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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 363 364 [365] 366 367 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: I hate libertarians
« on: November 11, 2019, 03:14:10 PM »

« on: November 11, 2019, 02:52:34 PM »
I believe there is a bill that is going to be introduced to ban Natural Gas statewide.  Some towns and cities have already done it, requiring all new construction to be ALL ELECTRIC.  In a State that can't keep the power on reliably due to fires due to "man made climate change".  Yeah, right.  LIARS.  The Greenies won't let them cut down the forest and brush that now is burning.

I lived in the Bay Area, but that was over 15 years ago, and I saw the insanity then, but I knew it wasn't a place I would stay forever.
Good thing electricity is free and doesn’t use fossil fuels.

« on: November 11, 2019, 12:42:01 PM »
Is Ann Coulter still hanging around?  I lost my patience with her and stopped reading NBB her. I used to think she was a sharp, cutting and edgy commentator. Now I think she’s a self-promoting hag who is constantly looking for her next flash.

It started when she nearly felated Chis Christie during the primaries, saying the country NEEDS a New Jersey Republican as president. Then she was all in on Trump, but then turned on him when he couldn’t get the wall done with a recalcitrant House and Senate. 

Spin Zone / Re: More on Eric Ciaramella
« on: November 11, 2019, 12:19:16 PM »
^^^^^^This.  Progressives are masters of projection and control freaks.  This entire Ukraine/Impeachment issue is really a Democrat scandal.  Namely Biden as VP and his son.  Trump did nothing wrong and they are crying impeachment.
To add, the democrats get a two-fer with this Ukraine/impeachment farce.

First, they get to try to tar and feather Trump by attaching the “impeachment” term to his presidency even if it falls through, AND second, they get to taint the candidacy of a 77-year old white guy who is closely aligned with the Obama era, and doesn’t represent the Socialist democrats that are now leading the party.

Spin Zone / Re: Project Veritas.....
« on: November 11, 2019, 12:09:53 PM »
I would remind you all that ABC is a private business that is entitled to run whatever material they see fit.  Freedom and all that.  It is possible the the story was quashed because it was too insubstantial.  Stories like that get quashed all the time.  I certainly could be wrong on that score, and I don't feel like wading through all the partisan nonsense to figure out the truth on this one.
I’m sorry, was someone proposing that Congress force ABC to publish a story?  Or are you just pissy because we are criticizing the ethics of a member of the MSM as they attempt to provide cover for establishment democrats? 

Spin Zone / Re: Thanks to All Veterans on Veterans Day
« on: November 11, 2019, 11:30:38 AM »
Every Veterans Day I post this on FB and thank, by first name, as many family and friends they I can think of that served.

Spin Zone / Re: Sessions Will Run for the Senate
« on: November 09, 2019, 12:47:14 AM »
We need to term limit them.  Career politicians have done massive damage to this country.
Term limits will NEVER happen, unless you hound your state legislators to resolve to call a Convention of the States.

Spin Zone / Re: I hate libertarians
« on: November 09, 2019, 12:44:28 AM »
I have often wondered if that was his intent all along.
I don’t think so. He was innovative, and not a career politician. He may have been delusional as a Reform party candidate, thinking he could win, and beat the two-party system.

If Trump ran as a third party candidate, that would have been equally delusional. But he saw Perot’s mistake, and ran WITHIN the Republican party.  Genius. 

Spin Zone / Re: I hate libertarians
« on: November 09, 2019, 12:36:52 AM »
Spock carried out an act of desperation, which itself is illogical.

I doubt there have ever been a sufficient number of libertarians to sway a national election.  The one who swayed national elections was H. Ross Perot.  Swayed two of them, and put Bill Clinton in the White House twice.

Spin Zone / PA Dem clean sweep
« on: November 08, 2019, 12:22:45 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Sessions Will Run for the Senate
« on: November 08, 2019, 09:52:16 AM »
No, they CRAVE and are addicted to POWER.  Look at Hillary, Biden, Bernie, and all the old people in Congress.  It looks like a freaking Retirement Home in there.  Pelosi?  Lee?  Feinstein, Boxer?  Are they in the Geriatric Bridge Player's Caucus?  The Racist Elijah Cummings practically died at the podium!  I hope it is very hot where he is. 


Spin Zone / Re: Sessions Will Run for the Senate
« on: November 08, 2019, 09:38:46 AM »

Some clowns just can't stay away from the ciircus.
I look at power-starved career politicians with derision, regardless of party.

Jesus Christ, don’t these people ever want to enjoy retirement? 

Spin Zone / Re: PA Dem clean sweep
« on: November 08, 2019, 09:26:34 AM »
I log all my flights, but my flight logs are unavailable just now.  I didn't see any photo in that post.  If you really want to see The Lucky Strike, here you go:
No beer fridge?  I thought you were a pilot.

Spin Zone / Re: PA Dem clean sweep
« on: November 08, 2019, 09:23:57 AM »
I’m from that area, yes that’s what they call Cary. After Cary got too crowded, Clayton (another satellite town) started growing and so it got called: Cary-Like Area Yankees Trying Out Now.
Classic. :)

Spin Zone / Re: I hate libertarians
« on: November 08, 2019, 08:22:19 AM »
Curious why you didn’t vote for Simon’s R opponent.

Mind you, bizarre Rs do show up on ballots occasionally. My theory is that the weirdest of them are libertarians trying to pass themselves off as Republicans.

(Need to insert here again that I like Jim )
Honestly, I don’t recall any warts on the GOP candidate at the time. I was pretty anti-establishment back then (see my vote for Ross Perot above), and was looking for a decent person. I actually met him on the street one morning in Chicago as I was walking from Union Station to my office. It was in front of the Civic Opera House.  He didn’t have an entourage but had maybe one person with him. I just said “good morning Senator” as I waked past him, and he stopped to chat with me. It made an impression.

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