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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 339 340 [341] 342 343 ... 898
Spin Zone / Re: Something not Covid-related
« on: May 14, 2020, 06:40:39 AM »
I'm going to put my tin foil hat on and wonder how many of those in Michigan were actors paid by the left to purposely cause problems to blame on the right.

I'm not so sure, but wouldn't rule it out.  What used to be "Tin Foil Hat" material a few years ago, is happening NOW.  The Globalist Progressives ordered this Worldwide Shutdown and our Democrats who are controlled and paid by them went right along.  Fauci is ONE OF THEM.  Look at him with the Clintons, Bill Gates, Soros, Bloomberg and others. 

Trump knows this but was painted into a corner.  When he is re-elected see what happens.  My question is how many of the Democrats are bought and paid for by CHINA?

Spin Zone / Re: Get Back to LIVING!
« on: May 14, 2020, 06:36:43 AM »
The lockdown hoax (sorry, it's all political and not based in science) is the newfound toy in the progressive playbook.  They adore and crave the power they believe it gives them.  Damn right they will fight to keep it going.

This needs to be a national wake up call to all of those who can't be bothered with voting.  Hope those stay at homes in the blue progressive states are enjoying the tyranny they now live under.  If they would have gotten off their lazy asses and voted lots of this wouldn't be happening.

It only occurred because Trump was President.  Lockdowns will only be used if we have a Republican President.  Trump may be the last as Texas is going Blue.

Spin Zone / Re: When is your State opening back up?
« on: May 14, 2020, 06:35:08 AM »
I'm looking to move to Wyoming or South Dakota.  Originally, I wanted to go back to Colorado, but it has changed so much in the last 13 years since I lived there before.  The transplants along the Front Range killed it.  I am fine with making drugs legal, but the Pot Industry has changed Colorado for the worse as they were one of the first states to legalize it.  All the loons moved there. 

Spin Zone / Re: Wisconsin Supreme Court Throws Out Lockdown
« on: May 14, 2020, 06:31:42 AM »
We need to go to war over this. These shutdowns are now capricious and obviously designed to damage the economy for political reasons. Cases are going down in places that have opened up. There’s no excuse for this anymore.

People in my are wearing masks alone in their Teslas.  They wear masks when walking alone, and jogging alone.  I doubt any of those people ever touched a firearm and probably think only redneck Trump supporters have them.  Their masks are their little security blankets making them safe. 

Spin Zone / Re: Get Back to LIVING!
« on: May 14, 2020, 06:23:28 AM »
It just seems that democrats in general are momma's boys. They want the government to tell them how to live and what to do, they can't or don't want to figure it out themselves. Conservatives, especially country conservatives, are suspect of government and government meddling and want to stand, good or bad, on their own two feet.

I'm seeing the following groups largely so afraid of their own shadow they want almst a permanent lockdown becuae they are scared but also they want to GET RID OF TRUMP.  This Virus is totally political. 

The MEDIA (also mostly Democrats)
Women (many overly cautious, bliss ninny, nanny state types)

Spin Zone / Re: The Subtle Tyranny of the ‘Expert’ Class
« on: May 13, 2020, 01:18:54 PM »
This was one of Trump’s most significant mistakes - trying to play nice, and not immediately firing the Obama appointees in every executive agency.  The career bureaucrats should have been analyzed as well and fired or reassigned as necessary.

Remember in The Untouchables when the judge swapped juries in Al Capone’s trial because the first jury was bribed and tainted? They what Trump or his deputies should have done.

Totally agree.  CLEAN HOUSE.  During my brief tenure in State government, when a new Administration came in, almost all Bureau Directors and above were replaced.  For some reason I survived, but I didn't wait to stick around to see what would happen longer term. 

Spin Zone / Re: When is your State opening back up?
« on: May 13, 2020, 12:57:55 PM »
Some counties in PA that were designated Yellow and scheduled to reopen were told they were again RED by Governor and could NOT reopen.  They are openly rebelling and defying the Fascist Governor. 

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Gov. Tom Wolf attacked local elected officials making plans to reopen in defiance of his shutdown orders as cowards deserting the pandemic battlefield, threatening Monday to block aid to rebellious Pennsylvania counties in an escalating political fight over his administration's handling of the coronavirus.

The normally mild-mannered Democrat fired back after several GOP-controlled counties declared themselves in open rebellion against his stay-at-home orders and shutdown of businesses deemed “non-life-sustaining.” The counties assert they have enough testing, equipment and hospital capacity to manage flareups of a virus that has sickened over 57,000 in Pennsylvania, of whom more than 3,700 have died.

