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Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: July 03, 2017, 04:34:17 AM »
What rule? I have an opinion.

Yep. And like every other progressive you think that liberals should be free to attack conservatives and the pigs in the media should have free reign to abuse the president, but then whine like a little snowflake when Donald Trump refuses to take your shit.

It's not new.
It's not attractive.
It's not adult.
It's cowardly and manipulative, just like all liberals.

Liberals remind us that conservatives want to tell you what to do and feel slighted, abused and discriminated against.
Then you pathetic whiners run out and try to manage every facet of our lives to suit your pathetic agenda.
Freedom to choose???
Sure, as long we sit back and let you tell us exactly what part of our constitutionally guaranteed rights we must give up to suit your obsession with control.
School lunches??? NO NO NO... Parents have no choice in what their children should eat. The fat, marxist, asshole Michelle proved that.
Guns??? Ohhh... too dangerous.
Sugary drinks??? Nope. wouldn't be healthy.
Free choice on Vacinations??? That would endanger bribes from big-pharama.
Free exercise of religion??? Of course not. Why some scum bag muslim might get offended. Or worse, the gay mafia might get upset.
Fair taxation???? Why how would crooked losers get re-elected without the tax code to use as a giveaway program???

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: July 02, 2017, 05:10:55 PM »
There is nothing strong about electronic pot-shots. This is what I told my 10-year-old when he lost Xbox for a week for similar antics on the messaging system.

There is nothin g adult about progressives demanding their enemy stop pointing out their hypocrisy, either.

You seem to think the rules should be modified to protect your ideology just like a good progressive. The rules only apply to the other people in your mind.

Spin Zone / Re: More Fake News. This time, it's the AP
« on: July 02, 2017, 05:08:14 PM »
One way the right can garner more voters by doing their own measure of "leave me alone". I will grant you that Liberals are much greater offenders. But there are a few areas where Conservatives love to insert themselves: marriage, sex and sexuality, women parts.

That is dishonest, progressive, drivel.
It is simply you repeating the pathetic sound bites of the faux feminists that think abortion is the holy grail of existence. That you stoop so low as to repea their useless drivel word for word is too funny to be taken seriously.

The real truth here is that the far left, lunatic fringe, snowflake, America hating, horde of sleaze that is the lame stream are losing so badly that they are dealing that the gravy train might just hit the end of the line and they have no fall back position.

Liberals are bullies by nature and cowards by behavior. That's why they whine so consistently about anything and anyone that pushes back. It has all gone their way for so long they actually think they are ENTITLED to the positions of authority and respect they pretend to inhabit.

liberals are just another useless brand of fascist that seek to destroy America and Donald Trump refuses to let them use him to accomplish their goal. The rest is lies, innuendo, faux racist claims and utter stupidity.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: July 02, 2017, 08:51:42 AM »
It is pathetically cute that liberals here want to pretend outrage because the President actually to fight their lies, hypocrisy and hate with strength, sarcasm and then refused to let them set and change the rules by which he is allowed to communicate.
I'm so shocked that the parasitesxare upset...

Spin Zone / Re: Illinois ready to implode?
« on: July 02, 2017, 06:39:28 AM »
The people of the state of Illinois would be best suited if the state simply went under and ceased to exist as a state. The census bureau could then divide the population into other states and let America move on without them.

Then when California and New York,a long with Mass. go the same route we will have a road map for how to proceed. Then Chuck-you Schumer and Elizabeth Warren can try and win  senate seats in a larger land mass with more potential for fraud and vote buying schemes on the part of the party of fraud.

IF a state can't continue to fund itself, it needs to go away, just like the old USSR.

It must be so hard for the left to deal with a Republican that doesn't take shit and actually fights back.  Maybe the rest of these idiots could learn some lessons from him.

I suspect that a great percentage of people promoting opinions like gergardt and azure are TERRIFIED that conservatives are winning and that refusing to lie down and listen to their communist shit has become the new normal and that it means they will continue to  lose ground quicker than they gained it thro9ugh their lies, never ending charges of racism, constant bullying and complete capitulation to the exact opposite of what is good for the country.

Without the conservatives sitting back and taking their shit, the left has nothing but a bunch of fucking idiot judges and politicians. They have no truth, no moral ground, no integrity and no backbone beyond politician correctness.

Personally I'm more upset by his obsession with voter fraud and some of the other allegations of dubious veracity that he has made both before and since taking office. Sometimes our president seems to have only a tenuous grasp on reality, and that's a scary thought. But I agree with the OP that this latest tempest in a teapot is something of a national embarrassment. Seems several Republican senators agree that Trump needs to stay away from Twitter. He's not helping the country's image, nor his party, nor frankly himself.

You must mean other than the sixty million Americans that support him and like seeing him call out the lying, shit-for-brains media for their lies, jingoistic fawning over anything that is bad for the country and the other outright communists in congress who despise freedom.

Spin Zone / Re: More Fake News. This time, it's the AP
« on: July 01, 2017, 06:29:05 PM »
I am sitting here watching Donald Trump - that's PRESIDENT Don and Trump for you progressives, give a hell of a great speech, where he touched on exactly that theme.
There are FAR more who support a strong, take-no-shit president than supported the snowflake Obama corruption and treason.

Spin Zone / Re: More Fake News. This time, it's the AP
« on: July 01, 2017, 06:26:04 PM »
Typical progressive prattle.'as soon a your house organ is outed as lying scum, blame FOX and portend they are, "just as bad."
Pathetic snowflake, bullshit.


Real classy.

Fuck off you sexist pig.
Why are you so obsessed with Donald Trump's sex life?
Are you dealing with unrealized feelings about him?

By the way...
That photo is gorgeous. Steingar must be feeling both inadequate and jealous today.

Spin Zone / Re: Germany passes internet "Hate Speech" law
« on: June 30, 2017, 07:00:16 PM »
Let's be honest.
Liberals CAN'T WIN within it tilting the deck drastically.

These types of laws are designed to tilt the deck just like equal opportunity hiring is designed to insure that b;ack applicants don't face as tough a task to get hired as whites.

How can democrats win any elections without cheating, committing fraud, using racism and inequality as. Door posts and pretending that reverse racis. Is wholesome and deserved?

Spin Zone / Re: Snake bites increasing in the US
« on: June 30, 2017, 11:30:44 AM »
Is there anything global warming can't do?

And if you believe liberals, there is also no challenge facing mankind that's not cured by more abortions.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: June 30, 2017, 11:28:53 AM »
This is a sentence fragment with a bunch of typos. I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

That's because it takes a little thought and progressive never actuall think, they run for safe space, instead.

Spin Zone / Re: Illinois ready to implode?
« on: June 30, 2017, 11:27:08 AM »
Steingar is against public debt but in favor of the brutally stupid spending on useless degree brought to you by the federal taxpayers.
And he wants draconian taxation to punish success and self reliance to use to fight make believe global warming.

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