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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Please take my argument apart
« on: May 13, 2020, 03:18:37 AM »

You must have missed the post where I pass along the well known factoid that when you flush, microscopic droplets containing yes, even fecal molecules, are launched to distances up to 6’ away. Poor Anthony can’t get that shocking piece of news out of his head, and probably has thrown away his toothbrush, bought a new one and keeps it in an airtight case.

If it makes you feel any better Anthony, I myself was ruined by similar news when somebody did a story on hotel rooms involving a black light.  I’ve never been able to relax in a hotel room quite the same since.

Totally threw away everything in there and sterilized the bathrooms!  Yes, I can't stand hotels either.  Ewwww!   

Spin Zone / Re: Please take my argument apart
« on: May 12, 2020, 06:02:59 PM »
The handshake has been around for at least 2,500 years. Gentlemen always take their gloves off before shaking hands. You don’t create civilizations by hiding in a cave, or hiding behind a face mask.

You expect us to all walk around with face masks like the Asian culture? 

You need to cull the deadwood for the forest to survive.

I don’t know about you, but when I was growing up in Chicago and ducking and covering in St. Juliana Catholic School during atomic bomb drills, I for one had no plans on living in a post apocalyptic world, and thought it was all bullshit. I feel the same way today. A cultural change that you envision is not living. And this is coming from a germaphobe who was a germaphobe before being a germaphobe was cool.

Steingar wants Fundamental Transformation, socially, economically and now with a total, unending shutdown where he can hide in his faculty lounge and watch CNN all day.   Like a good little Bolshevik.  It is in his Russian blood.   ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Speaking of tax dollars
« on: May 12, 2020, 01:02:42 PM »
So here comes Nancy's next boondoggle:

My fear are the spineless republicans who will vote for this disaster.

^^^^^^That's the Six Foot Fecal Spray of "relief" bills!     >:(

Spin Zone / Re: For your viewing pleasure ...
« on: May 12, 2020, 12:36:10 PM »
^^^^^I'd like to read HER Tarot Cards. 

I wonder if that’s a common trait among veterinarians. My daughter has little patience with kids, but will go to the ends of the earth to save an animal.

And I shoot them in the woods.  Not kids, animals.   ;D

Could be.  Never thought of that, although I imagine many female Vets are also great mothers too. 

Spin Zone / Re: For your viewing pleasure ...
« on: May 12, 2020, 12:19:04 PM »
Gee, I wonder why Fauci has been WRONG SO MUCH?  Wouldn't be to purposely extend the shutdown and economic collapse to make his friends Bill and Hillary, Bill and Melinda Gates, Soros, Bloomberg and the other Globalist Masters of the Universe happy, would it?

Kindergarten is a class.

Boy, tough room.  Tip your waitresses and bartenders!


County officials report it is certainly another Covid-19 death and could possibly close down this and other airports for the foreseeable future.


Spin Zone / Re: ObamaGate: The Worse Political Crime Ever Commited
« on: May 12, 2020, 12:01:36 PM »
It’s now clear the Obama-Comey FBI and Justice Department never had anything more substantial than the laughable fiction of the Steele dossier to justify the “counterintelligence” investigation of the Trump campaign. Yet incessant leaks from that supposedly confidential probe wound up consuming the Trump administration’s first months in office — followed by the Bob Mueller-led special counsel investigation that proved nearly the “total witch hunt” that President Trump dubbed it.

Information released as the Justice Department dropped its charges against Gen. Mike Flynn shows that President Barack Obama, in his final days in office, played a key role in fanning the flames of phony scandal. Fully briefed on the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation, he knew the FBI had come up with nothing despite months of work starting in July 2016

Well, well.  I hope Bathhouse Barry is squirming now, but not in his usual bathhouse way.  I guess he will now have to get in the fetal position and suck his thumb as Valerie Jarrett chants "everything will be OK" to him and Michelle. 

Spin Zone / Re: Musk is pissed with California - finally?
« on: May 12, 2020, 10:41:17 AM »
In my area Teslas are very popular.  With the new influx of McMansion buyers from out of the area, often more urbanite or closer to urbanites, they've brought their PC, Woke, SJW beliefs with them.  That's why we had a Democrat wave in the last election.  Lots of Indians, Asians, and Nanny State White families.  Affluent, with two good incomes per family and able to afford at least one Virtue Signalling TESLA.  This is the new affluent suburbia.  Mostly democrat voters thinking they are enlightened and evolved because the Media tells them so.  All believing in Man made climate change, extreme over reaction to this Virus, anti fossil fuel pipeline, anti legal gun ownership and the rest of the Leftist garbage right down the line. 

These people drive their kids to school every day, or drive them to the bus stop and have the kids sit in the car with them while they and their kids are on the smart phones.  No interaction with other kids at the bus stop, no learning how to deal with people except through technology. 

Spin Zone / Re: ObamaGate: The Worse Political Crime Ever Commited
« on: May 12, 2020, 09:40:42 AM »
THIS. People who are surprised if they come across this are in the half of the country that limits their news watching to mainstream media. The rest of us have known most of this stuff for two or three years.

I think it was around 1986 that I turned off NPR and PBS for good.  I couldn't take the daily slew of Far Left programming making Blacks, Homosexuals, Women and the other groups du jour constant VICTIMS and Whitey was always the Bad Guy.  Especially Straight White Males.  Then I saw it in the other mainstream outlets which was ALL there was at the time.  Rush Limbaugh had maybe just started out. 

Pilot Zone / Re: Bought a Navion
« on: May 12, 2020, 08:32:36 AM »
The Warbird thing is severely limiting your choices, but if that is what you want, go for it.  I'm not saying you should abandoned that at all, I guess just stating the obvious.  The Navion market can not be a large one, correct?  I'm smaller than you at 6', 180 lbs.  So I may go Experimental RV-6, 7, 8 or even Light Sport.  I am really on the fence at this point.  Mooneys fit me great, but so do most other aircraft. 

Spin Zone / Re: now the liberals REALLY love COVID-19
« on: May 12, 2020, 08:27:11 AM »
I know that.  You've probably read my many comments about lousy hand discipline degrading the utilities of masks (such as it is to begin with).

It deserves to be repeated to show how ridiculous all this has become. 

Spin Zone / Re: now the liberals REALLY love COVID-19
« on: May 12, 2020, 07:54:51 AM »
(I am not a doctor not an expert in infectious diseases.)

The 6' rule is for airborne transmission.

Proper hand hygiene is how you avoid contact transmission.  It is my understanding that merely touching something "contaminated" will not give you the virus.  However, subsequently touching your face and/or mask can lead to being infected.

You can't wash your hands every time you touch something.  Also people touch their faces without even knowing they are doing it, especially to "adjust" their masks. 

Spin Zone / Re: When they execute a condemned man...
« on: May 12, 2020, 07:52:19 AM »
Add in mentally impaired.  Avoid the "hot but crazy" corner!  Better no one than the wrong one.

Words to live by.  I always have.   ::)

Then again, you only live once. 

Spin Zone / Re: Started in Michigan
« on: May 12, 2020, 07:51:15 AM »
Yet the conservatives that are eligible to vote will bitch and complain, yet can't be bothered with voting.

 I'm hoping this is a wake up call for Michigan and other states who are seeing what it's like when they allow a select few to install these tinpot dictators into office.

Many people know what happened, so I think we will see a groundswell of voter turnout by conservatives next election.  If we don't, we are fucked. 

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