Wolf said local officials who pronounce their communities open for business are acting selfishly and risking lives.

“The politicians who are encouraging the people they were elected to lead to quit the fight are acting in a most cowardly way," said Wolf, asserting they are “choosing to desert in the face of the enemy.”

Wolf threatened to withhold COVID-19 funding to counties that act unilaterally and “put us all at risk by operating illegally.” Under the federal emergency relief law signed by President Donald Trump in late March, Pennsylvania has about $4 billion in aid that Wolf, for now, has pledged to work with the GOP-controlled Legislature on how to spend.

Republican officials responded sharply Monday to Wolf's “name-calling” and threats, saying their constituents are suffering economically and desperate to get back to work. They say Wolf has been arbitrary and illogical in deciding what areas of the state to reopen and when, refusing to explain his decisions

Spin Zone / Re: The Subtle Tyranny of the ‘Expert’ Class
« on: May 13, 2020, 12:31:09 PM »
Get a burner phone.

Spin Zone / Re: A sea of uncertainty and death
« on: May 13, 2020, 10:24:28 AM »
No.  I'm just saying that I don't blame them for putting up restrictions to outsiders entering their area.

Because White European Bad, Indian Good, right?     ;D

That happened 5 months after I got my ASEL in North Carolina. Scared the crap out of me, and I stayed on the ground if there were broken clouds at 10,000’.  (Ok, slight exaggeration.)

I got my IR in 2010 and learned a lot more about weather during that training.

Sparky Imeson died not long after I took the Colorado Pilots Association Mountain Flying Course and started mountain flying by myself.  I had read his book also.  It thought if HE could kill himself in the mountains, I was probably a dead man just by looking at them from by back deck.  I got over it too. 

Spin Zone / Re: Please take my argument apart
« on: May 13, 2020, 10:12:04 AM »
The trouble with trying to mitigate like that is, it’s all defeated the instant you flush and get a spray of germs everywhere. In most public toilets there isn’t even a lid to put down.

Ahhhh!  There's the six foot fecal spray again.  Nooooo................


Spin Zone / Re: Please take my argument apart
« on: May 13, 2020, 08:24:04 AM »
I have had to make myself get over the public bathroom thing. Women must carry purses into the stall and there are often no hooks upon which to hang them so you end up having to hang the thing around your neck, try to balance it on top of the metal paper dispenser, or placing it on the floor. That means my purse is contaminated. Or at least the bottom of it so now I am unable to place it on the kitchen counter, my dining room table or my bed, or even touch the bottom of it.

And I force myself not to think about all the butts that have sat on the seat. It’s one of those things I have to repress deeply or I wouldn’t be able to use a public toilet and my bladder capacity is not that great so that’s not an option.

My ex-wife used to carry a small spray bottle of disinfectant and tissues/paper towels in her purse to wipe the seat and other surfaces she thought were contaminated.  Also, hand sanitizer.  She'd set her handbag down on tissues she spread wherever. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Left slips and tells the truth
« on: May 13, 2020, 08:10:13 AM »
Nobody or at least very, very few people deny climate change.  The rub is that the LEFT demands that it is ALL MAN'S FAULT.  Yet they can't tell you how much is natural and how much is man made.  They also can not tell you where all the money they want will got to reduce Man's PORTION of climate change, nor HOW THEY WILL MEASURE IT as climate is always changing Naturally.  WTF???     >:(

Spin Zone / Re: A sea of uncertainty and death
« on: May 13, 2020, 05:33:28 AM »

South Dakota has had 39 covid19 deaths.

Let’s see, SD averages, per year, 200 “flu” deaths. Why are they not blocking roads and screaming about seas of death for that?

Why?  Because Steingar and Fauci says those deaths are "normal", but for some reason these aren't.   >:(

Spin Zone / Re: Please take my argument apart
« on: May 13, 2020, 05:31:33 AM »
This is Fauci's last hurrah.   40+ years as an unknown bureaucrat, and he's at the center of attention, and he's craving his new "power".  Even at the hearing yesterday he was acting like he has the sole decision on everything, and he shouldn't be questioned.   Rand Paul (a physician himself) put Fauci in his place.

If an honest assessment of this unnecessary shutdown were to happen and it WON'T, Fauci would be seen as Public Enemy #1. 

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