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Messages - Dav8or

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Spin Zone / Re: Massachusetts Gun Ban?
« on: August 07, 2016, 10:10:14 AM »
maybe we can take it back.  firearms were not regulated or restricted for hundreds of years.  All this gun-phobia and irrationality is relatively recent.

However, in order to make progress, we'd have to have people be honest about their objectives and also be rational.  Honesty and rationality have been entirely missing in the liberal anti-gun agenda.

Good luck with that. The majority of Americans no longer have any positive interaction with firearms anymore. As America becomes more and more urban and suburban, hunting goes away, target shooting becomes more and more difficult to do, more structured and less fun.

The only connection many people have today to guns is, either somebody sticking it in your face to rob you, you deciding you need you need one to keep people from robbing, or killing you and random bullets whizzing around the neighborhood from gang bangers. Not very positive. The utopian fantasy of nobody having guns at all, becomes more and more attractive to many.

Spin Zone / Re: A Place Where the World Isn't So Polarized
« on: August 07, 2016, 09:27:45 AM »
My wife's best friend is white and married to a black man, now for over 15 years. They have two boys together and they are light skinned black. A wonderful family and doing quite well. They are solid Democrats and will be voting for Hillary.

My brother has been married to two Philippina women. His second wife (1st Philippina wife) has two boys from a previous marriage that are black because their father was a black man. That marriage lasted 10 years. That wife and her boys are Democrats and likely to vote Hillary. My brother is a flip flopping swing voter. He's talking about Gary Johnson currently. My brother's 3rd wife (2nd Philippina) had no children and is now too old to have any. She just received her official citizenship about three months ago. I'm pretty sure she will vote Clinton.

Another good friend of my wife's was a black woman. She dated both black and white men. None were good relationships because she was a poor judge of character. She never had kids and she is now deceased from cancer. She was a solid Democrat and voted for Obama both times. Likely she would have voted for Hillary.

I didn't respond to this thread before because I didn't really understand what it was about other than some sort of racial thing, or what I could offer to the thread. I still don't get it.

Spin Zone / Re: Massachusetts Gun Ban?
« on: August 04, 2016, 10:41:29 PM »
And the rifle that won the Revolution. The famous kentucky rifle was accurate because it had a rifled barrel. The standard musket was smooth bore and the ball would quickly go off target.

I thought we were talking about Massachusetts? What does Kentucky have to do with it?

Spin Zone / Re: Chicago: 11 Shot In One Day
« on: August 03, 2016, 11:40:53 PM »
Actually, in all fairness, I was listening to NPR a couple of days ago and they were talking about this very issue. During this piece, they had a sound bite from a woman that was a black woman who was disgusted with what was happening in her community and said something like- "If these people were killed by the cops, there would be hundreds of people out here mad as hell, but when black people kill black people, everybody keeps their moth shut." I am paraphrasing as I'm remembering a radio broadcast, but she was pretty frustrated by the inner city code of anti "snitching" and could see the hypocrisy of "Black Lives Matter".

The main points that I that I found encouraging was 1) people within the black community can see through the political hype and sensationalism, and 2) NPR actually aired this opinion as it contradicts their usual inner city black victim narrative.

Spin Zone / Re: US Sent Cash to Iran
« on: August 02, 2016, 09:09:49 PM »
What's the big deal?? He can always print more money. It's pretty cheap to make.

Spin Zone / Re: Something for those of us wanting to vote "Neither"
« on: August 01, 2016, 08:45:00 PM »
I'm in. Ron seems OK and a hell of a lot better than the actual candidates.

Spin Zone / Re: Declassified: No Justification for Iraq Invasion
« on: July 31, 2016, 10:36:44 PM »
Yeah, a lot of people knew it was a damn lie back then. A lot of people couldn't prove it, but knew the story was rotten. Not a lot anybody could do though, the plan was in motion and there was no stopping it. We were going to transform the Middle East into a thriving, modern democratic region and we would reap the profits later.

Many people knew the plan to transform the Middle East was a really bad one and they said so, but a positive short term future sounds more attractive than a negative long term future, so the experts in the Middle East who actually new a thing or two about Islam and the people living in the region, were drown out. We were warned the Middle East was a tinder box and we were playing with matches, but we ignored, republicans and democrats alike.

The "doom sayers" are all on record. I remember hearing and reading them well back then. The doom sayers were all correct in their analysis. Al Queda, ISIS, Boko Haram, Taliban and countless others, many we don't even know yet, are all result of our meddling. Our Shock and Awe, occupation and continued killing in the region has given these groups power.

