brought jobs back home,  the dynamics of the Chinese currency and their economy will change drastically.  If the US and other developed nations were to start enforcing patent law in terms of economic sanctions,  China might be more inclined to play ball.

Well, part of the reason it makes some sense is that some of the low-cost countries that jobs were off-shored to (like China), are no longer able to compete solely based on wages anymore as their costs have risen over the past few decades.  Also, the American worker is supposedly 8-10X's as efficient as the low-cost country worker because of our infrastructure and automation capabilities.  So, I don't think it would be a pure doubling of product costs to the average consumer, because efficiency gains would result in similar direct-expenses.  Also, the transportation costs of shipping all of that inventory, and the sheer volume of inventory that has to be maintained due to the lag in shipping times is of no minor consequence.  For products that end up back on American soil, it makes less sense to hold large stocks of inventories, pay for trans-oceanic shipping, and pay for an decreasing wage advantage/efficiency disadvantage.

All that said, it doesn't apply to every product, and there are plenty of nuances that wouldn't result in an automatic overnight job explosion. 

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: March 01, 2016, 01:01:34 PM »
There's a difference between not being politically correct, and being a petulant child. Haven't we had enough of the petulant child for the last 7 years?

I don't see much difference between Obama and Trump to be honest.  They both manage to alienate a ton of people, and will likely go down in history as being mostly ineffective at bringing the country together.

Trump combines the worst of GWB (big government) with the worst of Obama (narcissism and megalomania) into one convenient package.


Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: March 01, 2016, 09:01:52 AM »
Lol, I don't think most of his satirical rant on Trump had a lot of left-leaning rhetoric.  It was pretty spot-on with the reality of what we are presented with regarding Trump: A guy whom no one really knows what side of any issue he's on.  Period.  He just rambles on about "Making America Great Again" without any specific stances or plans to hold him accountable to.  No one will be able to say "Trump said he'd do X, but he never did", because he has made just about zero concrete promises/goals.  I also don't find petulance and schoolyard insults to be the characteristics I'd want in a President.  I'm not saying that Trump should be politically correct in any form or fashion, but he definitely undermines his intelligence by resorting to such childish behavior.

Spin Zone / Re: And you all thought POA was dull
« on: February 09, 2016, 08:57:04 PM »
Lol, let it go.

Spin Zone / Re: Tuition Free College........
« on: February 09, 2016, 04:02:53 PM »
. . . Education is one of those things that if you don't have to "earn" it, you won't take it seriously.  For way too many, it would just be a way of avoiding work for an extra 4 years . . .

Agreed.  I don't know a whole lot of people, personally, that have skipped attending a 2/4-yr university altogether because of finances.  They may have chosen to attend one college vs. another based off of cost/financing, but none dismissed the opportunity altogether because it wasn't "free".  I also know a lot who simply went to college because that is what was expected of them, so made it through, some dropped out (usually at after great expense to their parents).  However, giving everyone the opportunity to attend college for free without consequences just shifts the expense from the students/parents to the taxpayers.  Aside from removing the government as a guarantor on loans, I would think more focus at the university-level (read: state level) on reducing costs would be more effective at helping with the burden of higher education.

Spin Zone / Re: Are you attending the White Privilege Conference?
« on: January 28, 2016, 03:32:28 PM »
They want to be PC

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