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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: The People Have Spoken
« on: December 15, 2017, 02:21:56 PM »
Bannon is clearly a problem for the Republicans. Hopefully he won't be involved in political campaigns after this, but I doubt that.

But Bannon clearly did not create this fiasco, McConnell did.  That is undeniable.  Bannon didn't spend $30million to keep Brooks from winning, McConnells pac did that.  And Bannon didn't start running ads asking republicans to do a write in vote, once again, McConnell's pac was responsible.

 McConnell has a reason to try to make Bannon the boogey man, because Bannon has shown just what a establishment creep that McConnell and his cohorts are.

Spin Zone / Re: This is intersting; paying off sexual accusers
« on: December 15, 2017, 01:12:17 PM »

I wonder how many more stories like this are out there?  Regarding Roy Moore perhaps?

 This will now become just another chapter in the playbook.  In 2018 and 2020 every house and senate race that the progressives view as a way to regain the majority you will see sex allegations by the bushel.  The media will go into a feeding frenzy.   Then, if the race looks close you will start seeing ads for voters to write in a candidate.

 The Alabama race has opened a pandora's box and the progressives will expand upon it.

Spin Zone / Re: The People Have Spoken
« on: December 15, 2017, 12:59:00 PM »

Doug Jones became the first Democrat to win a Senate seat in Alabama in 25 years on Tuesday after defeating controversial Republican candidate Roy Moore. The Senate Leadership Fund, a Super PAC allied with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, thinks it has identified the problem: Stephen Bannon.

Everything was fine. The state was red, Republicans were winning...until Bannon showed up and started campaigning for Moore, the Super PAC suggested on Twitter.

Spin Zone / Everybody Get In On This!
« on: December 15, 2017, 12:46:36 PM »

KJZZ did not report the gender status of the couple’s two dogs.

Spin Zone / Re: Another One Bites the Dust....
« on: December 15, 2017, 12:19:51 PM »

Andrea Ramsey, a Democratic candidate for Congress, will drop out of the race after the Kansas City Star asked her about accusations in a 2005 lawsuit that she sexually harassed and retaliated against a male subordinate who said he had rejected her advances.

Multiple sources with knowledge of the case told The Star that the man reached a settlement with LabOne, the company where Ramsey was executive vice president of human resources. Court documents show that the man, Gary Funkhouser, and LabOne agreed to dismiss the case permanently after mediation in 2006.

Ramsey, a 56-year-old retired business executive from Leawood, was one of the Democratic candidates vying to challenge Republican Rep. Kevin Yoder in 2018 in Kansas’ 3rd District.

Spin Zone / Re: Another One Bites the Dust....
« on: December 15, 2017, 12:14:37 PM »

A well-known women’s rights lawyer sought to arrange compensation from donors and tabloid media outlets for women who made or considered making sexual misconduct allegations against Donald Trump during the final months of the 2016 presidential race, according to documents and interviews.

California lawyer Lisa Bloom’s efforts included offering to sell alleged victims’ stories to TV outlets in return for a commission for herself, arranging a donor to pay off one Trump accuser’s mortgage and attempting to secure a six-figure payment for another woman who ultimately declined to come forward after being offered as much as $750,000, the clients told The Hill.

Spin Zone / Re: The People Have Spoken
« on: December 15, 2017, 10:21:46 AM »
Y'all are aware Mo Brooks has prostrate cancer?

 Yes.  Hopefully it was caught in time and he has a speedy recovery.

Spin Zone / Re: Will it pass? Tax reform.
« on: December 15, 2017, 09:26:40 AM »
He’s denied it, and he will get elected. He’s Wisconsin’s second favorite son after Scott Walker. His district fits him perfectly.

 He's been a disaster as Speaker.

 And the news reports are reporting it both ways, so who knows at this point. 

Spin Zone / Re: Will it pass? Tax reform.
« on: December 15, 2017, 09:02:40 AM »
Spot on. And I’m the one who stated that McConnell wants to be the minority leader. 

Liberty is diminishing on a daily basis, even with GOP “leadership” in DC. Pathetic.

 It looks as if Paul Ryan is going to "retire" in the near future according to news reports.  I think he sees that he will run a real chance of not getting re-elected.  And Mr. Turtle doesn't stand a chance at re-election either.

Spin Zone / Re: The People Have Spoken
« on: December 15, 2017, 08:57:07 AM »
I don't think the write in voters were Democrat. I think the write in voters were Republicans who didn't want to see someone who was credibly accused of child molestation and other sexual misconduct to be their next Senator.

 An allegation from 40 years ago without any evidence is very far from "credible".   Multiple allegations from accusers that surface 4 weeks from an election where the opposition (both progressive and establishment) have made it clear they want to insure the candidate won't get elected are far from "credible".

