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Messages - Lucifer

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Anytime a politician of either party says they want to spend more time with their family, the either know they have no chance of winning, and/or there are skeletons in the closet they don't want to be revealed

 I believe he got wind of an impending campaign to smear him and he bailed.  Since this is the new and proven tool of the progressives, as well as the establishment we will be seeing lots of this in 2018 and 2020.

 And Ohio is an important seat for the D's to hold.  Whoa be it to whoever runs as an R.

Spin Zone / Re: Jeff Sessions want to end Obama era policy on marijuana
« on: January 08, 2018, 08:09:20 AM »
Why do Conservatives get angry when other people have opinions about the constitutionality of various laws?

 If there is a constitutional question of a law then there is a process to clarify said law.  Why do we have laws on the books that were placed there under the process of the constitution yet when those laws are attempted to be enforced progressives say no fair?

 I've never understood the concept of picking and choosing which laws should be enforced and which can be ignored.  Sorta invalidates the whole process.


Spin Zone / Re: Jeff Sessions want to end Obama era policy on marijuana
« on: January 08, 2018, 07:52:13 AM »
Make it harder for States that have democratically decided to legalize marijuana.  Yeah, right, States rights and all that.

 Why do progressives get angry when the government enforces federal laws?  These laws that were adopted and voted on by congress, sent through the senate and signed by the President and enacted into law all in accordance with the Constitution.

 Should we the people just decide arbitrarily which laws will be followed and which will be ignored?  You know, like the Clintons?

Spin Zone / Re: The nuclear button
« on: January 08, 2018, 07:47:52 AM »
In my opinion Trump's response was perfect. We humans are primates and like all primates the males tend to posturing, chest thumping; displays and challenges. If unmet they will escalate until they've achieved Alpha status. Kim Jong Un suffers from the delusion that he's an Alpha male, and he's not. There are at least three alphas over him (U.S., China and Russia). The most his ambition can lead him is to take South Korea and he needs to be reminded that the bigger boys will never allow him to do that. At least I'm hoping China and Russia would side with us if he tries. Although I fear he's so delusional and crazy he might try anyway. I would LOVE for the world to smash him and his party and set the people of NK free. I hope I live to see that.

 The Chinese can end lil' Kim in the matter of hours and not a shot will be fired.  That is what Trump has been trying to accomplish (IMO) is to get the Chinese to put a stop to this.  It's closer than it's ever been.

 Can you imagine the world stage if NK and Iran are set free?  It would be the progressive's worse nightmare.

Spin Zone / Ohio GOP Senate Candidate Drops Out of Race to Be With Family
« on: January 08, 2018, 07:43:41 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Jeff Sessions want to end Obama era policy on marijuana
« on: January 08, 2018, 07:28:38 AM »

The war on drugs is a socialist enterprise.

 Same with the war on poverty, same with the New Deal, same with the various stimulas packages, etc, etc.  It's all been about wealth redistribution and raiding of taxpayer dollars.


Curious, how would you erase a PDA with a magnet?

 Ask the perfesser.

She is scary, as she had a hypnotic, Svengali like control over both Barack Hussein, and Michelle Obama.  It was creepy.  It was like Oprah, and her minions of watchers in her heyday.   

 And it's really strange that she and her husband moved in with the Obamas in their DC home.  I mean really, moving into the same house?  Talk about control!

I hope they are. I fear we may one day have Michelle or Chelsea running for prez.

Or Valerie Jarrett.

They've got nothing.  The great Messiah they elected in 2009 gave them 8 years of one of the worse economies, piled on massive debt and choked many Americans with his POS healthcare act.  They managed to make historical losses in the legislatures, Governorship, Congress and the Senate.

 Then their last hope, an aging sickly crook with no accomplishments to her name and a history filled with scandals who stole the nomination from the Democrats loses and election that was suppose to be guaranteed her's to win.

 The progressive's bizarre behavior is a site to behold and should give any middle stream center Democrat a long pause before letting them ever regain power.


OK, so now that the Russian Collusion has not provided anything for them, the sex smears aren't going anywhere, the leaks have died down from inside the WH, the progressives have now turned to "He's mentally unfit to serve" and of course they have their salacious book written by a gossip columnist type with questionable history.

 One year into the Trump Administration and the progressives are still howling and crying, yet none of their tactics are working.  Their beloved MSM is looking more and more foolish with each lame attack.

 So what is the next straw they will grasp at?

Yeah, they had to destroy part of their house because neither of the Clintons nor anyone associated with them understands the proper use of a magnet.

 So why did Hillary have her staff take a hammer to several PDA's to destroy them?

 And why did Hillary's staff use Bleachbyte on her servers?

Spin Zone / Re: DNC Deputy Chairman Keith Ellison Proudly Endorses Antifa
« on: January 04, 2018, 06:28:30 PM »
Yes the Democrats are dysfunctional, yet the Republicans can't work together, and present a united front to get things that would be good for the country passed.  McCain, Graham, Murkowski, Collins, etc.  As obstructionist as the Democrats, perhaps more so.  McConnell, Ryan, and their Establishment, committee leadership crazed minions do the rest of the obstruction.  Then you have people lie Mitt Romney, and George W. Bush badmouthing Trump.

The Republicans like the Democrats would, and probably have sold their souls just to get re-elected.

 "There's not a dime's worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican parties,"- George Wallace

Mickey and Minnie Mouse had enough and called it quits.

The were in the court house before the judge in their divorce case.  The judge is reading the complaint and looks down from the bench and says "Mr. Mouse, in this complaint you allege that your wife, Minnie, is crazy.  Is this correct?"

Mickey replies "No No your Honor, you misunderstood!"  "I didn't say she is crazy, I said she was fuckin' Goofy!"

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