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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 434 435 [436] 437 438 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: 2018 Election results thread
« on: November 06, 2018, 07:16:07 PM »
Fox called the Wisconsin Senate race for the incumbent liberal lesbian democrat Tammy Baldwin without any numbers showing.

I’m hoping Fox will have to choke on some of these early calls. They did that 2 years ago if I recall.

Spin Zone / Re: I voted
« on: November 06, 2018, 05:15:02 PM »
Mom is conservative at heart.  Devote Catholic. She voted for Kennedy but has voted Republican since then because she is anti-abortion. She also believes illegal immigration needs to be stopped, taxes should be lowered, and doesn't want men in her ladies room. If you ask her point by point she will tell you these things.  But the only news she reads is that damned liberal rag and it's got her so screwed up and confused.

It's like the healthcare proxy and durable power of attorney.  I have to make decisions for her because she is getting more and more confused, but I make those decisions in HER best interest, the way I think SHE wants.  I view these voting questions the same way, if she insists on asking me how she should vote, I will tell her in accordance with what I know HER values are, not try to convince her to my values. 

It didn't used to be that way.  I used to try to debate with her and turn her to my point of view, but that was when she had a quick mind.  These days I feel it's my duty just to help her feel confident and at peace that she is voting in line with her values.

But how many people do it that way? And how many just talk the old person into voting however THEY want them to?  Because a lot of people do that I have thought that you are right, people should not be allowed to vote when they get all old and confused.

For that matter, I think confused young people shouldn't vote either.  Teenagers are by definition confused.  Oh if I were king, you wouldn't vote until you've had to support yourself with a job for at least five years, and passed a general knowledge test heavy on economics, history, logic and science.
Add geography and a basic government or civics class and I’m with you.

Spin Zone / Re: I voted
« on: November 06, 2018, 03:08:06 PM »
Got a screen shot from a WalkAway who got this from a Dem at the polling place ...
I fucking HATE anyone thinking they can talk to me as I’m walking into the polling place, of either party. Even if they are “legal” and outside the minimum perimeter, I consider walking into the polls to be a solemn duty, and will tell anyone to back off, regardless of party.

The last time that happened to me was in 2000 or 2004 in Charlotte.  There were a half dozen groups trying to “educate” me. I told them all to back off.

So I’m not surprised this table was set up at a polling place, though now I know what retired old hippie communists look like now.

Spin Zone / Re: Lost respect for Sully....
« on: November 05, 2018, 09:28:37 PM »
His FO Jeff Skiles is from Wisconsin, and is a leftist who signed the Scott Walker recall petition. 

How do I know?  Because I helped record the recall petitions. It was a massive effort to record public documents that the democrats presumed would remain private. It’s now a gift that keeps on giving. Don’t know about a politician or judge running?  Look up their name!

Spin Zone / Re: I voted
« on: November 05, 2018, 02:29:03 PM »
Try standing outside in an Ohio November in the rain and then tell me all about it.

That election day I checked with friends in the suburbs, which tend to vote Republican.  Ample parking, no lines.
Wait. First you were saying that Republicans control the election commission in a college down?  Where do you work, Hillsdale?  If not then I call BS. Not many college towns controlled by Republicans.

But now you’re saying that Republicans do control things, but find nicer digs in the suburbs to vote, while relegating democrats to shithole polling places?  Maybe democrats just live in shitholes.

And your alleged unfairness goes both ways. The City of Milwaukee (run by democrats and socialists for a hundred years) have deeply expanded hours and days for early voting, including early voting through yesterday (Sunday), while most towns that vote conservative don’t have the municipal manpower to staff early voting for a fraction of the hours staffed by Milwaukee bureaucrats.

My wife needed to go out of town yesterday unexpectedly, and wanted to vote if possible before she left, but in our village early voting ended on Friday at 4:00. If we lived in Milwaukee, she could have early voted all day Sunday.

Instead, she traveled to her destination, will drive 3 hours back to vote tomorrow, and then drive 3 hours back that day.

So boo fucking hoo if you have to stand in line in the rain. Suck it up buttercup.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA rules of conduct
« on: November 04, 2018, 06:55:17 AM »
I had a boss once who told me, “Conflict makes the world go around.” He said when you try to eliminate conflict, you get atrophy and death. I often think about that the more we get restricted in our daily lives about what we can or can’t talk about.  Friendships literally die or just decay when your conversations are constricted in narrow paths.

The principle also is illustrated by President Trump’s tireless pursuit of excellence for America while giving not one shit about his critics. I am delighted to have an alpha male in that office who is unabashedly pro-American and completely, completely unconcerned with political correctness.

A psychologist once told me, “The organism wants to be healthy.” I think that drive, or pull, toward healthiness brought us here to PilotSpin, and I think it’s what is making tens of thousands of Democrats walk away from the stench and decay and atrophy of their party.
Becky, this is spot on about Trump, and why he is so beloved by many of us. (And I was most certainly not at first.)

Just this week Tucker Carlson had a two-part interview with Adam Corolla and Dennis Prager. Here is part 2, and they are speaking to your point right out of the box.

