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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Biden’s BIZARRE messaging
« on: April 01, 2023, 02:54:03 AM »
We have truly slipped into an alternate universe.  Here is the Biden administration’s message right after a transgender individual murders children and innocent adults, and an organized LBGTQETC terrorist group openly calling for “vengeance” invades the Capitols of at least three states:

This is absolute gaslighting: Psyops.  This message is only one of many he’s been putting out since the shooting. Openly praising and defending the monsters that are calling for more violence against Republicans, conservatives and Christians.

Spin Zone / Re: Nashville school shooting
« on: March 31, 2023, 07:12:27 PM »
They may rig it. So who will get more independent voters, which is mandatory if you want any chance of winning - Trump, or DeSantis?

It doesn’t matter.  They will manufacture however many votes are needed.

Spin Zone / Re: Nashville school shooting
« on: March 31, 2023, 06:23:18 PM »
Becky, that is real sophistry. You are projecting what you want to be true because he’s a threat to Trump. I see this on pro-Trump sites all the time, with facts not in evidence. Yet you are talking about one of the founders of the House Freedom Caucus.  You are talking about THE MAN who turned Florida from purple to red.  You’re talking about the person who took on the woke mob, took on the Militaristic Education Complex, took on Disney, and took on voter integrity - all things Trump has never even tried to do.

Those are the very reasons I believe they will rig the election just as bad against DeSantis as they will Trump.  So the argument that we need to vote DeSantis because he has a better chance to win the general is just wrong.

Spin Zone / Re: Nashville school shooting
« on: March 31, 2023, 02:21:37 PM »
I’ve worked 58 days out of the last 59, so I’m a little wired. I’ll be taking tonight off.

That reminds me.... I haven't heard from my accountant!!!!

Spin Zone / Tornado in Little Rock
« on: March 31, 2023, 02:18:57 PM »
This is right where the business is that I contract with.  It went by our building by about 50 feet.  The employees were all on their way home or live nearby. One had his roof torn up, another's mother was in her truck when a tree fell on it and she is at the ER.  Power out, downed lines everywhere, a broken gas line near one employee's house, trees all over the streets, many people stranded, one employee had to abandon his car and walk home, local hospitals on mass casualty alert.

Edit to clarify:  I’m not actually there, I work remotely. 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump indicted.
« on: March 31, 2023, 10:56:09 AM »
No, because I would actually prefer Nikki, and possibly a few others.  But I think they all have even less chance than Trump.  I'm promoting DeSantis, not because I am a sycophant but because I think he can win.  If I had any suspicion that trump could win the general, I would happily vote for him  Even if he can only give us 4 years.

The Trump cult consists of people that will vote for Trump even though they (should) know that they are sacrificing the election and will give us 4 more years of Biden/Harris.

False.  Voting for Trump is not “sacrificing the election”.  It’s going to be stolen even if DeSantis is the candidate.  Do you really think the Dems will allow DeSantis to win?  The racist, homophobic, transphobic, book banning Nazi?

Spin Zone / Re: Trump indicted.
« on: March 31, 2023, 10:09:21 AM »
Well that’s just fucking brilliant.

I will never, ever understand the quitter mindset.

These podcasters who think they are a modern day Nostradamus are no more skilled than you or I in predicting the future. I put Glen Beck in that same boat.

I had fucking cancer. I know the feeling of wanting to quit. When you realize that if you quit, you die, you realize quitting is never an option. Ever. Fuck quitters.

He didn’t say he was quitting. He might vote for an independent or third party, or write someone in.  He is not, and never claimed to be, a Republican.  Given how the GOP overall has utterly failed to do anything to stop the fascist takeover of this country, to not vote for them is a perfectly reasonable stance.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump indicted.
« on: March 31, 2023, 08:15:31 AM »
Styx said in his livestream (not the one Luci posted) that he will now only vote for Trump in 2024.  If Trump isn’t the nominee he won’t be voting for any other Republican, not even Rand Paul. The reason is that it will not matter.  Trump is the only person who is dedicated to opposing the corrupt Uniparty.  No one else has a chance to fight it and we will all be fucked anyway so who cares which party is in the White House.