You seem to be more worried about one seat, in a special election, that won't even be for a full term, than you are about the future of conservatism. Republicans didn't come out to vote for Roy Moore, plain and simple. They didn't vote for him because they thought he was a bad candidate.

 And you refuse to acknowledge that the sex accusations, which you keep deeming as "credible" when it's obvious it was nothing more than dirty smear politics. 

This was a no-win election in Alabama. You were either going to get someone who doesn't appreciate the Constitution or the rule of law and is credibly accused of child molestation, or you were going to get a progressive liberal who is pro-abortion to an extreme.

 Again, you keep repeating "credible".  If it was so credible, why haven't the accusers filed lawsuits?  I mean after all, a lawsuit would be a big win both monetarily and thus proving without a reason of doubt of guilt.  Also, the yearbook, in which Roy Moore himself asked to have examined was withheld from "credible" examination.  Gee, wonder why?


 I hope in 2020 there is a solid Republican candidate.

 The point you keep missing in this debacle there was one, Mo Brooks.  He is as solid conservative as they come, but yet the republican party and the establishment spent $30 million to make sure he didn't get on the ballot.

 What makes you so sure in 2020 if Mo Brooks runs again they won't use the same tactics?  Why do you refuse to believe the republican party is not interested in true conservatives, their real interest lies in retaining establishment types?

 The republicans are so embedded with the establishment and it shows in how they govern.  Looking at the house and senate this year alone tells anyone all they need to know about both parties and their real agendas.

Spin Zone / Re: Leftist control of media expands
« on: December 15, 2017, 06:40:50 AM »
At least they are not selling out their news division.

They "sold out" their news division long ago.  The number of actual conservative voices there have dwindled.  For me it's not worth the time to watch anymore.

Spin Zone / Re: Will it pass? Tax reform.
« on: December 14, 2017, 05:47:28 PM »
Never underestimate the republicans to screw this up as well.  Remember, on the Obamacare repeal McCain told people he would vote yes, then strolled into the chamber and voted no.

Spin Zone / Re: The People Have Spoken
« on: December 14, 2017, 05:44:58 PM »
If you take a look at the election results, you'll see that Republicans did not come out and vote for Moore. He got less votes than Trump did in the presidential election. True, turnout is lower for special elections but the turnout for Doug Jones was massive.

 If you look at the election results you will see that the McConnell cabal's last ditch plan worked.  The write in candidate crowd would have given Moore the election had Mr. Turtle and his crew not pushed republicans to write in a candidate.  This is the classic "vote split" game to take down the front runner.

 And please don't try to say those write in voters were democrat, they weren't.  Plain and simple, the republicans threw this election in favor of a progressive loon.  McConnell owns it.

Spin Zone / Re: The People Have Spoken
« on: December 14, 2017, 05:38:04 PM »
I'm actually a little confused. Are you saying that conservatives and Republicans and the establishment are the same thing? Because they're not. If that's not what you're saying, then I'm still confused.

 I'll agree with you are confused.  ::)

Mo Brooks would have been infinitely better than Roy Moore. So would have Luther Strange.

Mo Brooks is a true conservative. He was maliciously attacked by McConnell.  Had McConnell stayed out of it, Mo Brooks would have won the primary and then the election, hands down. 

 Luther Strange is a sycophant for McConnell and another establishment hack.

If they "disappear" will it be because the election is over and the media has moved on to whatever the next shiny object is, or will they "disappear" because they'll have withdrawn their statements/accusations? It makes a difference.

Even if you don't believe the sexual misconduct allegations, there's enough to show that he was a horrible candidate anyway. The sexual misconduct allegations were just the icing on the cake for many.

 Yep, those allegations that have no way of ever being proved were so important to those women that Judge Moore, who ran two previous state wide campaigns they just didn't bother to bring it up.  And odd, when Roy Moore ran in the primary and the McConnell cabal was spending $30 million attacking Brooks, those accusers didn'y bother to bring up any allegations then either.  It was only after Moore won the primary and 4 weeks before the election they finally felt, after holding it in for 40 years, to tell their story.

 That "icing on the cake" was brought to you from the establishment.  And thanks to their success, in 2018 every one of their targets will get a similar smear campaign.  Good people will have their lives and reputations dragged through the gutter by these establishment pukes.

This is a joke, right? They're nowhere near the establishment. National Review is composed of true conservatives who put values over party.

 Believe whatever fantasy that floats your boat Skippy.

Spin Zone / Re: The People Have Spoken
« on: December 13, 2017, 04:31:59 PM »
How do we know Moore didn't lose because of the false ads that were run by that PAC.

 Plain and simple, McConnell owns this one.  He torpedoed Mo Brooks, then he torpedoed Roy Moore.  When it looked like Roy Moore was going to overcome the allegations, McConnell's trolls started the "write in" campaign to split the vote, and it worked.

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