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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: July 06, 2017, 07:41:14 AM »
Well now you're just hurting my feelings.

I know but Maxine Waters will be along to tell you that you had it coming for having white skin, so don't worry.
Obama will remind you that it is all because of global warming.
Cecil Richards will say that it would all go away if only the USA performed more abortions.
Chris Cuomo will tell you that the CNN investigators will be along to DOX me very soon...

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: July 05, 2017, 10:19:10 PM »
For a non-snowflake you sure do wear your panties all twisted up.  ;)
For a whining pussy you sure do try and shift the topic to avoid confronting the dearth of intelligence, relevance and integrity in your party.

Spin Zone / Re: Liberal Elite Privilege
« on: July 05, 2017, 10:17:46 PM »
But you don't mind in the least when Trump hires his son-in-law and daughter to staff important White House posts despite a complete lack of government experience.

No I Don't.
They actually have high IQ and a fine work ethic.
The Presidneet certainly can count on low informational n, triple zero IQ steingar to attack him for actually accomplishing things, where your traitorous, sleazy, corrupt, pig that he replaced can't say that.

To a progressive the world is never what it is but only what they want it to be.
Anything else is racism.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: July 05, 2017, 10:54:43 AM »
Actually void is completely appropriate used as you did in the original sentence.     I took the meaning as an adjective "completely empty".

I knew that and also knew the snowflake wouldn't be able to stop himself from acting like a juvenile snowflake.

I see that insane Maxine Waters who fights against voter ID laws, requires those attending her events to show their ID to prove they are in her district and by looking at their voter ID data base they screen out potential Trump supporters who ask uncomfortable questions and demand answers.

Trump supporters support him. News at 11.

Gee... wasn't it you pansy progressives claiming that THE SUPPORTERS of president Trump were turning away from him due to his overwhelming success on social media???

It must be hard to be a democrat and keep getting kicked in the dick by your own arrogance.

I see the majority is catching up to the fact that Donald Trump tweets are very popular, appropriate for the TOXIC spew of snowflake, FAKE news networks and the support is rising.
  NEW POLL : Majority of Trump Supporters Love His Tweets

Despite what the lying media says, the results are in, and people overwhelmingly LOVE President Trump’s tweets!

According to a new poll conducted by leading conservative site Drudge Report, 77% of their readers support the president’s tweets.

The snowflake progressives must feel so proud that fake news CNN CLAIMS that they managed to locate the kid who made the Trump clip that has their cowards all up in arms, and blackmailed him into silence.

No telling if the FAKE news network is actually telling the truth, but if they are, it is probably proof of a felony on their part.

And most of Clintons votes came from metro areas like NYC, and LA.  The Germans adored Hitler in a mass hysteria kind of way.  I think these metro areas (cities, and suburbs) are suffering from the same type of liberal/progressive mass hysteria.

And great opportunities for democrat vote fraud...

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: July 05, 2017, 06:04:55 AM »

I KNEW couldn't help yourself so i left it that way to prove my point, pansy

The lefties refusing to disclose voter ID info already know their states cover up fraud and have no recourse except to lie and evade.
Kind of like Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, CNN, the hags on the view, NBC, Susan Rice...
They all have the sane things in common, the truth is their bitter enemy.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: July 05, 2017, 06:01:23 AM »
Every time a liberal loses on points they start with stupid, pathetic, sarcasm to avoid admitting their arguments are void of substance.

Spin Zone / Re: Liberal Elite Privilege
« on: July 04, 2017, 04:25:38 PM »
That's just your underarm, since you don't appear to know what "relativism" means.

You really get pathetic when you have nothing legitimate to offer.

Spin Zone / Re: Liberal Elite Privilege
« on: July 04, 2017, 08:43:21 AM »
The stench of relativism so early in the morning is enough to make honest people nausus

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: July 03, 2017, 10:43:50 AM »
Remind me who's the snowflake?

You can't take the truth, which is why you choose the communist party.
The truth is a weapon of mass destruction to liberals and you fear it more than guns.

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