I take that to mean he will not be voting for DeSantis (he likes Paul much better than DeSantis).  I will have to consider whether I will follow suit. Probably not, maybe the GOP will destroy us slightly more slowly. Maybe I can die before things get too bad.

Spin Zone / Re: Nashville school shooting
« on: March 31, 2023, 08:08:07 AM »
I had to sign up for a conference in my firm in July in Nashville. The pronoun thing was optional.

But I have a friend who works at Abbott and she couldn’t progress through the registration process for some conference without giving pronouns.

When this dramatic fiction becomes mandatory and we are all required to play along with people’s mental derangements, I’m out.

Go 1099. 

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: March 31, 2023, 06:40:53 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Nashville school shooting
« on: March 31, 2023, 05:55:23 AM »
I had thought the trans thing pretty much was “out there” as I live in a red county in a blue state. But yesterday I went to our local REI (outdoor sports) store to look at shoes. Hadn’t been in for a long time. Weirdly, things didn’t seem as neatly displayed and the usual friendly greetings were absent. It felt different. At last, a chubby tattooed guy with bright turquoise-painted fingernails (weird, as usually they hire fit, experienced outdoor types) broke off his conversation with a co-worker and asked languidly if he could help me. As we spoke, I noticed that on his name tag it said “He/Him.” Eventually he told me to just look online for shoes.

This experience was a data point for EVERYTHING WOKE TURNS TO SHIT.

Still, it could be a one-off, thought ever-optimistic I.

But next stop was Super Supplements, where I met cashier “Phil,” obviously a woman, but with butch hair, piercings, tattoos, and “He/They” on her name tag.

It’s real, people.

Knock on wood I’ve seen none of it in my corner of Texas yet.

Spin Zone / Re: Nashville school shooting
« on: March 31, 2023, 05:44:56 AM »
sorry.  But that's a completely ludicrous comparison.

And consider if you tried to apply the same argument about botched circumcisions to other medical procedures.  Yup, there are plenty of cases where a knee replacement was screwed up (I personally knew someone who died 3 days after a knee replacement due to complications from the surgery)... but that doesn't mean the knee replacement is too risky.

In the case of knee replacement you are correcting a pathology that affects your quality of life, not doing an unnecessary elective procedure.  I was willing to risk complications and death to get my hip replacement because the pain I was in made life not worth living anyway.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump indicted.
« on: March 30, 2023, 07:06:39 PM »
We're totally effed. Looking at double digit interst rates and double digit inflation which they're trying to hide. And the layoffs are happening starting with the Woke sectors.

Yes. Unemployment is going to skyrocket and still nobody is building stuff, there are upcoming housing shortages and people pouring over the border.

Spin Zone / Re: Nashville school shooting
« on: March 30, 2023, 06:31:59 PM »
It's my understanding that male circumcision is actually healthier for the child.  But maybe that's a myth ...

It’s controversial. There are problems that can arise in the foreskin that you can’t get if you have no foreskin but using that as an argument for removing it makes about as much sense as removing any other body part just because you might have a problem with it at some point in life.  Most problems with the foreskin can be avoided by proper care.  And general good health; smoking and diabetes raises the risk of problems in that area as in all other parts of the body.

The flip side is the risk of problems from the circumcision procedure, which range from minor, to permanent scarring and defects of the penis or the urinary tract, gangrene of the glans, loss of the entire penis, and of course, death.

In addition, the claim is that being circumcised reduces the sensitivity of the glans and hence sexual pleasure but men who were circumcised at birth have nothing to compare it to so probably don’t miss it.

I had only girls but I had made up my mind if I had a boy I would not get him circumcised.  The benefits don’t outweigh the risks but then as a childbirth educator who is trained in neonatology, I’d seen too many pictures of botched circumcisions.  Nuh uh, no way in hell was I gonna risk my baby boy’s pee pee.

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