Spin Zone / Re: The Actual News
« on: November 01, 2018, 03:32:06 PM »
I’ve seen this over and over in the liberal press. They just use the headlines to herd their sheeple hither and thither, and to keep them believing the correct narrative. It’s so easy. Just create the damning, lying headline, and subtly deny its veracity waaaaaaaay down near the end of the article where no one will read it except conservatives like you and I.

This is why our President calls fake news the enemy of the people.
Exactly. There is no doubt in my mind that the 4th Estate has purposefully turned into the 5th Column.

Spin Zone / Re: Current suspicious package issue
« on: October 31, 2018, 03:26:39 PM »
My sure to be sainted father reposted this on Facebook:

"Charles Manson never murdered anyone. He just held rallies where he encouraged his followers to be violent."

I responded as follows:
"This is exactly right, I agree the time is long passed for all people of good conscious to oppose dog whistles inciting political violence, so I join the OP and call on Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, Cory Booker, Eric Holder, Kathy Griffin, Cher, Rosie O'Donnell, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, John Brennan, Jeff Zucker, Jim Acosta, Nancy Pelosi, Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, Misha Brzinsky, Joy Behar, Whoopie Golberg, Nancy Wasserman Schultz, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, the NYT Op/Ed Page, the Shakespeare in the Park production that portrayed the assassination of Trump, Madonna, Johnny Depp, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, George Soros, and their enablers at NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC - ALL OF WHOM HAVE BEEN NONSTOP INCITING TO VIOLENCE FOR ALMOST 3 YEARS NOW to stop the divisive rhetoric that has ACTUALLY incited people to actually shoot Republicans, to actually firebomb Republican Campaign Offices, to actually assault Republicans eating dinner, watching movies or trying to leave their home - to actually burn vehicles with pro Trump bumper stickers, to actually attack people on the right simply for trying to exercise their right to free speech on college campuses across the fruited plains - I agree, it is high time for this nonsense to stop - there is no place in the United States for political violence, on ANY side."


Spin Zone / Re: The Actual News
« on: October 31, 2018, 11:25:38 AM »
I'm sure this will be highlighted on CNN and MSNBC today......
That is awesome. Thanks for posting.

Spin Zone / Re: It’s over
« on: October 31, 2018, 09:38:59 AM »
Trump beat Hillary like a red-headed step child. (I love that phrase because my wife is a red-headed stepchild).

The left doesn't like Trump because he is:

He has this weird belief that if you have a better economy, people will be better off financially.
He doesn't believe that subsidizing laziness improves productivity.
He doesn't believe that the government knows how to spend your money better than you do.
He DOES believe that the United States has room for improvement.

And he said "Pussy" a few years ago.

All of those things override any facts you may come up with.
I would add that the left, and the milquetoasts in the middle, hate, despise, and reflexively want to destroy any conservative who has the balls to fight back against their hate-filled rhetoric.

They would much prefer the squishy Republicans like GW Bush, McCain, and other establishment types who willingly stand for the daily whipping of the left, and smile when receiving their beatings out of fear they if they say anything they may not be liked by the glitteratti media.

I prefer a man who has the balls to fight back. They alone is what gave Trump a win in 2016.

Spin Zone / Re: Rushie
« on: October 31, 2018, 07:56:08 AM »
I'm recommending a semi-permanent partial ban and subsequent flogging for each of you, for posting in contravention of rule 52B, subsection Q, line 234, which forbids discussion of thread locks or bans whether on this forum or others.
You’re misappropriating the rights of a moderator. You’re BANNED! 

Spin Zone / Re: My Governor
« on: October 29, 2018, 02:01:39 PM »
Two things come to my mind quickly though there were other tings as well.

1. When he stated right after Obama was elected POTUS that his main objective was to make Obama a one term president.   That should never be any senator or congressman's main objective.  Their main objective should be to pass legislation that will make America better.  Their objective should not be sabotaging the president.   BTW, I was not an Obama supporter but I found that statement reprehensible.   

2. His blocking of Merrick Garland's nomination to SCOTUS.  I'm not saying he should have been confirmed but I believe that any presidential nominee for any office should be heard by the relevant committee and then put to a vote before the full Senate.   It's supposed to be the advice and consent of the Senate, not a single senator.  The idea that a president should basically be forced to abdicate one of his duties in the last year of his term is ludicrous.   Until the Kavanaugh debacle, I had never seen a SCOTUS nominee treated so wrongly.   Both nominees were treated very poorly.
Garland’s life was attempted to be destroyed by partisans, through accusations of rape, assault, and other behavior?  I guess I missed that.

Moral equivalency doesn’t cut it here. Neither for the high tech lynching of Clarence Thomas, or the “Borking” of Robert Bork.

All Garland got was being turned down for an interview.

Spin Zone / Re: Current suspicious package issue
« on: October 26, 2018, 11:08:24 AM »
Does this look right?
Those almost look professionally applied, brand new, and never marred by leftists who took offense. It’s almost like a spontaneous march from Guatemala or something.

Spin Zone / Re: Standing up to invaders
« on: October 26, 2018, 10:12:07 AM »
Take a close look at this picture;

Looks like about 90% young able-bodied men. DO NOT WANT in my country.
Poor bastards were so desperate for asylum that they forgot to take their wives and children.

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