I too am guilty as I believed the transformation plan actually might work and voted for Bush the second time as well. I was wrong. I admit it. As a country we need to admit it and adjust our strategy in dealing with the Middle East. Get out and stay out, IMO is the best thing now. Stop thinking we can fix it and that we know best.

Spin Zone / Re: First Woman Nominated to run for President
« on: July 31, 2016, 03:56:35 PM »
Your California attitude is what is ruining our country.

Yeah... that must be it.  ::)  The Democrats picked Hillary Clinton and the Republicans picked Donald Trump. The country is obviously already ruined if that's the best they could come up with. Oh, and third parties are just right out!! It's either dumb or dumber. If this election is the supposed breaking point, it is the people that chose these boobs to be our president that are responsible for ruining the country, not any particular California attitude.

Spin Zone / Re: Is Self-Defense a right?
« on: July 31, 2016, 03:50:41 PM »
natural rights can't be infringed?

Sure, I think so, but I said denied.

Spin Zone / Re: First Woman Nominated to run for President
« on: July 31, 2016, 02:28:16 PM »
If Hillary Clinton wins we are doomed as a country.

People say that on both sides of the isle at every presidential election. It's usually followed by threats to move to another country.

Spin Zone / Re: Is Self-Defense a right?
« on: July 31, 2016, 01:59:32 PM »
I think you have a very, very distorted view of what constitutes a natural right.

And that's quite sad, because your mentality is what is being used by despots, including our government, to deny people of their natural rights.

But wait!! Many here are saying that natural rights can't be denied.

Spin Zone / Re: Is Self-Defense a right?
« on: July 31, 2016, 10:39:44 AM »
They cannot stop you from exercising your free speech.  You are a thinking human and can say what you choose.  They can punish you for doing it and they can use fear to convince you to cooperate but they cannot remove your right to speech.

If they do not punish you, they are not granting a "right", they are restraining themselves.  The two are not equivilent.

Maybe the place to start is the definition of the word right. Here is what I found from a legal site.

1) n. an entitlement to something, whether to concepts like justice and due process, or to ownership of property or some interest in property, real or personal. These rights include various freedoms, protection against interference with enjoyment of life and property, civil rights enjoyed by citizens such as voting and access to the courts, natural rights accepted by civilized societies, human rights to protect people throughout the world from terror, torture, barbaric practices and deprivation of civil rights and profit from their labor, and such American constitutional guarantees as the right to freedoms of speech, press, religion, assembly and petition.

The key here is "accepted by civilized societies". This is what I've been saying. A group of people recognize and accept a right. Obviously uncivilized societies do not accept these rights. To me, a right, the word right, implies a legal standing. Breathing, thinking, herring, seeing and speaking are human traits, characteristics and behaviors.

Spin Zone / Re: Is Self-Defense a right?
« on: July 30, 2016, 09:34:19 AM »

Rights exist beyond the "permission by a group of people".  The people of the DPRK have the right to freedom of speech, even if their government chooses to not recognize that right and works to actively suppress it, it doesn't change the fact that the right exists.

See that's where you're not getting what I'm saying. We, a larger sub set of humans recognize the right to free speech that is being denied to those living in the DPRK, but if the whole world were ruled by the DPRK, then they could say we have no right to free speech and if they have the power to enforce that, it would be so. If a group of rebels had the power to resist their decree, then for those rebels they would have the right to free speech.

Rights just come down to who has the power. Our recognition of the people's right to free speech in the DPRK doesn't actually give it to them. It would take a greater power, us attacking and removing the government of the DPRK to give it to them.

Spin Zone / Re: Dems land the presidency
« on: July 29, 2016, 09:06:11 AM »
How do I stand to gain?

Mostly you will get a free education. An education on how you have lived your life incorrectly thus far and how to live it correctly. They will help you with this correction with a series of incentives and disincentives. You will learn about the grave errors of the past and how we as a people have learned to how to erase the errors and live in a more balanced world where you will want and need less, but there will much more love and harmony because we will all be more equal.

You are going to love it... or else!

Spin Zone / Re: Is Self-Defense a right?
« on: July 29, 2016, 08:57:39 AM »
There is a bright line between human and animal.  Genocide is a tragedy but not a slide down a slippery slope.

And in your view, how do those committing genocide typically justify that taking of life to their members? History has shown, that often the rational is that those that are to die, are inferior and therefore not any different than eradicating an invasive species in an animal habitat. Most people find killing very distasteful and so reasoning must be given to get them over the emotional hump and get them to swing the sword, pull the trigger, drop the bomb, set the fire, release the gas, etc.

The good news is, as the world becomes more connected and more educated, a universal right to life for all humans is starting to become more widely recognized and defended.

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