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Messages - EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist

Pages: 1 ... 395 396 [397] 398
Spin Zone / Re: Stopped for Walking While Black
« on: November 03, 2015, 06:58:55 AM »
I was a little curious why she didn't use the sidewalk.  She wasn't really running, just walking fast and flailing her arms.  Did it not used to be the law that when walking you always faced the traffic?

Ben, I was curious about asking for ID also. It is quite possible that it is standard procedure to run the ID for past warrants for anyone they talk to?  Don't really know for sure.  They wouldn't really know if she lived in the neighborhood or not.

Spin Zone / Stopped for Walking While Black
« on: November 02, 2015, 05:55:59 PM »
Dorothy Bland is the dean of the school of journalism at the University of North Texas. An African American, Bland also became a recent viral phenomenon when she accused white police officers of detaining her for “walking while black.”

Dash cam to the rescue for these two policeman who were trying to keep her out of harms way and she had to go and write an op-ed about it and end up making a fool of herself.   Sad, very sad.

So we put a lost of names together of politicians we do not like.  Where's the proof?   Is this more of the new "prove your innocent" mentality.  Kind of like when Harry Reid told us all that Mitt Romney did not pay income taxes and folks on the left just believed it.  WTF is happening to us? 

Spin Zone / Re: Cop was Fired
« on: November 02, 2015, 07:46:29 AM »

Seems like a lot of the students think this all went down wrong.

Spin Zone / Too Drunk for a DUI?
« on: October 30, 2015, 04:48:33 PM »
[size=1.167em]earlier this year has created a legal trick by which drunk drivers are getting key evidence against them thrown out by arguing they were too drunk.
[/font][/color][/size][size=1.167em]Drivers are convincing judges that they were not thinking clearly when they agreed to take a voluntary breath, blood or urine tests, because of intoxication.      [/size]

Spin Zone / Hollywood or D.C.
« on: October 30, 2015, 08:27:10 AM »
My wife watches Ellen religiously.  Many times I'll be upstairs when she is watching it.  It has always struck how similar the Ellen Show is to our current government.  The Democrats get votes by promising more free stuff.  The Democrat debate was a good indicator as Bernie and Hillary tried to outdo each other with free giveaways. 

The Ellen Show is exactly the same.  People come to see Ellen because she gives away all of this stuff all the time.  They love Ellen for the free stuff yet none realize that Ellen isn't really giving them anything, all of the vendors are the ones supplying to goodies and ultimately consumers have to pay for that through the prices they pay when shopping at those stores.  Meanwhile Ellen gets rich through what she gets paid plus all of the side ventures she has and I'm fairly sure she probably spends personal time preaching the Liberal mantra.

Ellen has learned well from the government promise the masses free stuff and they will vote for you or watch your TV show.

Since we are about to do the same in the glorious People's Republic of California (motor-voter combined with ID/DL for illegals) I wonder what will happen...


At the very least illegals will get to vote.  How wonderful

Spin Zone / Re: Chicken
« on: October 29, 2015, 07:43:57 PM »
I stopped eating chicken the day I wen tot a poultry processing plant.

When I was a child, a neighbor owned a chicken processing plant and I was once taken there.

I think what I saw may have had an effect on my vegetarianism going forward.

Lots of chicken and turkey plants here in N GA. Both Karen and I find getting behind the trucks full of birds on their last ride quite depressing and disgusting.

But That's Just Us! An admitted minority to be sure.


Spin Zone / Re: GOP Primaries Start Soon
« on: October 29, 2015, 07:42:04 PM »
My take on the debate.  The biggest loser was CNBC.  The number of times they were jeered for asking dumb shit questions was great.  They were so transparent in their questioning they may have indeed damaged the MSM by turning peoples heads last night to what media bias does look like and leaving no doubt that it exists.

Ted Cruz really nailed the moderators and made them look really bad.  He is good at speaking about things with no notes.

Marco Rubio may have finished off Jeb for good.  Can't imagine why Jeb decided to go after Marco like that?  Marco also made the moderators look bad when they were asking about his personal finances.  I probably would have just said, "NOYFB".

I liked the Huckabee anaolgy between the blimp and government in general.  It was a good zinger.

Christy showed well and had some good lines.  Probably too late for him to move up too much unless Jeb sees the writing on the wall.

Carly had another good night.  We'll see of she gets another bump.  I would hate to think that she is not moving up because she is a woman.

I believe Kasich is done. Went on the attack against Trump right out of the box and it failed.

Rand Paul will probably hang around because he runs a low dollar operation, but probably not going anywhere.

Trump didn't really hurt himself, but didn't get much time.

Dr. Ben had a good showing, we'll see if it gives him more momentum.

Let's see if Cruz makes a move based on this debate.

Spin Zone / Re: Cop was Fired
« on: October 29, 2015, 07:28:49 PM »

I had a lecture about chromosomal sex determination and made the mistake of mentioning Jenner.  Weird.  Dude was on Wheaties boxes for chissakes!

Okay Michael, what was the reaction? 

Spin Zone / Re: GOP Primaries Start Soon
« on: October 29, 2015, 08:34:15 AM »
I may be in the minority but I thought Rubio had a great debate.
Carly's reference to the NASDAQ falling 80% while she was at HP put a burr under my saddle since $HPQ is traded on the NYSE.  There is no relationship between the two elements.

How much did the NYSE go down in the same time period?

Spin Zone / Re: Tonight is the Worst Run Debate I've Ever Seen
« on: October 29, 2015, 08:21:57 AM »
We sat down to watch the main players at 8P, only to find out CNBC placed obstacles in the way to streaming access. Seems like making your content difficult to view is a poor business plan going forward. Especially for content that has import concerns the future course of our country.

Hearing snippets today. Will probably watch the whole thing later on YouTube. But still leaves a poor impression on CNBC.

They had to drive traffic to the TV to pay off the advertisers that paid a fortune for commercials last night. 

Spin Zone / Re: Cop was Fired
« on: October 28, 2015, 09:42:09 AM »
I'm not going to take this guys side, but I would ask what actions do you believe should have been taken?  The student was texting during class and asked to stop and give up her phone by the teacher.  I suppose they could have shut the class down and called her parents and asked them to come take her out of school.

Brings up a question to me, should cell phones even be allowed in schools?

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