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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Shutdown death
« on: May 11, 2020, 02:22:43 PM »
The woman and her husband started screaming for Covert to get away from the alligator because they saw it grab a deer a few days earlier, deputies said.

Covert said “I don't look like a deer” and reached to touch the alligator when the animal attacked, according to the report.

The husband and a neighbor grabbed a rope and threw it to Covert when she surfaced and stood in the pond. Covert grabbed the rope and said “I guess I wont do this again,” but was suddenly pulled under by the alligator, the police report said.

Effing IDIOT.  When I lived in Colorado, I used to go to Estes Park every fall for the Elk Festival.  The Elk come down from the mountains and essentially populate the town.  It is pretty funny.  Elk everywhere.  I saw a female tourist going up to a large bull Elk in a parking lot and was reaching to pet it when I told her that wouldn't be a good idea.  She looked at me like I was the one who was crazy.  Morons.

Spin Zone / Re: Past Pandemics
« on: May 11, 2020, 02:11:26 PM »
The 1968 Hong Kong flu epidemic extended until 1969-1970.

Woodstock was in August 1969 where 500,000 people were most definitely not social distancing.

Yeah, but they were self medicating.   ::)

Spin Zone / Re: For your viewing pleasure ...
« on: May 11, 2020, 01:09:35 PM »
Given the level of protection afforded by a scarf or bandana, they can only be for show (the folly is compounded by the complete lack of hand discipline displayed by almost everyone wearing a "mask").  But I'll wear one to make others feel more comfortable.

I only wear a mask if the store I'm going in requires it and it seems they all are.  I see people out walking or jogging alone wearing masks.  People in cars alone, wearing a mask. 

Spin Zone / Re: Traffic fatalities
« on: May 11, 2020, 01:07:56 PM »
I’m calling bullshit on this Bob. Soon 20 of the 29 will be recategorized as Covid deaths. Lol

I bet 35 out of 29 will be classified as Chinese Virus deaths. 

"creative accounting"

Spin Zone / Re: For your viewing pleasure ...
« on: May 11, 2020, 12:48:44 PM »
Most people I see out are wearing masks not designed for medical purposes.  They are for show only.  Chinese Virus Theater. 

Go Trump!

Spin Zone / Re: The Subtle Tyranny of the ‘Expert’ Class
« on: May 11, 2020, 12:15:13 PM »
The good news for you all is governments can't really keep this up too much longer with building popular discontent.  Things will open up, they're opening up already.  I'm seeing lots of folks out for this and that sans PPE or anything else.  We'll get the full blown epidemic you've been looking for.  Good luck to you all.

Good luck to you too.  Sincerely.  However, why is it only us who benefit from Opening Up?  Not you or yours?  Would you rather live in a society on LOCKDOWN and for people to live meager existences?

Spin Zone / Re: For your viewing pleasure ...
« on: May 11, 2020, 12:12:43 PM »
Christ on a stick, Fauci is one of the top infectious disease experts we have.  Who do you guys trust, Donald Duck?

All we've seen him with over the years are Democrats and big money Democrats and Globalist types.  He donated our tax dollars to the WHO and Wuhan Lab.  He has been corrupted. 

Spin Zone / When is your State opening back up?
« on: May 11, 2020, 09:20:42 AM »
Our Governor, the White Obama, is the Bliss Ninny, Nanny State, Progressive (Fascist) of all time, rivaling Cuomo and Governor Phil Vladimir Lenin Murphy of New Jersey, and Governor Blackface of VA and that fucking C word in Michigan. 

HARRISBURG, DAUPHIN COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU-TV) – Governor Tom Wolf has signed the order directing 24 counties in Pennsylvania’s northwest and north central regions to begin the gradual process of reopening starting Friday, May 8. At the same time, Governor Wolf extended stay-at-home orders for all other counties in Pennsylvania until June 4.  Then there is Governor Gay Boy in CA.

According to the previously released plan, the two dozen counties will move from the ‘red’ phase to the ‘yellow’ phase.

“Over the past two months, Pennsylvanians in every corner of our commonwealth have acted collectively to stop the spread of COVID-19,” Wolf said in a statement. “We have seen our new case numbers stabilize statewide and while we still have areas where outbreaks are occurring, we also have many areas that have few or no new cases.

So June 4th?  Let the towns and communities that make lots of money from Memorial Day ROT.  In effect a full THREE MONTHS on LOCK DOWN. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Subtle Tyranny of the ‘Expert’ Class
« on: May 11, 2020, 08:35:24 AM »
We've seen it with Man Made Climate Change and now the Corona Virus.  CORRUPTED "Science" and corrupt scientists and "experts" all either PAID OFF or corrupted due to their Far Left ideology.  How dare us commoners question scientists and experts!  They HAVE to be right!

Spin Zone / Re: Please take my argument apart
« on: May 09, 2020, 07:32:31 PM »
^^^^^Wow.  Agree with all of it.  Very well said, and also very scary because I believe it is ALL TRUE, but the Left calls it tinfoil hat material.   >:(   So yes, they call us crazy and out of touch and out of control.  We are over lapping less and less.  Watch old TV shows or movies.  Hunting, fishing, having guns was all NORMAL things that most Men did and not just country bumpkins.  Now, God forbid you show people doing those activities. 

Spin Zone / Re: Please take my argument apart
« on: May 09, 2020, 05:38:25 PM »
It’s coming to that here, now. Tow the party line or you’re canceled. Roseann Barr, Sarah Silverman. Hell, it’s been happening at universities since the 60s. I’ve posted that letter to my father from a professor forced out of (redacted) University because he wasn’t a political leftist, when the neo-Marxists, excuse me, “post modernists” took over his department.

We've talked about this before.  There is tremendous societal pressure to believe and speak only Leftist, Progressive ideology from the Media, Entertainment, Social Media, Tech, Education, Heath, Government AND Corporate America.  What's left?  The NRA and Breitbart?  Maybe a few Republicans?

Big influence on the Beatles and many others.  RIP.

Spin Zone / Re: Please take my argument apart
« on: May 09, 2020, 03:43:22 PM »
Exactly.  My BIL is a German, and his father served on the Eastern Front.   If you were asked if you supported the Nazi Party, the answer had to be yes, it was not optional.

Yeah, but the Eastern Front still wasn't as bad as facing Rush's Six Foot Fecal Spray!        :o

I am forever mentally scarred.

Spin Zone / Re: Musk is pissed with California - finally?
« on: May 09, 2020, 03:32:26 PM »
Well Musk gets a LOT of his funding from government subsidies so I wonder how much California has given him and is giving him.  Also his cars are heavily subsidized by both State and Federal incentives for EV's.  I don't know what golden hand cuffs CA put on him to stay there.  However, it is a statement and a good one by Musk to a state that has really made doing business there difficult and EXPENSIVE. 

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