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Messages - Witmo

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Spin Zone / Re: Trump won states having 55% of the population.
« on: January 15, 2017, 07:32:46 AM »
What you choose to ignore is the fact that the Clinton Foundation is not the Clinton pocketbook like the Trump Foundation was the Trump personal pocketbook. Foreign governments are not prohibited from donating to charity.  Until you prove the Clinton Foundation funds were used by the Clintons in some way to personally benefit them, all you're doing is trying to smear them with unfounded allegations.  We know Trump acted illegally using Trump Foundation funds to personal benefit.  He admitted it and paid fines.  We know he verbally took credit for donating fund to charities that were donated by others to his foundation because there's records of when and how much personal money he donated to his foundation..  We know he claimed to have donated to veterans money he hadn't until after  reporters investigated the claim and proved he hadn't.  I suspect Trump has bribed public officials but I can't say for sure because all I have to go on is Trump's own words and we know we can't believe what he says literally.

Spin Zone / Re: Bubba works to recruit big donors
« on: January 15, 2017, 07:15:57 AM »
That occurs Friday at noon.  He's already President-elect.

Why wasn't I told?  Thanks for the update.  See, you do serve a useful purpose.

Spin Zone / Re: Fake News
« on: January 15, 2017, 07:12:56 AM »
Got anything constructive to contribute to the impending Trump Administration (God I love writing that!) ?
Yeah, I'm willing to give him a shot provided he STFU everytime anyone says anything critical about him.  If he wastes his energy responding to every celebrity  or every perceived slight by the news media, he won't make America great again. 

Spin Zone / Re: Bubba works to recruit big donors
« on: January 15, 2017, 07:06:14 AM »
Trump is as Trump has done.  If he can't stand up to scrutiny than too bad.  He better grow a pair soon if he expects to be President.

Spin Zone / Re: Biden
« on: January 15, 2017, 07:03:05 AM »
Of course the daily death count found in most newspapers suddenly stopped as soon as Obama became president.  We can expect it to start up again under Trump.
Because Americans aren't dying every single day like they were during the Bush administration in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Spin Zone / Re: Biden
« on: January 14, 2017, 06:15:51 PM »
Many more American troops died during Bush's Presidency.  Afghan deaths could have been minimized by eliminating KNOWN terrorists and bases in Afghanistan during the Bush years but he diverted American assets to Iraq allowing Bin Laden to escape and the Taliban to reconstitute.  Sure, more Americans have died in Afghanistan under BHO., did you not expect there to be a cost to Bush stupidity?

Spin Zone / Re: Biden
« on: January 14, 2017, 05:39:16 PM »
Isn't Obama the only President to be at war every day of his eight year rule?  How many of our soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan under his reign?

A whole lot more Americans troops in Iraq and Afghanistan died under GWB than BHO. 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump won states having 55% of the population.
« on: January 14, 2017, 05:24:30 PM »
I think the Clinton Foundation, and its obvious corruption, and the Clintons' pay to play, even taking money from foreign adversaries,  was one of the reasons Hillary lost the election. 

Bill, and Hillary got what they wanted out of politics.  They wanted to become mega rich, and they did by using their offices, and influence.

Your "obvious" corruption is anything but, concerning the Clinton Foundation.  Charities take money from donors, it's how they get the money to do the work they do. Foundation namesakes who take money from charities and use it on themselves is called self-dealing and that's what Trump has admitted and been fined for.  Clinton Foundation corruption is unproved and exists only in your estimation and not in any proven allegation.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump won states having 55% of the population.
« on: January 14, 2017, 04:30:20 PM »

Didn't see El Chapo mentioned in any of the linked articles.  Didn't see any illegal contributions or did I miss some?  Was there any pay to play?  I don't know.  Can you prove any? Anybody can "question" anything but can they prove anything?  I can prove Trump's self-dealing--he admitted it. Did the Clinton's profit from contributions to their charitable foundation?

Spin Zone / Re: Trump won states having 55% of the population.
« on: January 14, 2017, 03:41:38 PM »
Just out of curiosity, does it bother you that El Chapo "donated" $15 million dollars to the Clinton foundation? Does influencing elections come to your closed mind when you see that?
I bet not because it doesn't come from your controllers at the DNC.

Do you ever bother to verify the crap you spread or is your only filter whether of not it's critical of HRC?

Spin Zone / Re: Bubba works to recruit big donors
« on: January 14, 2017, 03:35:25 PM »
How come you are always ready to damn GWB for Iraq but HE WASN'T indicted or convicted???
Hypocrisy much?

Trump has admitted to self-dealing and paid fines for his foundation.  He's claimed the donations of others as money he's donated to charity because they came through his foundation.  He refuses to release his tax returns to verify any of his claimed philanthropy.  So why are you bringing up GWB again?  Oh yeah, to try and deflect criticism of Mr. Trump.  I forget that the answer to every Trump criticism is A.  False News (ie. denial) B. When False News becomes grudging acceptance--"Sour grapes"--Liberals are just trying to de-legitimize  the President-Elect because they're mad they lost  C. "Double Standard"--HRC, BHO, WJC,  fill in any democrat did much worse and got away with it. D.  Don't really care as long as he makes my life great again.

Spin Zone / Re: Bubba works to recruit big donors
« on: January 14, 2017, 03:19:14 PM »
How come you are always ready to damn GWB for Iraq but HE WASN'T indicted or convicted???
Hypocrisy much?

What exactly should he have been indicted for?  Being a bad President?  Didn't know that was a crime or y'all would surely have indicted Barrack Obama 'cuz I've lost count of the number of times you've called him a terrible President.

Spin Zone / Re: Fake News
« on: January 14, 2017, 03:15:05 PM »
Pathetic, sadly illogical and as dishonest as a democrat congressman at a church picnic doesn't begin to describe the intellectual corruption of the planned parenthood pack of lying scum.
Nothing but buzzwords and bullshit, all the time.

Blah, blah, blah.  Do you ever tire of the unceasing criticism/name calling? Do you ever have anything constructive to offee?  I get it, you don't like liberals, Democrats, or liberal democrats.  Nothing but buzzwords and bullshit, all the time.  Funny how those words exactly fit your posting history.

Spin Zone / Re: First Presser is Terrific
« on: January 12, 2017, 05:34:22 PM »
I no longer care if any politician is ethical or not, or has a conflict of interest and profits somehow "unfairly" from his position, as long as he fixes the economy to profit ME.  All I care about now is maximizing my old age comfort, or rather, minimizing the Hell.  If I can climb up one more rung here in the middle class, so I can afford a slightly better retirement situation, what do I care if Trump has filthy billions or filthy billions plus X?  He's welcome to it, if he can improve MY situation.  It's time for me to be selfish. I've spent my whole life being moral and ethical, and caring about other people, and caring whether a politician I vote for is honest and upright.  I may be slow but I do eventually learn, and I've finally figured it out:  NONE OF THEM ARE.  So I'm done giving a damn. The alternative to Trump was a piece of shit so deeply corrupt with a whole entourage of corrupt friends that have already done untold damage to the country, my wallet and my happiness.  If Trump too is a corrupt piece of shit, fine. He's an amateur, he can't begin to equal the damage done by the Clintons, Obama and the Democrats.
I suspect that many share your hopes and aspirations.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump won states having 55% of the population.
« on: January 12, 2017, 04:24:01 PM »
The States elect the President. It's not a popularity contest, like American Idol.

Doveryai, No Proveryai.

I think we should all brush up on our Russian.  Good idea.

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