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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 1070 1071 [1072] 1073 1074 ... 1356
Spin Zone / Re: The People Have Spoken
« on: December 13, 2017, 04:24:25 PM »
The Republican Party is much better off without Moore in the Senate. They can now move on and (hopefully) elect actual, true conservatives.

Excuse me, but where the fuck have you been in the past 18 months?  The republican party, moreover the establishment has made it very clear they are not interested in conservatives.  The republican party is nothing more than the republican wing of the democrat party.  Take a look at the torpedoing Mitch McConnell did to an actual conservative, Mo Brooks. Had McConnell stayed out of the Alabama race Mo Brooks would have gotten the nomination and won in a landslide.  But your trusted "republicans" couldn't deal with that.

I don't think this was a sex smear. Where I think Lucifer's argument is flawed is that it's not just Republicans that are being targeted by this. Democrats are as well (Franken, Conyers) as well as the Hollywood elite (Weinstein, etc.).

Oh fuckin' please!  Are you really that dense?  You'll now see all of Roy Moore's accusers disappear along with the story.  Job complete.

 As for the democrats, they're playing a long game, and it doesn't matter to them to sacrifice their own.  Why?  Those that have been sacrificed are in safe Blue states, they'll just get replaced with more loons.

David French's quick write up on this is pretty good:

 National Review is the mouthpiece for the establishment, nothing more.

Spin Zone / The People Have Spoken
« on: December 13, 2017, 07:37:55 AM »
The people of Alabama have made their selection.  It's my opinion that it's a selection they will regret, but never the less they made it.

The Progressives are cheering, proclaiming this is their "referendum on Trump" at last!   Personally I think when Senator elect Jones has to run for his seat in 2020 he will be easily defeated.

 But now the progressives have discovered their sex smear tactic worked.  As for Roy Moore?  His accusers will quietly disappear now and the whole story will die in the MSM quickly, the job is complete.  Same thing happened to Herman Cain.

 The 2018 mid terms will be filled with sex smear allegations against anyone and everyone the progressives can target.  They will be in full force and the MSM will be happy to oblige.

Spin Zone / Re: Franken resigns in disgrace
« on: December 12, 2017, 04:05:03 PM »
I should add that the governor of Minnesota has said that he’s going to announce Franken’s replacement tomorrow morning. It’ll be another liberal.

 Franken has to resign first before he can be replaced.

We'll see.

 And yes, expect the Governor to name another alt left loon to replace him.

Spin Zone / Re: Franken resigns in disgrace
« on: December 12, 2017, 04:03:05 PM »
I'm not sure that it's a set up, but I do think that if Moore wins (and I think he will) that it'll provide the justification for Franken to withdraw his resignation.

That's in the playbook.

Spin Zone / Re: Franken resigns in disgrace
« on: December 12, 2017, 02:22:42 PM »
Franken was a fake resignation.

Yep, he isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.  It’s a set up. 

Spin Zone / Re: Franken resigns in disgrace
« on: December 12, 2017, 08:47:27 AM »
No matter what, if a Republican is impugned it's Fake News or they're lying, but if a Democrat is accused it has to be for real.  You guys are wonderfully predictable.

Wonderfully predictable is the domain of the Alt Left Progressives. 

They can’t accept that they have lost spectacularly over the past 9 years. They can’t accept the outcome of a legitimate election for president.

So the progressive playbook comes out.  Before the presidential election the sex slams come out.  Each one was looked at and proven politically driven.

 Then after the election upset, the narrative became “Russian Collusion”. After a year of Senate investigations, House investigations, Intelligence investigations, FBI investigations and a Special Counsel.........nothing. 

 Now that’s gone bust, the narrative becomes “He’s mentally unfit”.   Again, smear after smear with no actual evidence.

 Back to the playbook, bring back the sex smears. 

 Totally Predictable.

Spin Zone / Re: Franken resigns in disgrace
« on: December 12, 2017, 06:07:42 AM »

Trump: With Nothing on Russia, Dems Moved on to 'False' Sexual Harassment Allegations

Spin Zone / Re: Another One Bites the Dust....
« on: December 09, 2017, 03:02:05 PM »
Fox News had to issue a correction because she didn't forge anything. Writing something in the yearbook herself is not the same as forgery.

 It was a misrepresentation.  And Gloria Allred still refuses to have a handwriting expert to examine it.  Even Roy Moore has said it needs to be analyzed.

Spin Zone / Re: Another One Bites the Dust....
« on: December 09, 2017, 07:58:49 AM »
Report: Never Trump Ex-Jeb Bush Staffer Admits Planting Anti-Roy Moore Story in Washington Post - Breitbart - Breitbart News

Spin Zone / Re: Franken resigns in disgrace
« on: December 09, 2017, 06:12:22 AM »
I predict that if Roy Moore is elected next Tuesday Franken will not step down.

 It's a setup from the Alt Left for sure.  The whole resignation speech reeked.

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